This volume addresses the important questions at the interface of particle physics, cosmology and nuclear astrophysics. It includes the latest results from LEP 2, primordial nucleosynthesis and dark matter, experiments to measure the cosmic background radiation and experiments in the laboratory with radioactive beams to ascertain the importance of astrophysics in the universe. Also presented are the new results at highest momentum transfer in positron–proton collisions from HERA.
- Phenomenology of LEP 2 Physics (J Ellis)
- Primordial Nucleosynthesis and Dark Matter (K A Olive)
- Cosmic Microwave Background Experiments (G F Smoot)
- Radioactive Nuclear Beams in the Universe and in the Laboratory (M Wiescher)
- Exotic and High Q2 Physics at HERA (B Heinemann)
- Recent Results on Hadronic B Decays from CLEO (R A Briere)
- Diffraction at HERA (B Clerbaux)
- Ground-Based Gamma Ray Astronomy with the STACEE Detector (D Hanna)
- A Lead Astronomical Neutrino Detector: LAND (C K Hargrove & J Dubeau)
- Recent Results from LSND Experiment (H J Kim)
- Beauty Results from OPAL (S Tarem)
- Neutralino Dark Matter in the Light of Recent ALEPH Data (P Morawitz)
- W Boson Pair Production at L3 (S C Nahn)
- Generalized Quantum Mechanics for Fermionic Systems (T Kopf & D A Craig)
- and other papers
Readership: High energy physicists, cosmologists and astrophysicists.