This book reports the recent results obtained by Italian researchers in fuzzy logic. It collects some selected papers presented at the 1995 Italian Workshop on Fuzzy Logic (WILF '95), and some invited contributions. The book covers some of the most interesting topics in fuzzy logic: theory, evolutionary computing, and gives an overview of applications in control, image processing, pattern recognition, decisions support systems, and high energy physics.
- Structures Related to Fuzzy Logic Approach in Modelling (M Fedrizzi et al)
- Function Approximation by a Neuro-Fuzzy Method (M Marinaro & D Oricchio)
- Soft Computing for Control and Identification (R Caponetto et al)
- Color Classification and Image Enhancement Using Fuzzy Logic (R Attias et al)
- Application of the Unsupervised Fuzzy Kohonen Clustering Network for Remote Sensed Data Segmentation (P Blonda et al)
- Rough Fuzzy Sets and Unsupervised Neural Learning: Applications in Computer Vision (A Petrosino)
- Uncertainty and Approximation in Multimodel-Based Industrial Diagnosis (A Bonarini & P Sassaroli)
- Environmental Impact Assessment for Industrial Plants: A New Approach with Fuzzy Sets Techniques (R De Vita et al)
- Fuzzy Adaptive Inference and Medical Decision Support Systems: A Modular Approach for Dialysis Procedure (S Giove et al)
- High Speed (>50 MFIPS) Digital VLSI CMOS Fuzzy Processors Designed for HEPE Applications (M Masetti et al)
- and other papers
Readership: Scientists and researchers in fuzzy logic, robotics, image processing & computer vision, artificial intelligence, neural networks, systems & knowledge engineering, electrical & electronic engineering, experimental physics, applied mathematics and economics/finance.