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Symmetry and Modern Physics cover

C N Yang, one of the greatest physicists of the 20th Century, was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1957, jointly with T D Lee, for their investigation of the relationship (parity symmetry) between left- and right-handed states, leading to a discovery that astounded the world of physics — the nonconservation of parity by elementary particles and their reactions. With R L Mills, he created the concept of non-abelian gauge theories, the foundation of the modern description of elementary particles and forces. Professor Yang has worked on a wide range of subjects in physics, but his abiding interests have been symmetry principles, particle physics, and statistical mechanics.

In 1999, a symposium was held at the State University of New York at Stony Brook to mark the retirement of C N Yang as Einstein Professor and Director of the Institute for Theoretical Physics, and to celebrate his many achievements. A noteworthy selection of the papers presented at the symposium appears in this invaluable volume in honor of Professor Yang.

  • A Conservative Revolutionary (F Dyson)
  • Renormalization of Gauge Theories and Master Equation (J Zinn-Justin)
  • High Tc Superconductivity: Symmetries and Reflections (S-C Zhang)
  • When Atoms Behave as Waves: Bose–Einstein Condensation and the Atom Laser (W Ketterle)
  • A Theory of Gamma-Ray Bursts (G Brown et al)
  • Reconsideration of a Question Posed by Frank Yang at the 1973 Bonn Conference (M Veltman)
  • Direct T-Violation Measurements and T-Odd Effects in Decay Experiments (L Alvarez-Gaumé et al.)
  • Geometry Motivated by Physics (S-T Yau)
  • Bethe's Ansatz: Now and Then (B Sutherland)
  • The Microscopic World Unveiled by Electron Waves (A Tonomura)
  • Possibilities for Spin Physics at High Energy (E D Courant)
  • Research and Development Towards X-ray Free Electron Laser (L H Yu)
  • Remarks on Yang-Mills Theory (T T Wu)
  • The Hidden Information in the Standard Model (G 't Hooft)
  • The θ-τ Puzzle Revisited (M Goldhaber)
  • Remarks for ITP Presentation, C N Yang Symposium (G Sterman)

Readership: Students and researchers in physics.