This volume presents the experimental and theoretical methods of studying soft interaction physics in high energy collisions. The topics include: dynamical and Bose–Einstein correlations, multiplicity fluctuation, soft photons, disoriented chiral condensate, self-similarity and self-affine behaviors, wavelet analysis, intermittency, chaos, and phase transition.
Sample Chapter(s)
Bose-Einstein Correlations: A Research Program for the 21st Century (437 KB)
- Bose Einstein Correlations: A Research Program for the 21st Century (R M Weiner)
- Correlations in 158 GeV Pb+Pb Collisions Measured by NA49 (P Seyboth)
- Status of Soft Photon Production in WA83 and WA91∗ Experiments (M Spyropoulou-Stassinaki)
- Anisotropy in Ultra-Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collisions (E van Heeringen et al.)
- Wavelet Analysis of a Disoriented Chiral Condensate (I Sarcevic et al.)
- Fluctuations in Chiral Condensation (N Antoniou)
- Angular Correlations and QCD Parameters (B Buschbeck et al.)
- On Angular Correlations in Jets (P Lipa & B Buschbeck)
- Scaling Relations as Intermittency Probe (J C Seixas)
- Intermittency in Individual Events (B Ziaja)
- On Dynamics of Fractality in Central C-Cu Collisions at 4.5 A GeV/c (E K G Sarkisyan et al.)
- Nuclear Effect in Higher-Dimensional Factorial Moment Analysis (X Cai et al.)
- Fluctuations in Discretized Fragmentation (R B Peschanski)
- Criticality, Erraticity and Chaoticity in Strong Interactions (R C Hwa)
- The QCD Jet Fragmentation Structure (J-L Meunier)
- Multiplicity Distributions and Fluctuations in the Discrete QCD Model (R Ugoccioni)
- and other papers
Readership: Physicists.