This series of volumes constitutes an outstanding collection of contributions by the most active research workers in the area of acoustics and mechanics. It brings the reader up to date on the status of the various aspects of research in this field. The volumes should preserve their value for a long time, as they represent a monument to the achievements of human research capabilities in the underwater-acoustics aspects of the environment.
- Scattering from Elliptical Shells — A Unified Approach Applicable to Both Elastic and Fluid Media (R P Radlinski & M M Simon)
- On the Systematic Use of Spherical, Cylindrical and Plane Vector Wave Functions in Elastodynamic Scattering Problems (A Boström)
- Computational Modeling of Transient Acoustic Wavefields — A Structured Approach Based on Reciprocity (A T de Hoop)
- Linear Viscoelasticity (F Mainardi)
- Transient Waves in Linear Viscoelastic Media (F Mainardi)
- Computational Ocean-Seismoacoustic Modeling Using Finite Elements (J E Murphy & S A Chin-Bing)
- Nonorthogonality of Measured Normal Modes in a Shallow Water Waveguide (G H Rayborn et al.)
- Nearfield Acoustical Holography (A Sarkissian)
- Elimination of Internal Resonance Effects in Acoustic Scattering from Cylinders Using Method of Moments (S P Sun & P K Raju)
- Pulsed Asymmetric Point Force Loading of a Layered Half-Space (P Borejko & F Ziegler)
- Nonlinear Stability Analysis of Pre-Stressed Elastic Bodies (Y B Fu & R W Ogden)
Readership: Nonlinear scientists.
“… Überall's work in acoustic and electromagnetic scattering has evoked much interest, in the US as well as abroad, because of its possible practical applications, as well as the theoretical understanding. Many collaborators have been inspired by it, and have now contributed to this volume. The book is an excellent contribution to the literature of Acoustics and Wave Propagation. Professor Guran is to be congratulated for organizing and editing this volume.”
Prof. Hans A Bethe, Nobel Laureate
Cornell University
“… This is an impressive collection of 45 research and review chapters involving 78 authors. Taking into account the high educational quality and research value of this set of books, it is recommended for purchase by libraries that serves research programs involved with acoustic scattering related to underwater and ultrasonics.”
Professor Philip Marston
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America