This book provides an exposition of function field arithmetic with emphasis on recent developments concerning Drinfeld modules, the arithmetic of special values of transcendental functions (such as zeta and gamma functions and their interpolations), diophantine approximation and related interesting open problems. While it covers many topics treated in 'Basic Structures of Function Field Arithmetic' by David Goss, it complements that book with the inclusion of recent developments as well as the treatment of new topics such as diophantine approximation, hypergeometric functions, modular forms, transcendence, automata and solitons. There is also new work on multizeta values and log-algebraicity. The author has included numerous worked-out examples. Many open problems, which can serve as good thesis problems, are discussed.
- Number Fields and Function Fields
- Drinfeld Modules
- Explicit Class Field Theory
- Gauss Sums and Gamma Functions
- Zeta Functions
- Higher Rank Theory
- Higher Dimensions and Geometric Tools
- Applications to Gauss Sums, Gamma and Zeta Values
- Diophantine Approximation
- Transcendence Results
- Automata and Algebraicity: Applications
Readership: Graduate students and researchers in algebra, number theory and geometry.
“It is dense with mathematics, but there is also motivation and discussion. The overall feeling is that of a very helpful survey of a very interesting field.”
MAA Online Book Review
“Thakur's book is a welcome addition to the collection of books on the arithmetic of Drinfel'd modules and objects related to them. Written by an expert in the field, the book's style is generally informal, without compromising rigor. It certainly will be useful to graduate students wishing to pursue research in the area of function fields, and at the same time it can be used as a reference book. Many of the important results on special values and transcendence are due to Thakur himself, so in many places the reader gets the 'insider's look' on the subject, and sees how the ideas which go into the proofs were gradually developed.”
Mathematical Reviews
“Thakur's book is a valuable contribution to the theory of arithmetic function fields … The author has included several interesting examples and discusses many open problems.”
Zentralblatt MATH
Dinesh S Thakur got his doctorate from Harvard University in 1987. He has spent 3 years each in research at the Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton and at the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Bombay. Currently, he is a Professor of Mathematics at University of Arizona.