This book is a collection of contributions to the Symposium on Interface between Quantum Information and Statistical Physics held at Kinki University in November 2011. Subjects of the symposium include quantum adiabatic computing, quantum simulator using bosons, classical statistical physics, among others. Contributions to this book are prepared in a self-contained manner so that a reader with a modest background may understand the subjects.
Sample Chapter(s)
Bosons in an Optical Lattice with a Synthetic Magnetic Field (969 KB)
- Bosons in an Optical Lattice with a Synthetic Magnetic Field (K Kasamatsu)
- Quantum Simulation Using Exciton-Polaritons and Their Applications Toward Accelerated Optimization Problem Search (T Byrnes, K Yan, K Kusudo, M Fraser and Y Yamamoto)
- Quantum Simulation Using Ultracold Atoms in Optical Lattices (S Sugawa, S Taie, R Yamazaki and Y Takahashi)
- Universality of Integrable Model: Baxter's T-Q Equation, SU(N)/SU(2)N–3 Correspondence and Ω-Deformed Seiberg-Witten Prepotential (Ta-sheng Tai)
- Exact Analysis of Correlation Functions of the XXZ Chain (T Deguchi, K Motegi and J Sato)
- Classical Analogue of Weak Value in Stochastic Process (H Tomita)
- Scaling of Entanglement Entropy and Hyperbolic Geometry (H Matsueda)
- From Classical Neural Networks to Quantum Neural Networks (B Tirozzi)
- Analysis of Quantum Monte Carlo Dynamics in Infinite-range Ising Spin Systems: Theory and Its Possible Applications (J Inoue)
- A Method to Control Order of Phase Transition: Invisible States in Discrete Spin Models (R Tamura, S Tanaka and N Kawashima)
- Quantum Annealing and Quantum Fluctuation Effect in Frustrated Ising Systems (S Tanaka and R Tamura)
Readership: Graduate students and researchers in physics, mathematics, informatics and computer science. Accessible to advanced undergraduate students.