This book brings together some of the latest developments in solution chemistry and separation chemistry of f-block elements, which include (i) new solvent extraction systems and extractants for the separation of actinide and lanthanide elements, (ii) novel approach for fundamental solution chemistry study of solvent extraction reactions, and (iii) separation methods of new principle for f-block elements.
Sample Chapter(s)
Main Regularities in Extraction of Actinides by Bidentate Neutral Organophosphorus Compound (430 KB)
- Main Regularities in Extraction of Actinides by Bidentate Neutral Organophosphorus Compounds (B F Myasoedov & M K Chmutova)
- Actinide Partitioning by DIDPA Extraction (Y Morita et al)
- Synergistic Extraction of Actinides(III) and Lanthanides(III) with Thenoyltrifluoroacetone and Crown Ethers (Y Meguro et al)
- Separation of Lanthanides and Actinides with Ionizable Crown Ethers (C M Wai)
- New Synthetic Approaches to Metal-Selective “Armed Crown Ether” Reagents: Computor-Aided Design, High Pressure Synthesis and Their Perspectives in Lanthanide Chemistry (H Tsukube)
- Use of Physical Chemical Methods to Study Solvent Extraction Systems (G R Choppin)
- Hydration Studies of Lanthanides(III) and Actinides(III) Ions by Laser-Induced Fluorescence Spectroscopy (LIF) (T Kimura et al)
- and other papers
Readership: Chemists and researchers in energy.