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The field of marketing science has a rich history of modeling marketing phenomena using the disciplines of economics, statistics, operations research, and other related fields. Since it is roughly 50 years from its origins, The History of Marketing Science is a timely review of the accomplishments of marketing scientists in a number of research areas.
Different research areas of marketing science, such as Pricing, Internet Marketing, Diffusion Models, and Advertising, are treated to a highly readable and easy-to-digest historical analysis by the contributing authors. Each chapter provides a chronological timeline of key historical developments in the area of marketing science covered. Readers of other disciplinary backgrounds outside of economics, statistics, and operations research will be more than able to appreciate the development of marketing science as a field of research and its pioneers through the book.
Sample Chapter(s)
Chapter 1: The History of Marketing Science: Beginnings (90 KB)
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New products have been a key focus of research in marketing for decades. As such, there is a huge literature associated with (and numerous books on) the subject, which makes it impossible to provide a comprehensive treatment in this short chapter. To provide some focus, this chapter concentrates on five streams of research: opportunity identification and concept generation, design and development, forecasting and testing, strategy and management, and valuation, including the evolution of these streams over the past 50 years…
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About the Editors
Russell S Winer is the William Joyce Professor and Chair of the Department of Marketing at the Stern School of Business, New York University. He received a BA in Economics from Union College and an MS and PhD in Industrial Administration from Carnegie Mellon University. He has been on the faculties of Columbia and Vanderbilt universities and the University of California at Berkeley. Professor Winer has been a visiting faculty member at MIT, Stanford University, Cranfield School of Management (UK), the Helsinki School of Economics, the University of Tokyo, École Nationale des Ponts et Chausées, Henley Management College (UK), and the Indian School of Business. He has written three books, Marketing Management, Analysis for Marketing Planning and Product Management, and a research monograph, Pricing. He has authored over 70 papers in marketing on a variety of topics including consumer choice, marketing research methodology, marketing planning, advertising, and pricing. Professor Winer has served two terms as the editor of the Journal of Marketing Research. He is the past co-editor of Journal of Interactive Marketing, an Associate Editor of the International Journal of Research in Marketing, and is on the editorial boards of the Journal of Marketing, the Journal of Marketing Research, and Marketing Science. He is a past Executive Director of the Marketing Science Institute in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Professor Winer is a founding Fellow of the INFORMS Society for Marketing Science and is the 2011 recipient of the American Marketing Association/Irwin/McGraw-Hill Distinguished Marketing Educator award.
Scott A Neslin is the Albert Wesley Frey Professor of Marketing at the Tuck School of Business, Dartmouth College. He has been at Tuck since completing his PhD in 1978 at the Sloan School of Management, MIT. He was a visiting associate professor at MIT (1984) and a visiting scholar at the Yale School of Management (1989–1990), the Fuqua School of Business, Duke University (2002), as part of Duke's Teradata Center for CRM, and Columbia Business School (2009–2010). Professor Neslin's expertise is in the measurement and analysis of marketing productivity. His focus is on database marketing, sales promotion, and advertising. He has published on these and other topics in journals such as Marketing Science, Journal of Marketing Research, Management Science, Journal of Marketing, and Journal of Interactive Marketing. In the field of database marketing, he is co-author with Robert C Blattberg and Byung-Do Kim of Database Marketing: Analyzing and Managing Customers (2008, Springer). He is also co-editor, with Kristof Coussement and Koen W De Bock of Advanced Database Marketing (2013, Gower). In the database marketing area, he has investigated the application of predictive modeling to cross-selling, forecasting customer churn, and optimal customer management. He has analyzed issues in multichannel customer management including research shopping, customer channel migration, channel choice, and cross-channel effects of advertising. In the sales promotion area, he is co-author with Robert C Blattberg of the book, Sales Promotion: Concepts, Methods, and Strategies (1990, Prentice-Hall), and author of the monograph Sales Promotion (2002, Marketing Science Institute). His work on promotions includes studies of the impact of promotions on stockpiling, consumption, repeat purchasing, and factors that determine promotion effectiveness, as well as strategic issues related to store brands, optimal promotion planning, and corporate-wide shifts in promotion policy. Professor Neslin is an Associate Editor for Marketing Science, and is on the editorial boards of the Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Marketing, Journal of Interactive Marketing, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, and Marketing Letters. He served as President of the INFORMS Society for Marketing Science (ISMS) and is an ISMS Fellow. Website: http://mba.tuck.dartmouth.edu/pages/faculty/scott.neslin/.
About the Contributors
Kusum L Ailawadi is the Charles Jordan 1911 TU'12 Professor of Marketing at the Tuck School at Dartmouth. She received her MBA from the Indian Institute of Management in Bangalore, India, and her PhD from the University of Virginia. She examines the impact of promotions and store brands on the performance of manufacturers and retailers, and studies consumer, competitor, and retailer response to major marketing policy changes. Kusum is a recipient of the Davidson, Maynard, and Little best paper awards, the winner of the Marketing Science Institute/Journal of Marketing Research competition for academic-practitioner collaborative research, and a finalist for the O'Dell and Paul Green awards and the ISMS Practice Prize. She serves on the editorial boards of JMR, Marketing Science, JAMS, and Journal of Retailing and is an area editor for JM and IJRM. She is also an academic trustee of the Marketing Science Institute and AiMark, organizations in the US and Europe respectively that bring together academics and practitioners to facilitate research and idea exchange.
Tülin Erdem is the Leonard N Stern Professor of Business Administration and Professor of Marketing at the Stern School of Business, New York University. She served there as the Co-Director of Center for Digital Economy Research and the Director of Stern Center for Measurable Marketing. Before joining Stern in 2006, Tülin Erdem has also been the E T Grether Professor of Business Administration and Marketing at the Haas School of Business, University of California at Berkeley, where she served also as the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and the Marketing Group Chair, and the PhD Director at the Haas School of Business. Her research interests include advertising, brand management and equity, consumer choice, decision-making under uncertainty, econometric modeling, and marketing mix effectiveness. She has published several papers in top field journals. She has received best paper awards, as well as major research grants, including two major National Science Foundation (NSF) grants. She has served as an Area Editor at Marketing Science, Associate Editor at Quantitative Marketing and Economics and Journal of Consumer Research. She has been on the editorial boards of Journal of Marketing Research, International Journal of Research in Marketing, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science and Marketing Letters. Tülin Erdem served as the President of INFORMS Marketing Society (ISMS). She was also the editor-in-chief of Journal of Marketing Research during 2009–2012. Tülin Erdem has a BA (Boǧaziçi University) and MA in Economics and PhD in Business Administration (University of Alberta).
Peter S Fader is the Frances and Pei-Yuan Chia Professor of Marketing at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. His expertise centers around the analysis of behavioral data to understand and forecast customer shopping/purchasing activities. He serves as co-director of the Wharton Customer Analytics Initiative, a research center that serves as a “matchmaker” between leading edge academic researchers and top companies that depend on granular, customer-level data for key strategic decisions. Professor Fader believes that marketing should not be viewed as a “soft” discipline, and he frequently works with different companies and industry associations to improve managerial perspectives in this regard. His work has been published in (and he serves on the editorial boards of) a number of leading journals in marketing, statistics, and the management sciences. He has won many awards for his teaching and research accomplishments.
Peter N Golder is a Professor of Marketing at the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth. His research on market entry timing, new products, long-term market leadership, and quality has won more than 10 best paper or best book awards including William F O'Dell (Journal of Marketing Research), Harold H Maynard (Journal of Marketing), INFORMS Long Term Impact Award (Marketing Science), Frank M Bass (Marketing Science), and Berry Book Prize (American Marketing Association). His research has also been featured in numerous mass-media outlets including The Wall Street Journal, The Financial Times, The Economist, and Advertising Age. He holds a PhD in Business Administration from the University of Southern California and a BS in mechanical engineering from the University of Pennsylvania.
Sunil Gupta is the Edward W Carter Professor of Business at the Harvard Business School. His research interests include digital marketing, customer management, pricing, and return on marketing investment. His articles in these areas have won several awards including the O'Dell (1993, 2002, and 2009) and the Paul Green (1998, 2005) awards for the Journal of Marketing Research, and the best paper awards for the International Journal of Research in Marketing (1999) and Marketing Science Institute (1999, 2000, and 2003). His book, Managing Customers as Investments, won the 2006 annual Berry-AMA book prize for the best book in marketing. Sunil holds a Bachelors degree in Mechanical Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology, an MBA from the Indian Institute of Management, and a PhD from Columbia University.
Dominique M Hanssens is the Bud Knapp Distinguished Professor of Marketing at the UCLA Anderson School of Management. From 2005 to 2007 he served as Executive Director of the Marketing Science Institute. A Purdue University PhD graduate, Professor Hanssens's research focuses on strategic marketing problems, in particular marketing productivity, to which he applies his expertise in data-analytic methods such as econometrics and time-series analysis. He has served or is serving in various editorial capacities with Marketing Science, Management Science, Journal of Marketing Research, and International Journal of Research in Marketing. Five of his articles have won Best Paper awards, in Marketing Science (1995, 2001, 2002), Journal of Marketing Research (1999, 2007) and Journal of Marketing (2010), and eight were award finalists. The second edition of his book with Leonard Parsons and Randall Schultz, entitled Market Response Models was published in 2001 and translated in Chinese in 2003. In 2010, he was elected a Fellow of the INFORMS Society for Marketing Science. He is a founding partner of MarketShare, a global marketing analytics firm headquartered in Los Angeles.
Bruce G S Hardie is a Professor of Marketing at London Business School. He holds BCom and MCom degrees from the University of Auckland (New Zealand), and MA and PhD degrees from the University of Pennsylvania. His primary research interests lie in the development of data-based models to support marketing analysts and decision makers, with a particular interest in models that are easy to implement. Most of his current projects focus on the development of probability models for customer-base analysis.
Eunkyu Lee is a Professor and Chair of the Marketing Department at the Whitman School of Management, Syracuse University. He is a graduate of Seoul National University, and received his MBA and PhD from Duke University. He has also taught at Seattle University and the University of British Columbia. His primary research area is quantitative modeling for the investigation of distribution channel management and marketing strategy issues. His research has been published in various academic journals including Journal of Marketing Research, Marketing Science, Management Science, Marketing Letters, and Quantitative Marketing and Economics. In the recent years, his research has been focused on game theoretic analysis of strategic interactions among distribution channel members over issues such as store brand strategy, product line design, motion picture distribution, and online/offline mixed distribution channel structures.
Donald R Lehmann is the George E Warren Professor of Business at Columbia University Graduate School of Business. He has a BS degree in mathematics from Union College, Schenectady, New York, and an MSIA and PhD from the Krannert School of Purdue University. His research interests include modeling choice and decision making, meta-analysis, the introduction and adoption of innovations, and the measurement and management of marketing assets (customers and brands). He has taught courses in marketing, management, and statistics at Columbia, and has also taught at Cornell, Dartmouth, and New York University. He has published in and served on the editorial boards of Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Marketing, Journal of Marketing Research, Management Science, and Marketing Science, and was the founding editor of Marketing Letters and editor of the International Journal of Research in Marketing. In addition to numerous journal articles, he has published several books: including Market Research and Analysis, Analysis for Marketing Planning, Product Management, Meta Analysis in Marketing, and Managing Customers as Investments. He has won best paper awards from several journals, multiple lifetime achievement awards, and is a Fellow of both the Association for Consumer Research and the Informs Society for Marketing Science. Professor Lehmann has served as Executive Director of the Marketing Science Institute and as President of the Association for Consumer Research.
Gary L Lilien is a Distinguished Research Professor at Penn State and co-founder and Research Director of the Institute for the Study of Business Markets (isbm.org). He is the author or co-author of 15 books and over 100 professional articles. He is an inaugural Fellow of INFORMS, of ISMS, and of the European Marketing Academy. He is former president of The Institute of Management Sciences, was departmental editor for Marketing for Management Science, is former Editor in Chief and is currently Area Editor for Interfaces, and is Area Editor at Marketing Science. His honors include inaugural INFORMS Fellow, EMAC Fellow, ISMS Fellow, Morse Lecturer, Kimball Medal, and honorary doctorates from three universities. He received the 2008 Educator of the Year Award from the American Marketing Association and the award for the best applied work in marketing science is named the Gary Lilien ISMS–MSI Practice Prize in his honor.
Murali K Mantrala is the Sam M Walton Distinguished Professor of Marketing at the University of Missouri, Columbia (MU). Murali holds a PhD in Marketing from Northwestern University; and MBAs from the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, and Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta. Before joining MU, Murali was Manager at ZS Associates (1999–2003), a global sales consulting firm headquartered in Evanston, Illinois. Earlier in his career, Murali was at Sandoz Pharmaceuticals, India, managing its sales force in Tamil Nadu for several years. His sales research papers have appeared in the Journal of Marketing Research and Marketing Science among other journals. He currently serves as an Associate Editor of the Journal of Retailing and on the editorial boards of Journal of Marketing and Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management. In 2010, Murali received the Humboldt Research Award, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation for his past and ongoing research in sales with German scholars.
Wendy W Moe is an Associate Professor of Marketing and Director of the MS in Marketing Analytics at the Robert H Smith School of Business, University of Maryland. She is a recognized expert in online marketing and social media and is the author of Social Media Intelligence. Professor Moe has been on the faculty at the University of Maryland since 2004. Prior to that, she was on the faculty at the University of Texas at Austin. She holds a PhD, MA, and BS from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania as well as an MBA from Georgetown University. In addition to her academic work, Professor Moe has consulted for numerous corporations and government agencies, helping them develop and implement state-of-the-art statistical models in the context of web analytics, social media intelligence and forecasting.
Eitan Muller has a joint appointment at the Stern School of Business at New York University and the Arison School of Business at Interdisciplinary Center (IDC) Herzliya. He earned a BSc (with distinction) in Mathematics from the Technion, Israel Institute of Technology, an MBA (with distinction) in Marketing, and a PhD in Managerial Economics from the Kellogg Graduate School of Management, Northwestern University. The main research interest of Professor Muller is in the diffusion of innovations, social networks, and new product pricing. He has published extensively in journals in marketing, business, and economics, with more than 11,000 citations in Google Scholar. He has won several awards including the Harold Maynard award for significant contribution to marketing theory and thought. He is the co-editor-in-chief of the International Journal of Research in Marketing, and is a member of the editorial boards of the Journal of Marketing, and the Journal of Marketing Research.
Vithala R Rao is the Deane Malott Professor of Management and Professor of Marketing and Quantitative Methods, Johnson, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York. He is well known for his scholarly contributions to several topics including conjoint analysis and multidimensional scaling, promotions, pricing, market structure, corporate acquisition, brand equity, and Internet recommendation systems. His numerous papers have appeared in such journals as Journal of Marketing Research, Marketing Science, Journal of Marketing, Journal of Consumer Research, and Management Science. He serves on the editorial boards of various top journals in marketing. Professor Rao received the 2008 Charles Coolidge Parlin Marketing Research Award presented by the American Marketing Association Foundation. In 2012, he was elected Fellow of the INFORMS Society of Marketing Science. He is the co-author or editor of five books in marketing including Pricing Research in Marketing and a forthcoming book, Applied Conjoint Analysis. He has worked for several corporations in the US and abroad as an Advisor and Seminar Leader.
Gary J Russell is the Henry B Tippie Research Professor of Marketing at the Tippie College of Business, University of Iowa. His primary research interest is the application of scanner-data-based choice models to substantive marketing issues. His work has addressed sales response to advertising, market structure definition, brand equity measurement, and brand price competition. Recent work is concerned with multiple category promotion response, fusion methodologies for linking panel and store-level scanner data, and spatial aspects of choice. His work appears in such journals as Journal of Consumer Research, Marketing Science, Marketing Letters, Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Retailing, International Journal of Research in Marketing, and Management Science. He serves on the editorial board of Journal of Marketing Research and is an Associate Editor of Marketing Science.
David A Schweidel is an Associate Professor of marketing at Emory University's Goizueta Business School and co–director of the Emory Marketing Analytics Center (EmoryMAC). He received his BA in mathematics, MA in statistics, and PhD in marketing from the University of Pennsylvania. His research focuses on the development and application of statistical models to understand customer behavior and inform managerial decisions. His current research focuses on the use of social media, both as a complement to marketing research tools and as part of an organization's marketing strategy.
Subrata Sen is the Joseph F Cullman Professor of Marketing at the School of Management at Yale University. He has also served on the faculties of the University of Texas at Austin, University of Chicago, and the University of Rochester. Sen holds a Bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology at Kharagpur, and a PhD in Industrial Administration from Carnegie-Mellon University. He has served as Editor of Marketing Science and has been on the Editorial Boards of the Journal of Marketing and the Journal of Marketing Research. Sen's research has been published in journals such as Marketing Science, Management Science, Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Marketing, Journal of Consumer Research, and the American Political Science Review. His current research interests relate to the pricing of product bundles, cross-country diffusion of new products, the effectiveness of anti-drug advertising, and the value of celebrity endorsements. He has been an expert witness in several legal cases and has served as a consultant to a variety of firms such as Citibank, Ford, IBM, Eastman Kodak, and Xerox.
Steven M Shugan is the McKethan-Matherly Eminent Scholar and Professor at the University of Florida. His PhD in Managerial Economics is from Northwestern University. Formerly a full professor at University of Chicago (13 years) and assistant professor at University of Rochester (2 years), he has taught marketing, econometrics (Chicago), statistics (Florida) and computer science (Northwestern). He was editor-in-chief of Marketing Science (6 years), editor of Journal of Business and associate editor of Management Science and served on over 10 editorial boards including the Journal of Consumer Research and Journal of Marketing Research. He has numerous publications and made over 100 professional presentations in over 24 countries. He is an INFORMS fellow as well as an Inaugural Fellow of the Society for Marketing Science. He won several best paper awards (including twice- Marketing Science, Journal of Marketing, Journal of Retailing, finalist– Journal of Service Research, finalist- Journal of Marketing Research) and best teaching awards. He has consulted for over 30 different organizations (most recently for Apple Inc. and Oracle Inc.).
Richard Staelin is the Edward and Rose Donnell Professor of Business Administration at the Fuqua School of Business, Duke University. He graduated from the University of Michigan and taught at Carnegie-Mellon University for 13 years prior to his arrival at Duke in 1982. Since then he has been Deputy Dean (twice), Associate Dean of Executive Education, Executive Director for the Teradata Center for CRM and the initial Managing Director of GEMBAat Duke. He has taught in every program ever offered by Duke. He has published over 80 papers in academic journals and has received best paper awards at JMR, JM, and Marketing Science and the Outstanding Educator award and the Converse award from the AMA. He also served on the editorial boards of Marketing Science, JMR, JM, IJRM, and JCR and was the editor of Marketing Science for three years and the Consulting Editor for JM's special issue on CRM. Staelin has served on over 40 PhD committees and is Chairman of the Board of Directors for a small biotech firm (BioElectronics). He was elected an inaugural Fellow in ISMS and a Fellow in INFORMS.
Joffre Swait received his PhD in 1984 from the Transportation Systems Division, Department of Civil Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He has extensive consulting experience in North and South America in Transportation, Telecommunications, Packaged Goods, Financial Services, Computer Hardware, and Tourism. He has been a faculty member of the Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica (ITA) and the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (COPPE) in Brazil; the University of Florida (USA); the University of Alberta (Canada); and the University of Technology, Sydney. He is Co-Director of the Center for the Study of Choice (CenSoC) and Research Professor at the Faculty of Business, University of Technology Sydney. He is also a partner of Advanis Inc., a Canadian market research firm.
Gerard J Tellis (PhD Michigan) is a Professor of Marketing and Management, Neely Chair of American Enterprise, and Director of the Global Innovation Center, at the USC Marshall School of Business. Dr Tellis is an expert in innovation, new product growth, emerging markets, advertising, and global market entry. He has published 5 books and over 100 papers (http://www.gtellis.net ) that have won over 20 awards. His new book, Unrelenting Innovation, explains how transforming culture can enable firms to stay relentlessly innovative. His book Will and Vision (co-authored with Peter Golder) was cited as one of the top 10 books by the Harvard Business Review and was the winner of the AMA Berry Award. His book Effective Advertising integrates over 50 years of research on advertising. Dr Tellis is a Distinguished Professor of Marketing Research, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, a Research Professor at the Judge Business School, Cambridge University, and a Fellow of Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge University, UK. He is an Associate Editor of Marketing Science and Journal of Marketing Research. He is Vice-President of External Relations for the Informs Society of Marketing Science and was a Trustee of the Marketing Science Institute. Formerly he was Sales Development Manager at Johnson & Johnson.
Sample Chapter(s)
Chapter 1: The History of Marketing Science: Beginnings (90 KB)