Much has changed in the world of quantum probability since the publication of the last volume in this series. Giants in the field, such as P-A Meyer, K R Parthasarathy and W von Waldenfels, have reached the age of retirement. Readers will, however, be pleased to see evidence in the present volume that Partha remains as creatively active as ever. The field itself, regarded at one time as the esoteric province of a small group of devotees, has come of age. It has attracted the enthusiastic commitment of an ever-growing army of young mathematicians and physicists, many of whom are represented here.
- Classical and Quantum Stochastic Calculus (A Attal)
- Quantum Markov Processes and Group Representations (Ph Biane)
- Elements of Quantum Probability (B Kümmerer & H Maassen)
- Quantum Statistical Mechanics and Feller Semigroups (T Matsui)
- Notes on the Symmetric Group Action in a Toy Fock Space (K R Parthasarathy)
- Information Geometry of Quantum States (D Petz)
- Delta-Time Perturbations of Abstract Schrödinger Operators (M A Astaburuaga et al.)
- Stopping Semimartingales on Fock Space (S Attal & K B Sinha)
- Product Systems of One-Dimensional Evans–Hudson Flows (B V R Bhat)
- On the Construction of Quantum Spectral Stochastic Integrals (M Brooks)
- A Relation Between Fock and Non-Fock CAR Stochastic Integrals (I Cuculescu)
- Asymptotic Behaviour of Reduced Dynamics on Hilbert Spaces (C Fernandez & H E Prado)
- Orthogonally Additive Functions on B(H) (S Goldstein & A Paszkiewicz)
- Long Time Behaviour of Continuously Observed and Controlled Quantum Systems (A Study of the Belavkin Quantum Filtering Equation) (V N Kolokol'tsov)
- Multiple Integrals and the Isomorphism Between a General White Noise Space and a Symmetric Fock Space (V Liebscher)
- Independence, Conditional Expectation and Martingales in Permutational Fock Space (N Muraki)
- Exponentials of Indicator Functions are Total in the Boson Fock Space Γ(L2([0,1)]) (K R Parthasarathy & V S Sunder)
- Dissipation in Quantum Mechanics: A Solvable Model (S Pascazio)
- An Extension of the Quantum Itô Table and Its Matrix Representation (N Privault)
- The Canonical Channel for Dynamical Quantum Entropy (J-L Sauvageot)
- Infinitesimal Generators in SUq(2) Do Not Depend on q (M Skeide)
- Critique of “Elements of Quantum Probability” (R D Gill)
- Addendum for “Independence for Quantum Stochastic Integrators” (J M Lindsay)
Readership: Mathematicians and mathematical physicists.