This book provides a unified description of elementary particle interactions and the underlying theories, namely the Standard Model and beyond. The authors have aimed at a concise presentation but have taken care that all the basic concepts are clearly described. Written primarily for graduate students in theoretical and experimental particle physics, The Physics of the Standard Model and Beyond conveys the excitement of particle physics, centering upon experimental observations (new and old) and a variety of ideas for their interpretation.
- Weak Interaction
- Symmetries and the Gauge Theories
- The Standard Model of Electroweak Interactions
- Quantum Chromodynamics
- Neutrino Masses and Neutrino Oscillations
- Supersymmetry
- Precision Test of Electroweak Radiative Corrections and New Physics
- Flavor Physics and CP Violation
- Appendices:
- Notation and Useful Relations
- Cross Sections and Feynman Rule
- Basics of the Group Theory
- C, P and T Transformation
- The Quark Model
Readership: Graduate students, experimentalists and theorists in high energy physics.
“This book is basically well written — presenting its subject matter with a reasonable compromise between discursiveness and conciseness … this is a very recommendable textbook which graduate schools would do well to suggest to their students, and which senior physicists may also find helpful.”
Contemporary Physics