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Mathematical Physics cover
Also available at Amazon and Kobo

This volume showcases selected recent work presented at the 13th Regional Conference on Mathematical Physics held in Antalya, Turkey in 2010. The conference was dedicated to the memory of Faheem Hussain, one of the initiators of the Regional Conference series, and one of the organizers of the 12th Regional Conference. The “region”, originally comprised of Turkey, Iran and Pakistan, extends now to Bangladesh and Central Asia. However, the contributing researchers are not only limited to this region.

Prominent contributors include B Ahmedov (Tashkent), F Ardalan (Tehran), N Dadhich (Pune), D A Demir (İzmir), R L Hall (Montreal), M Hortaçsu (İstanbul), M Koca (Oman), C S Lim (Kobe), F Mahomed (Johannesburg), A Qadir (Rawalpindi), M A Rashid (Rawalpindi), M Sakamoto (Kobe), M Sharif (Lahore), F Toppan (Rio), N Ünal (Antalya), amongst others. They sample a number of topics in the formal aspects of mathematical physics, general relativity and cosmology, quantum gravity, quantum field theory, and even applied physics.

Sample Chapter(s)
Geometric Spectral inversion (864 KB)

  • Formal Aspects:
    • Geometric Spectral Inversion (Richard L Hall)
    • Heun Functions and Their Uses in Physics (M Hortaçsu)
    • Coxeter Groups, Quaternions, Symmetries of Polyhedra and 4D Polytopes (Mehmet Koca and N Özdeş Koca)
    • Hermite-Bernoulli 2D Polynomials (Burak Kurt and Veli Kurt)
    • Symmetry Classification of Coupled Heat-Diffusion Systems via Low Dimensional Lie Algebras (F M Mahomed and M Molati)
    • Green's Functions and Transition Amplitudes for Time-Dependent Linear Harmonic Oscillator with Linear Time-Dependent Terms Added to the Hamiltonian (M A Rashid and M U Farooq)
    • Time Dependent Harmonic Oscillator and Quasi-Coherent States (Nuri Ünal)
  • General Relativity and Cosmology:
    • Integrability Conditions for Conformal Ricci Collineation Equations (M Afzal, U Camci and K Saifullah)
    • Noether Symmetries of Geodesic Equations in Spacetimes (Ibrar Hussain)
    • Universal Features of Gravity and Higher Dimensions (Naresh Dadhich)
    • Some Interesting Consequences of ƒ(R) Theory of Gravity (Muhammad Sharif and Hafiza Rizwana Kausar)
  • Quantum Gravity:
    • Stress-Energy Connection: Degravitating the Vacuum Energy (Durmuş Ali Demir)
    • The Information Loss Paradox and the Holographic Principle (Asghar Qadir)
  • Quantum Field Theory:
    • Generalized Noncommutative Gauge Theory (F Ardalan)
    • CP Violation and Flavor Physics in Gauge-Higgs Unification Scenario (C S Lim)
    • Hidden Quantum-Mechanical Supersymmetry in Extra Dimensions (Makoto Sakamoto)
    • On Chiral and Nonchiral 1D Supermultiplets (Francesco Toppan)
  • Applied Physics:
    • Application of Perturbation Theory to Elastic Models of DNA (B Eslami-Mossallam and M R Ejtehadi)
    • Electromagnetic Studies of Ionospheric and Magnetospheric Perturbations Associated with the Earth, Atmospheric and astrophysical Phenomena (S R Tojiev, V S Morozova, B J Ahmedov and H E Eshkuvatov)

Readership: Graduate students and researchers in mathematical physics.