Poor data quality is known to compromise the credibility and efficiency of commercial and public endeavours. Also, the importance of managing data quality has increased manifold as the diversity of sources, formats and volume of data grows. This volume targets the data quality in the light of collaborative information systems where data creation and ownership is increasingly difficult to establish.
Sample Chapter(s)
Chapter 1: Genomic Information Quality (128 KB)
- Genomic Information Quality (Q Liu & X-M Lin)
- DeepDetect: An Extensible System for Detecting Attribute Outliers and Duplifates in XML (Q-F P Lau et al.)
- CHARIOT: A Comprehensive Data Integration and Quality Assurance Model for Agro-Meteorogical Data (M A F Mateo & C K-S Leung)
- Assessing Data Quality Within Available Context (J-Y Han et al.)
- Data Quality for Decision Support — The Indian Banking Scenario (H Diwakar & A Vaidya)
- An Approach to Cadastral Map Quality Evaluation in the Republic of Latvia (A Jansone)
- SNP Selection for Psychiatric Disease Association Based on Allele Frequency Plotsv (E Fuster-Garcia et al.)
- and other papers
Readership: Researchers, practitioners and graduate students working on database systems, collaborative information systems, and data quality.