This book contains the papers presented at the ICM2002 Satellite Conference on Nonlinear Evolution Equations and Dynamical Systems. About 50 mathematicians and scientists attended the meeting — including E Witten (IAS), C Nappi (Princeton), K Khanin (Cambridge), D Phong (Columbia), d'Hoker (UCLA) and Peng Chiakuei (CAS). The book covers several fields, such as nonlinear evolution equations and integrable systems, infinite-dimensional algebra, conformal field theory and geometry.
The proceedings have been selected for coverage in:
• Index to Scientific & Technical Proceedings (ISTP CDROM version / ISI Proceedings)
- Global Bifurcation from the Eigenvalues of Some Semi-Linear Biharmonic Equations (Z-C Chen & K Zhao)
- A Direct Extension of Lie Algebra An-1 (F Guo et al.)
- Differential Equations and Conformal Field Theories (Y-Z Huang)
- Lie Symmetries for Lattice Equations (D Levi)
- p-Harmonic Maps with Applications (S W Wei)
- Quivers and Hopf Algebras (F van Oystaeyen & P Zhang)
- Theory of Bidirectional Solitons on Water (J E Zhang & Y-S Li)
- A New Integrable Hierarchy and Its Expansive Integrable Model (Y-F Zhang & Q-Y Yan)
- Extremal Functions of Sobolev-Poincoré Inequality (M-J Zhu)
- and other papers
Readership: Researchers and graduate students in mathematical physics and differential equations.