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These proceedings are devoted to a wide variety of both theoretical and experimental areas in particle physics. The topics include physics at accelerators and studies of Standard Model and Beyond, neutrino and astroparticle physics, cosmology, CP Violation and rare decays, hadron physics, and new developments in quantum field theory. The papers of the volume reveal the present status and new development in the above mentioned items. In particular, the first results on measurement of LHC pp collision events are also reported.
Sample Chapter(s)
Foreword (84 KB)
Status of the Atlas Experiment (2,739 KB)
The following sections are included:
The ATLAS experiment is a general purpose detector to observe proton-proton collisions at the Large Hadron Collider. The experiment has been commissioned with a large sample of cosmic ray events recorded in 2008 and 2009, and the first proton-proton collisions were observed at the end of 2009. The very good state of readiness of the detector, and some first results of collisions, are reported.
The ATLAS experiment is aimed at the exploitation of the full physics potential of LHC. The 2009 - 2010 LHC run will provide the first collision data at an energy above the Tevatron energy. The detector calibration with physics processes and the main physics measurements possible with early data are presented.
In-medium effects for distributions of quarks and gluons in central A+A collisions are considered. We suggest a duality principle, which means similarity of thermal spectra of hadrons produced in heavy-ion collisions and inclusive spectra which can be obtained within the dynamic quantum scattering theory. Within the suggested approach we show that the mean square of the transverse momentum for these partons grows and then saturates when the initial energy increases. It leads to the energy dependence of hadron transverse mass spectra which is similar to that observed in heavy ion collisions.
CMS is one of the two general purpose particle detector experiments located at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN. After a brief overview of the CMS experiment, the final detector installation and its commissioning is reviewed. Some of the achievements of the past year are highlighted. Preliminary subdetectors performance results from the large data sample of cosmic ray collected during 2008 and 2009 and events produced by the first LHC beams are presented. The early physics potential is illustrated.
We study the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) discovery potential for Z′ models with continuously distributed mass for , 10 and 14 Tev centre-of-mass energies. One of possible LHC signatures for such models is the existence of broad resonance structure in Drell-Yan reaction pp → Z' + … → l+l- + ….
We critically review the scenario of black hole production by colliders in view of the recent calculations of the emission of Kaluza-Klein gravitons in the transplanckian collisions within the TeV-scale gravity models. These results indicate that strong radiative damping may substantially decrease the rate of black hole production at LHC.
The CDF and D0 experiments at the Fermilab Tevatron have now collected in excess of 6 fb-1 in integrated luminosity. These large datasets make available a wide range of electroweak measurements. Electroweak cross sections provide a great deal of vital information. Large inclusive cross sections (and asymmetries within those processes) are sensitive to parton distribution functions. Measurement of the W boson mass, a key parameter in the Standard Model (SM), can be made to high precision. Much smaller diboson cross sections are sensitive to trilinear coupling vertices, and are also common backgrounds to new physics searches. An overview of the most recent measurements from the CDF and D0 experiments will be presented.
Studies performed at 14TeV and 10TeV centre-of-mass energies to estimate the potential for top quark physics of the ATLAS experiment at the LHC are reviewed.
This paper describes a selection of early QCD analyses, planned to be performed with the ATLAS experiment. Plans for measurements of underlying event properties and minimum bias events in early data are discussed. Selected analyses including jets are presented.
The Standard Model of elementary particles is remarkably succesful in describing experimental data. The Higgs mechanism as the origin of electroweak symmetry breaking and mass generation, however, has not yet been confirmed experimentally. The search for the Higgs boson is thus one of the most important tasks of the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). This talk will present an overview of the potential of the ATLAS detector for the discovery of the Standard Model Higgs boson. Different production processes and decay channels -to cover a wide mass range- will be discussed.
Measurements of jet suppression via heavy ion collisions at RHIC lead to an interpretation that the produced, high temperature nuclear matter is "color opaque". Observation of large collective motion, known as elliptic flow in this strongly interacting nuclear matter, led to the suggestion that ideal hydrodynamic behavior was observed. We will look at what could be measured with the CMS detector, and how the higher centre-of-mass energy at the LHC will permit access to new observables and laboratory tests of AdS/CFT versus pQCD.
We present a study of the jet transverse structure which could be performed at CMS start up conditions. The analysis corresponds to the first 10pb-1 of proton-proton collisions at . Jet transverse structure is studied using the second moment of the jet profile in transverse momentum which reflects the distribution of transverse energy inside the jet cone. Different sources of sys-tematics were considered and a comparison of predictions from different generators (HERWIG++ and PYTHIA) was made. The jet structure differs for quark and gluon initiated jets and the possibility of estimating the fractions of quark and gluon jets from the second moment of the jet profile in transverse momentum is discussed.
The azimuthal anisotropy of charged particles in heavy ion collisions is an important probe of quark-gluon plasma evolution at early stages. The nuclear reaction plane can be determined independently by different CMS detector subsystems and using different analysis methods. The capabilities of the CMS detector at the LHC to reconstruct the reaction plane of the collision and to measure elliptic flow with calorimetry and a tracking system are discussed.
We review the capabilities of the CMS experiment to measure various observables in Pb-Pb collisions at the LHC, including elliptic flow, jet quenching, J/Ψ and ϒ production. The results are based on full simulation studies using the Monte-Carlo event generator HYDJET.
We discuss the issues related to systematics in experimental data. We consider the possibilities both for classifying and estimating of them and for implementing the estimators of systematic uncertainties in the data analysis of experiments at LHC.
Recent results from the H1 and ZEUS experiments are reported on electroweak physics and on searches for new physics. All results are in good agreement with the Standard Model.
Recent results from the electron-proton collider HERA on the structure of the proton and understanding of the data in terms of QCD are presented.
Recent searches beyond the Standard Model in collisions at center-of-mass energy of 1.96 TeV at Tevatron RunII are presented. The analyses use 1.1-4.1 fb-1 of data collected with CDF and D0 detectors.
The top quark, by far the most massive known fermion, provides a unique laboratory in which to study phyiscs at the electroweak scale. I report on recent top quark measurements from the CDF and DØ experiments at the Fermilab Tevatron collider, including the first observation of single top quark production, measurement of the top quark mass, the
production rate, and several searches for new physics in the properties of the top quark, and in its production and decay.
A brief summary of searches for new phenomena using the ATLAS detector at the LHC is presented.
Neutrino physics with the OPERA experiment will be discussed in this paper. First the OPERA physic goal will be presented. A description of the neutrino beam and of the detector will follow. The analysis of the beam induced neutrino interactions will then be presented.
We report new results from Fermilab E954, a neutrino scattering experiment SciBooNE. SciBooNE is motivated to measure the neutrino-nucleus cross sections precisely in the energy region of ~ 1 GeV. The measurements are important to understand the interactions of neutrinos with the nucleus and information is essential for future accelerator neutrino oscillation experiments, such as T2K. We report the measurements of the charged-current quasi-elastic scattering, the measurements of pion productions by neutrinos, and the status of the short baseline neutrino disappearance search together with the MiniBooNE experiment.
Tokai to Kamioka experiment (T2K) is an accelerator based long baseline neutrino oscillation experiment. Neutrino beams are produced at Japan proton accelerator research complex (J-PARC) and injected to Super-Kamiokande (SK). Our goals are discovery of νμ → νe mode and precise measurement of νμ disappearance mode. The neutrino facility was completed in March 2009 and first beam commissioning was performed in April and May. All components worked as designed and neutrino production was confirmed with the muon monitor.
Borexino detector has performed the first real-time measurement of 7Be solar neutrinos flux. Direct measurement of 8B solar neutrinos flux with the lowest threshold ever achieved by real-time detectors was done as well. Simultaneous spectral measurements in vacuum-dominated (7Be νe) and matter-enhanced (8B νe) oscillation (LMA) regions were performed for the first time by single detector.
Double Chooz is an experiment that is devoted to searches for reactor-antineutrino oscillations at the CHOOZ nuclear power plant. This project is aimed at measuring the unknown mixing angle θ13. It is assumed that the value of θ13 will be extracted from an analysis of the distortion of the antineutrino spectra obtained in relative measurements at two distances from the nuclear reactors by means of two identical detectors. The method makes it possible to minimize systematic errors of the experiment and to improve the sensitivity to the sought parameter. To date, the most stringent constraint on the parameter θ13 was obtained from the CHOOZ experiment in 1995 – 1997 (sin2(2θ13) < 0.19, with the difference of the squares of the neutrino masses being ).
A general overview on the ANTARES neutrino telescope is given. The status of the experiment is briefly reviewed. First results of atmospheric muon and neutrino analyses are presented.
Even 100 years after the discovery of cosmic rays their origin remains a mystery. In recent years, TeV gamma-ray detectors have discovered and investigated many Galactic sources where particles are accelerated up to energies of 100 TeV. However, it has not been possible up to now to identify these sites unambiguously as sources of hadronic acceleration. The observation of cosmic high-energy neutrinos from these or other sources will be a smoking-gun evidence for the sites of the acceleration of cosmic rays.
The claims that the GSI time anomaly is due to the mixing of neutrinos in the final state of the observed electron-capture decays of hydrogen-like heavy ions are refuted with the help of an analogy with a double-slit experiment. It is a consequence of causality. It is shown that the GSI time anomaly may be caused by quantum beats due to the existence of two coherent energy levels of the decaying ion with an extremely small energy splitting (about 6 × 10-16eV) and relative probabilities having a ratio of about 1/99.
The current status of the constraints for non-standard interactions (NSI) is discussed. This type of interactions arise naturally in models that consider physics beyond the Standard Model, especially when one tries to explain the origin of neutrino masses. Future perspectives for improving these constraints will also be briefly discussed.
The Karlsruhe Tritium Neutrino experiment (KATRIN) is designed to measure the mass of electron antineutrinos from tritium ß-decay with an unprecedented sensitivity of 0.2 eV/c2. As the experimentally measured parameter is the square of the neutrino mass, such a sensitivity can be reached only by improving both the statistical and systematic errors by two orders of magnitude relative to previous experiments. Special measures will be taken to improve the source thickness measurements, to prevent tritium penetration to the spectrometers, to improve the high voltage measurement, to control space charge effects in the gaseous source and the tritium adsorption on the rear wall of the source, etc.
The study of neutrinoless double beta decay (DBD) is the only presently known approach to the fundamental question if the neutrino is a Majorana particle, i.e. its own anti-particle. The observation of neutrinoless DBD would not only establish the Majorana nature of the neutrino but also represent a determination of its effective mass if the nuclear matrix element is given. So far, the most sensitive results have been obtained with 76Ge, and the group of Klapdor-Kleingrothaus has made a claim of discovery. Future experiments have to reduce radioactive backgrounds to increase the sensitivity. GERDA is a new DBD experiment which is currently under construction in the INFN Gran Sasso National Laboratory, Italy. It is implementing a new shielding concept by operating bare Ge diodes - enriched in 76Ge - in high purity liquid argon supplemented by a water shield. The aim of GERDA is to scrutinize the recent claim of discovery, and, in a second phase, to achieve a two orders of magnitude lower background index than recent experiments, increasing the sensitive mass and reaching an exposure of 100 kg yr. The paper will discuss design, physics reach, and status of construction of GERDA.
Cuore is a 1 ton-scale bolometric experiment devoted to the search of neutrinoless double beta decay of 130Te. The experiment will start data taking in 2012 at the Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso, Italy. Cuore will have a sensitivity for the half life of the searched process of the order of 1026y, and will be able to touch the inverted neutrino mass-hierarchy region. The success of the experiment will rely on the results that will be achieved in the reduction of the background.
The planned rhenium β-decay experiment MARE might probe the absolute mass scale of neutrinos with the same sensitivity as the tritium β-decay experiment KATRIN, which will start data taking in 2011 and will proceed for five years. We present the energy distribution of emitted electrons for the first unique forbidden β-decay of 187Re. It is found that the p-wave emission of electron dominates over the s-wave. By assuming mixing of three neutrinos the Kurie function for the rhenium β-decay is derived. It is shown that the Kurie plot near the endpoint is within a good accuracy linear in the limit of massless neutrinos like the Kurie plot of the superallowed βof 3H.
The neutrinoless double beta decay is analyzed using a general Lorentz invariant effective Lagrangian for various decaying nuclei of current experimental interest: 76Ge, 82Se, 100Mo, 130Te, and 136Xe. We work out the half-lives and angular correlation coefficients of the outgoing electrons in several scenarios for new physics: the left-right symmetric models, the R-parity-violating SUSY and models with leptoquarks. The theoretical uncertainty in the nuclear matrix elements is discussed.
The legacy of the NOMAD neutrino oscillation experiment is a unique data set with a large physics studies potential. We present here the results obtained for the quasi-elastic νμn → μ-p and reactions.
Recently completed precision measurements and other ongoing analyses by NOMAD experiment are reviewed.
In the paper the authors comment on the results concerning the detection of neutrino radiation from SN 1987A presented in complete bulk and published from 1987 to 1992 and also suggest their considerations on possible interpretation of the experiment.
We study flavor oscillations of low energy neutrinos propagating in dense matter of a rotating neutron star. On the basis of the exact solutions of the wave equations for neutrinos mass eigenstates we derive the transition probability for neutrinos having big initial angular momentum. It is found that flavor oscillations of neutrinos with energies of several electron-Volts can be resonancely enhanced.
The double conversion of the neutrino helicity νL → νR → νL has been analyzed for supernova conditions, where the first stage is due to the interaction of the neutrino magnetic moment with plasma electrons and protons in the supernova core, and the second stage, due to the resonance spin flip of the neutrino in the magnetic field of the supernova envelope. It is shown that, in the presence of the neutrino magnetic moment in the range 10-13 μB < μν < 10-12 μB and a magnetic field of ~ 1013 G between the neutrinosphere and the shock-stagnation region, an additional energy of about 1051 erg, which is sufficient for a supernova explosion, can be injected into this region during a typical shock-stagnation time.
The neutrino helicity-flip process under the conditions of the supernova core is reinvestigated. Instead of the uniform ball model for the SN core used in previous analyses, realistic models for radial distributions and time evolution of physical parameters in the SN core are considered. A new upper bound on the Dirac neutrino magnetic moment is obtained from the limit on the supernova core luminosity for νR emission.
The possibility of creation of cosmologically significant antimatter are analyzed in different scenarios of baryogenesis. It is argued that there may exist plenty of antimatter even in our Galaxy. Possible forms of antimatter objects and their observational signatures are discussed.
The instrument PAMELA, in orbit since June 15th, 2006 on board of the Russian satellite Resurs DK1, is daily delivering to ground 16 Gigabytes of data. The apparatus is designed to study charged particles in the cosmic radiation, with a particular focus on antiparticles for searching antimatter and signals of dark matter annihilation. A combination of a magnetic spectrometer and different detectors allows antiparticles to be reliably identified from a large background of other charged particles. New results on the antiproton-to-proton and positron-to-all electron ratios over a wide energy range (1-100 GeV) have been obtained from the PAMELA mission. These data are mainly interpreted in terms of dark matter annihilation or pulsar contribution.
The DAMA/LIBRA set-up (about 250 kg highly radiopure NaI(Tl) sensitive mass) is running at the Gran Sasso National Laboratory of the I.N.F.N. The first DAMA/LIBRA results published in 2008 have confirmed the model independent evidence for the presence of Dark Matter particles in the galactic halo, previously pointed out by the former DAMA/NaI experiment. After this conference, at beginning of 2010, the data of other two annual cycles have been released. The presence of Dark Matter particles in the galactic halo is now supported at 8.9 σ C.L. by an exposure of 1.17 ton × yr collected over 13 annual cycles by the former DAMA/NaI and the present DAMA/LIBRA. Related arguments are summarized.
A search for processes normally forbidden by the Pauli–Exclusion–Principle (PEP) has been carried out at LNGS by means of the DAMA/LIBRA set-up. The obtained upper limit for the spontaneous non-paulian emission rate of protons with energy Ep ≥ 10 MeV in 23Na and 127I is 1.63 × 10-33 s-1 (90%C.L.). The corresponding limit on the relative strength (δ2) for the transition is δ2 ≲ (3 – 4)×10-55 (90%C.L.). PEP violating electron transitions in Iodine atoms have also been investigated. Lifetimes shorter than 4.7 × 1030 s are excluded at 90%C.L. and a limit has been derived.
The particle physics interpretation of the missing-mass, or dark-matter, problem of cosmological and astrophysical nature is going to be posed under deep scrutiny in the next years. From the particle physics side, accelerator physics will deeply test theoretical ideas of new physics beyond the Standard Model, where a particle physics candidate to dark matter is often naturally obtained. From the astrophysical side, many probes are already providing a great deal of independent information on the signals which can be produced by the galactic or extra-galactic dark matter. The ultimate hope is in fact to be able to disentangle a dark matter signal from the various sources of backgrounds and to extract a coherent picture of new physics from the accelerator physics, astrophysics and cosmology side. A very ambitious and far–reaching project, indeed!
Surviving of small dark matter clumps is considered in early hierarchical structure formation and in the Galaxy for the standard power-law spectrum of primordial perturbations. The dense remnants of clumps provide a suitable contribution to the amplification of dark matter annihilation signal in the Galaxy. The formation and evolution of superdense clumps are also studied in the two non-standard scenarios: spike in the spectrum of primordial perturbations and cosmic strings loops as seeds.
The status of leptogenesis is reviewed, focusing in particular on the neutrino mass bounds and on the possibility to test New Physics.
The global network of gravitational wav detectors is a reality: since May, 2007 the LIGO Scientific community and the Virgo collaboration started to analysis in common all the data produced by the gravitational wave interferometers running in Europe and in USA. Here we review some of the recent results obtained by the two collaboration and we discuss the impact of the present and future observation for fundamental physics and astrophysics.
The current worldwide interferometer network comprises detectors in the US (LIGO) and Europe (GEO600 and VIRGO) as well as advanced facilities in Japan (TAMA, CLIO) and Australia (ACIGA). Detectors currently have the sensitivity to detect neutron star binary coalescences out to approximately 15Mpc (the Virgo supercluster). Furthermore the long baseline instruments (LIGO and VIRGO) will shortly be undergoing upgrades which will see their sensitivity increase by an order of magnitude by 2014. These detectors, together with an upgraded GEO detector, should make routine detections and open up the gravitational window on the universe. In the longer term, 3rd generation detectors operating post 2018 will further increase the sensitivity by an additional order of magnitude and will likely feature underground operation at cryogenic temperatures or operation in space.
New analysis to separate electrons from protons in the ATIC experiment has been performed. Five new discriminants were studied by different Monte Carlo programs. New electron spectrum, when compared with the published results [1], show good agreement in the most interesting region of energy (from 90 GeV to 600 GeV). It is argued that there is no disagreement between ATIC's results and Fermi-LAT ones. Finally, high-resolution electron spectrum is obtained and possible fine structure is found out in it.
The energy spectrum obtained on the Yakutsk array is compared with the results obtained on the AGASA and HiRes arrays and the latest Pierre Auger Observatory data. The discrepancy in the intensity of the energy spectra obtained in different experiments can be explained by the presence of systematic errors in shower energy estimations.
Primordial cosmological hypermagnetic fields polarize the early Universe plasma prior to the electroweak phase transition (EWPT). As a result of the long range parity violating gauge interaction present in the Standard Model their magnitude gets amplified, opening a new perturbative way of accounting for the observed intergalactic magnetic fields.
Superconducting source of the Kerr-Newman (KN) spinning particle is obtained as a consistent solution of the Einstein-Maxwell-Higgs system. The source forms an oblate rotating bubble filled by Higgs field which regularizes the KN electromagnetic (em) field, expelling it to the boundary of the bubble. External solution is KN one, while interior of the bubble is flat and extended analytically to flat 'negative' KN sheet, forming a holographic structure. Vortex of the em field forms a closed loop on the edge of bubble and quantizes spin of the solutions.
We consider the implications of using an atom as a rod and a clock in a constant gravitational field.
Nonhydrogen-like graviatoms corrected for DeWitt's self-action, mini-hole rotation and particle spin have been considered.
The global geometries of bulk vacuum space-times in the brane-universe models are investigated and classified in terms of geometrical invariants.
Active shieldings based on superconducting magnetic lenses were evaluated in the past in ESA supported studies. The present increasing interest on permanent space complexes, to be considered in the far future as 'Bases', rather than 'Stations', located in 'deep' space requires that this preliminary activity continues, envisaging the problem of the protection from Cosmic Ray (CR) action at a scale allowing long permanence in 'deep' space, besides to a relatively number of dedicated astronauts, also to citizens conducting there 'normal' activities. The realization of the magnetic protection of long permanence habitats by well-established nowadays materials and techniques is in principle possible, but not workable in practice for the huge required mass of the superconductor, the too low operating temperature and the corresponding required cooling power and thermal shielding. However the fast progress in the production of reliable High Temperature Superconducting (HTS) or MgB2 cables and of cryocoolers suitable for space operation opens the perspective of practicable solutions. Quantitative evaluations for the protection from Galactic CR of a large habitat of the 'Space Base' are presented. For possible solutions with outer diameter larger than that allowed by transportation to space vehicles it must in the meantime solved the problem of the assembling or deploying in space of the conductors for returning the electric current.
The following sections are included:
Experimental data from the PEP-II B-factory, obtained via initial-state radiation , are presented. Processes of e+e- annihilation into hadrons in the energy range up to 5 GeV are studied. From the measured cross sections the parameters of many resonances are improved, the baryons form factors are derived. New states, e.g; Y(4260) and Y(2175), for which the internal structure is not yet established, are observed.
Presented are selected results from semileptonic B-meson decays at BABAR. Two measurements of the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix element |Vcb| are reported, using moments of the hadronic-mass spectrum in inclusive decays, and also exclusive
decays. These results are based on data samples of 232 (inclusive
) and 460 (exclusive
) million
decays recorded by the BABAR detector at the PEP-II e+e-storage rings. Semileptonic events are identified by requiring a lepton (e or μ) in events tagged by a full reconstruction of one of the B mesons in the
The search for lepton Flavor Violation (LFV) in τ lepton decay in BABAR experiment at SLAC is presented. The data analyzed were collected at the e+e- asymmetric collider PEPII , operating at the center of mass energy corresponding to the mass of the Y4S resonance. Although the machine and the BABAR detector were built for the discovery of the CP Violation in B meson decay and the measurements of angles of the Unitarity Triangle of the CKM matrix, a large sample of τ leptons was collected. The large statistics available has allowed to set the upper limits (ULs) to the Branching Ratios (BR) of decay channels showing LFV, that in the Standard Theory are either forbidden or permitted at an experimentally unreachable level.
The search for physics beyond the Standard Model will be the primary task of the LHC experiments. At present, the most stringent constraints to new physics are given by Flavor Changing Neutral Current (FCNC) decays, such as processes that involve b → sγ transitions. The LHCb experiment has the possibility to consistently improve present results on rare FCNC decays of B-mesons. Here, the LHCb potential for the search of new physics in the rare decays Bs → μ+μ-, Bd → K*l+l-, Bs,d → e±μ∓ and Bs → ϕγ discussed.
In this contribution the prospects for CP violation measurements at the LHCb experiment are discussed. In particular, the expected improvement of the sensitivity to the CP-violating phases γ and βs are given.
We present the latest NA62 results in the search for physics beyond Standard Model (SM). NA62 aims to have indirect evidences of new physics, measuring rare K decays. NA62 phase I took place in 2007 when we collected data in order to measure the ratio RK = Ke2/Kμ2 (were Kl2 means K → lνl) at few per mill level. A brief experimental layout description will be followed by analysis strategy and preliminary results. The last part of present paper will be devoted to the description of NA62 phase II, which has the main goal of measuring the ultra-rare decay Branching Ratio.
Kaon decays are an ideal laboratory to study strong interaction dynamics in the low energy regime. The NA48/2 fixed target experiment was dedicated to the study of CP violation (CPV) and rare decays in the kaon sector. In this paper the most recent results are reported. The analysis of more than one million K± → π+π-e±ν (Ke4) rare decays allows a model independent approach to the study of low energy π-π scattering close to threshold providing an accurate test of Chiral Perturbation Theory (ChPT) predictions. This result is combined with the independent and complementary NA48/2 result obtained in the analysis of about 60 millions K± → π0π0π± (K3π), leading to an experimental measurement of a0 and a2, the isospin 0 and 2 s-wave π-π scattering lengths, of unprecedented precision. In the radiative decay K± → π±π0γ about one million events were reconstructed leading to the first measurement of the interference between direct photon emission and inner bremsstrahlung amplitude. Finally, we report on precise measurements of the branching fractions and the form factors of the rare decays K± → π±lepton+lepton-.
Particle production in ep deep inelastic scattering (DIS) has been studied in the ZEUS detector at HERA with an integrated luminosity of 0.44 fb-1. The distributions of scaled particle momenta in the Breit frame are measured for charged particles in the current fragmentation region. The results are presented in a very wide kinematic range 10 < Q2 < 41000 GeV2 and compared with theoretical predictions. The concept of quark-fragmentation universality is tested in comparison with results from e+e- annihilation.
The unitarization of the amplitudes of and K+ → π+π+π- decays allows, using the parameters extracted from the data on K → 2π decays, to obtain a value of width of K+ → #x03C0;+#x03C0;+#x03C0;- decay coinciding to a level of a few percent with its experimental magnitude.
The slope parameter g++- calculated with taking into account the higher order terms in the momentum expansion of the K+ → π+π+π- amplitude turns out to be in agreement with
The axial (related to axial anomaly) and vector currents of heavy quarks are considered. The special attention is payed to the strangeness polarization mediated by gluon anomaly and treatment of the strange quarks in a heavy ones in a multiscale nucleon. It is shown that the straightforward modification of Heisenberg-Euler effective lagrangian allows to calculate the vector current of strange quarks and describes an analog of Chiral Magnetic Effect for strange and heavy quarks.
Hadronic matter in very strong (hadron-scale) magnetic fields acquires many new interesting properties. Some of these properties can be studied with the help of lattice simulations in quenched lattice gauge theory. One of the interesting effects is the chiral magnetic effect, that is, the enhancement of the fluctuations of currents and charge densities by the magnetic field. By virtue of the Green-Kubo dispersion relations, this enhancement of fluctuations corresponds to the enhancement of the electric conductivity of hadronic matter. We review here the results of our recent studies of this phenomenon.
It is shown that the nonperturbative effects due to hadronization play a crucial role in a number of strong interaction processes. In particular, these effects impose a stringent constraint on the infrared behavior of the Adler function and play an essential role in theoretical analysis of the inclusive τ lepton decay.
The COMPAS experiment at the CERN SPS has a broad physics program focused on the nucleon spin structure and hadron spectroscopy, using muon and hadron beams, respectively. In this report we present results from COMPASS on the inclusive longitudinal spin-dependent asymmetry A1 at small and high Q2, the spin-dependent structure function g1d and the first moment value, semi-inclusive asymmetries and distributions of polarized constituent and sea quarks obtained from 2002-2004 and 2006 data with a 160 GeV longitudinally polarised + beam and a 6LiD target. Preliminary results on the analysis comprising 2007 data obtained with the same beam and the proton polarised target are discussed.
Measurement of the semi-inclusive π+ electroproduction off the proton, performed with CLAS detector at Jefferson Lab, has been presented. The obtained fully-differential cross sections, including the azimuthal angle between hadronic and leptonic planes, ϕ, allowed us to separate the ϕ-dependent terms. While, the ϕ-independent part of the cross section was found to be in good agreement with current fragmentation pQCD calculations.
Results of the next-to-leading order QCD calculations of inclusive cross sections of jet production in and pp collisions at energies
are used to test the z-scaling and compare with available experimental data. The dependence of the spectra in pT- and z-presentations on the collision energy
and parton distributions is studied. It is shown that self-similar features of jet cross sections dictated by the z-scaling give strong restriction on the asymptotic behavior of Ψ(z) predicted by perturbative QCD. The new constraint on the gluon distribution function based on the properties of z-scaling for jet production is suggested.
A two component model describing the electromagnetic nucleon structure functions in the low-x region, based on generalized vector dominance and color dipole approaches is briefly described.
In my report I describe the generalization of Analytic Perturbation Theory (APT) for QCD observables, initiated by Radyushkin, Krasnikov, Pivovarov, Shirkov and Solovtsov [1–3], to fractional powers of coupling — the so called Fractional APT (FAPT) [4,5]. The basic aspects of FAPT are shortly summarized. After that I discuss how to treat heavy-quark thresholds in FAPT [6] and then show how to resum perturbative series in both the one-loop APT and FAPT, provided that the generation function P(t) of perturbative coefficients dn is known [6–8]. As an application I consider FAPT description of the Higgs boson decay . My main conclusion is: To achieve an accuracy of the order of 1% it is enough to take into account up to the third correction—in complete agreement with Kataev–Kim analysis in [10]. The d4 coefficient value calculated in [9] is needed only to estimate the corresponding generating function P(t).
The multiplicity difference correlators between two well-separated bins in high energy heavy-ion collisions are studied using Monte-Carlo simulations. Numerical value of the universal scaling exponents γ is calculated and compared whit results obtained within the framework of Ginzburg-Landau theory. Simulations of phase transitions using Monte Carlo generators are discussed.
We use the screened Coulomb potential with r-dependent coupling constant and the non—perturbative quark—antiquark potential derived within Field Correlator Method (FCM) to calculate J/Ψ, ϒ, Ωc and Ωb binding energies and melting temperatures in the deconfined phase of quark-gluon plasma.
The following sections are included:
We found that vector and axial vector new light particle exchanges are strongly bounded by high energy data; the analogous bound for a scalar particle is considerably weaker, while for pseudo-scalar exchange particles there are no bounds at all.
The approach unifying spin and charges [1–4], which predicts that all the internal degrees of freedom—the spin, all the charges and the families—originate in only two kinds of spins in d > (1 + 3), offers a new way to understanding the appearance of the charges and the families. A simple starting Lagrange density for gauge fields and for spinors in d > (1 + 3), which carry nothing but two kinds of spins—the Dirac one and the additional one anticommuting with the Dirac one—and interact with only the gravitational field through the vielbeins and the two kinds of the spin connection fields (the gauge fields of the two kinds of the Clifford algebra objects) manifests (after particular breaks of the starting symmetry) in d = (1 + 3) the properties of fermions and bosons as postulated by the standard model of the electroweak and colour interactions, with the Yukawa couplings included. The approach predicts the fourth family with the masses to be possibly seen at the LHC or at somewhat higher energies and the fifth family, which decouples in the Yukawa couplings from the lower four families. The properties of this fifth family members through the evolution of the universe up to today are estimated, predicting that they are what the dark matter is made out of.
No abstract received
We consider pair production and decay of fundamental unstable particles in the framework of a modified perturbation theory treating resonant contributions in the sense of distributions. Outcomes of a numerical simulation up to the NNLO with taking into account universal massless-particles contributions are presented.
Some calculations show that all integrals, defining the β-function in supersymmetric theories, are integrals of total derivatives. Here we try to explain this substituting solutions of Slavnov–Taylor identities into Schwinger–Dyson equations.
Near-threshold production of boson pairs is considered within the framework of the model of unstable particles with smeared mass. The results of calculations are in good agreement with LEP II data and Monte-Carlo simulations.
Vector meson radiative and hadronic decays are considered within the framework of U0(1) × U(1) × SU(2) gauge symmetry approach. The model parameters are fixed to describe an electromagnetic and strong meson decays in a good agreement with the data.
An effect generated by the nonexponential behavior of the survival amplitude of an unstable state in the long time region is considered. We find that the instantaneous energy of the unstable state for a large class of models of unstable states tends to the minimal energy of the system εmin as t → ∞ which is much smaller than the energy of this state for t of the order of the lifetime of the considered state. Analyzing the transition time region between exponential and non-exponential form of the survival amplitude we find that the instantaneous energy of the considered unstable state can take large values, much larger than the energy of this state for t from the exponential time region. Taking into account results obtained for a model considered, it is hypothesized that this purely quantum mechanical effect may be responsible for the properties of broad resonances such as σ meson as well as having astrophysical and cosmological consequences.
We give the precise analysis of first excited state electron synchrotron radiation (SR) power using quantum theory methods.
A method of calculation Casimir pressure using Green surface function is considered in two-dimensional case. A method of approximate calculation of the regular part of the Green surface function with the help of a Born-type series is suggested.
For the general renormalizable N=1 supersymmetric Yang–Mills theory, regularized by higher covariant derivatives, a two-loop β-function is calculated. It is shown that all integrals, needed for its obtaining are integrals of total derivatives.
Within the context of electrodynamics extended with the Lorentz- and CPT-violating Chern-Simons term, we consider the photon Casimir effect between two parallel perfectly conducting plates. We find the one-photon eigenstates between the plates and then renormalize the sum over their energies using the residue theorem. As a result, we find the leading quadratic Chern-Simons correction to the Casimir force and place a constraint on the Chern-Simons coupling.
A new method based on the Monte-Carlo calculation on the lattice is proposed to study the Casimir effect in the noncompact lattice QED. This method can be used for Chern-Simons surfaces (thin metal films) and for dielectric plates.
The problem of the boundary state formation of the fourth-generation quarks due to the interaction with the Higgs field was considered. Such interaction leads to the change of the vacuum expectation value of the Higgs field locally around the heavy fermion and to the non-topological soliton generation. This phenomenon plays a very important role for the fourth-generation quarks physics.
We propose a new unitary exponential parameterisation of the neutrino mixing matrix in the Standard Model, where the CP-violating term and the Majorana phases term are accounted for by a special term, separated from the rotational one and discuss its properties in comparison with the O(3) rotation matrix in the angle-axis form.
The recent results of micro fibers of diamond bundles and gyroscope creation by using an exotic quasiparticles (magnetic charges) are represented. We note that classic L. Euler's model of gyroscope can be used as theoretical model of magnetic charge vortex. A new type of an exotic (twin) quasiparticles have been identified, which are also generated and detected in laser-discharge experiments in vacuum and air.
Orbital, spin and it's mixed density tensors of angular momentum radiation of electromagnetic field are constructed on the basis of technique of covariant differentiation. As an example the angular momentum of spin light of a magneton moving with a constant velocity is considered.
Two alternative definitions of density of angular momentum of electromagnetic field by Ivanenko-Sokolov and by Teitelboim et al. are discussed. It is shown that both definitions give identical integral characteristics of radiation for an arbitrary moving relativistic charge. The total powers of orbital angular momentum and spin momentum of radiation are deduced and the exactly physical interpretation obtained.
For 2d Eguchi-Kawai model and two-matrix model with commutators we compare a correlation function.
The following sections are included:
Sample Chapter(s)
Foreword (84k)
Status of the Atlas Experiment (2,739k)