This volume consists of research papers and expository survey articles presented by the invited speakers of the conference on “Harmony of Gröbner Bases and the Modern Industrial Society”. Topics include computational commutative algebra, algebraic statistics, algorithms of D-modules and combinatorics. This volume also provides current trends on Gröbner bases and will stimulate further development of many research areas surrounding Gröbner bases.
Sample Chapter(s)
Chapter 1: Multidegree for Bifiltered D-modules and Hypergeometric Systems (302k)
- Multidegree for Bifiltered D-modules and Hypergeometric Systems (R Arcadias)
- Desingularization Algorithms: A Comparison from the Practical Point of View (R Blanco and A Frühbis-Krüger)
- Computing Localizations Iteratively (F J Castro-Jiménez and A Leykin)
- KNOPPIX/Math: A Live System for Mathematics (T Hamada and KNOPPIX/Math Committers)
- Running Markov Chain without Markov Basis (H Hara, S Aoki and A Takemura)
- Degree Bounds for a Minimal Markov Basis for the Three-state Toric Homogeneous Markov Chain Model (D Haws, A Martín del Campo and R Yoshida)
- First Steps toward the Geometry of Cophylogeny (P Huggins, M Owen and R Yoshida)
- Cones of Elementary Imsets and Supermodular Functions: A Review and Some New Results (T Kashimura, T Sei, A Takemura and K Tanaka)
- Non-vanishingness of Betti Numbers of Edge Ideals (K Kimura)
- Abstract Tubes Associated with Perturbed Polyhedra with Applications to Multidimensional Normal Probability Computations (S Kuriki, T Miwa and A J Hayter)
- An Algorithm of Computing Inhomogeneous Difference Equations for a Definite Sum (H Nakayama)
- Incomplete A-Hypergeometric Systems (K Nishiyama and N Takayama)
- Implementation of a Primary Decomposition Package (M Noro)
- On Computation of the Characteristic Polynomials of the DiscriminantalArrangements and the Arrangements Generated by Generic Points (Y Numata and A Takemura)
- A Dictionary of Gröbner Bases of Toric Ideals (H Ohsugi)
- Log-linear Model Estimation for Stratified Educational Data (T Otsu)
- Toric Statistical Models: Ising and Markov (G Pistone and M P Rogantin)
- Algebraic Reliability Based on Monomial Ideals: A Review (E Sáenz-de-Cabezón and H P Wynn)
- On Irreducibility of Algebroid Curves over the Complex Number Field (T Shibuta)
- Polyhedral Approach to Statistical Learning Graphical Models (M Studený, D Haws, R Hemmecke and S Lindner)
Readership: Graduates and researchers in the field of Gröbner bases.