This timely and valuable book provides a detailed pedagogical introduction and treatment of the brane-localized gravity program of Randall and Sundrum, in which gravitational signals are able to localize around our four-dimensional world in the event that it is a brane embedded in an infinitely-sized, higher dimensional anti-de Sitter bulk space. A completely self-contained development of the material needed for brane-world studies is provided for both students and workers in the field, with a significant amount of the material being previously unpublished. Particular attention is given to issues not ordinarily treated in the brane-world literature, such as the completeness of tensor gravitational fluctuation modes, the causality of brane-world propagators, and the status of the massless graviton fluctuation mode in brane worlds in which it is not normalizable.
Sample Chapter(s)
Chapter 1: Why Higher Dimensions are Interesting (248 KB)
- Foreword by Alan H Guth
- Why Higher Dimensions are Interesting
- The Randall–Sundrum Set-Up
- General Structure of Anti-de Sitter Spacetimes
- General Properties of Embeddings
- The Israel Junction Conditions
- The Newtonian Limit of an Embedded Brane
- Embedding of Static Robertson–Walker Branes and Negative Pressure
- Embedding of de Sitter and Anti-de Sitter Branes in AdS5
- Embedding of Non-Static Robertson–Walker Branes in AdS5
- Embedding Robertson–Walker Brane Worlds in M(4,2)
- Null Geodesics of AdS5 Bulks Containing Robertson-Walker Branes
- Generalized Einstein Equations on the Brane
- General Structure of Brane-World Gravitational Fluctuations
- Transverse-Traceless M4 Fluctuation Modes
- Transverse-Traceless dS4/AdS4 Fluctuation Modes
- Normalization of Fluctuation Modes and Curved Space Gauss's Law
- Fluctuations around an Embedded Positive-Tension Minkowski Brane
- Fluctuations around an Embedded Negative-Tension Minkowski Brane
- Fluctuations around an Embedded Positive-Tension AdS Brane
- Equivalent Schrödinger Equation Treatment of the Fluctuation Equation
- Fluctuations around an Embedded Positive-Tension dS Brane
- Dynamically Generated Domain Walls and the Brane World
- Appendices:
- Gauge Invariance of the Fluctuation Equation
- Perturbative Weyl Tensor
- Transverse and Transverse-Traceless Projection
- Fluctuation Energy-Momentum Tensor
- Retarded Propagators for Pure AdS and Pure dS Spacetimes
- Embedding M(2,1) Branes in AdS4
Readership: Academic researchers and graduate students in high energy theory and general relativity.
“In this book Philip Mannheim has presented a self-contained and fully-detailed description of brane-world physics. It is not just a summary of the literature, but it is truly an elaboration on the literature. All of the derivations are laid out in a consistent formalism and in complete detail. The book should be a valuable resource to anyone who is interested in following the progress of this exciting area of theoretical physics.”
Alan H Guth