This book is devoted to the physical properties of nonideal plasma which is compressed so strongly that the effects of interparticle interactions govern the plasma behavior. The interest in this plasma was generated by the development of modern technologies and facilities whose operations were based on high densities of energy. In this volume, the methods of nonideal plasma generation and diagnostics are considered. The experimental results are given and the main theoretical models of nonideal plasma state are discussed. The problems of thermodynamics, electro-physics, optics and dynamic stability are covered.
- Non-Ideal Plasma. Basic Concepts
- Electrical Methods of Non-Ideal Plasma Generation
- Dynamic Methods in the Physics of Non-Ideal Plasma
- Ionization Equilibrium and Thermodynamic Properties of Weakly Ionized Plasma
- Thermodynamics of Plasma with Developed Ionization
- Electric Conductivity of Partly Ionized Plasma
- Electric Conductivity of Fully Ionized Plasma
- Optical Properties of Dense Plasma
- Non-Ideal Plasma with Disperse Condensed Phase (CDP)
- Dynamics and Stability of Non-Ideal Plasma
Readership: Researchers in plasma physics, plasma chemistry, plasma processing of material, light engineering, optics, statistical and experimental physics.
Vladimir E Fortov received his PhD and D.Phys.-Math.Sci. from the Institute of Chemical Physics (Chernogolovka) at the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) in 1971 and 1976, respectively. Since 1978, he has been Professor of Chemical Physics and Director of the High Energy Research Center at RAS. In 1991, he was elected an Academician of RAS. A leading specialist in the fields of extremal states of matter, strongly coupled plasmas, intense shock and detonation waves, he has published more than 220 papers. He is also Head of the Laboratory of the Institute of Chemical Physics, Vice-President of RAS, Vice-President of the International Union of High Pressure and Technology, member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts, and corresponding member of the International Academy of Aeronautics.
Igor T Iakubov received his PhD and D.Phys.-Math.Sci. from the Institute for High Temperatures at the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) in 1965 and 1973, respectively. Since 1980, he has been Professor of Thermophysics. Between 1965 and 1995, he was Senior Scientist and Head of the Theoretical Department of the Institute for High Temperatures at RAS. His topics of research include plasma physics, thermophysics, the electronics of liquids and positron physics. The Vice-Director of the Scientific Center for Applied Problems in Electrodynamics at RAS since 1996, he has published more than 160 papers. At present, his main interest is in magnetism and magnetic materials.