This book on hybrid intelligent engineering systems is unique, in the sense that it presents the integration of expert systems, neural networks, fuzzy systems, genetic algorithms, and chaos engineering. It shows that these new techniques enhance the capabilities of one another. A number of hybrid systems for solving engineering problems are presented.
- An Introduction to Intelligent Systems (L C Jain & R Vemuri)
- Integration of Fuzzy Systems and Neural Networks, and Fuzzy Systems and Genetic Algorithms (H Takagi & M A Lee)
- Neuro-Expert Architecture and Applications in Diagnostic/Classification Domains (L R Medsker)
- Genetic Learning in Fuzzy Control (C L Karr & L C Jain)
- Cases in Geno-Fuzzy Control (C L Karr & L C Jain)
- Evolutionary Engineering and Applications (H de Garis)
- Fusion Technology of Neuro, Fuzzy, GA and Chaos Theory and Applications (R Katayama et al.)
Readership: General audience, undergraduates, and researchers interested in artificial intelligence and systems & knowledge engineering.