This book is a collection of contributions from a Summer Workshop on “Physics, Mathematics, and All That Quantum Jazz”. Subjects of the symposium include quantum information theory, quantum annealing, Bose gases, and thermodynamics from a viewpoint of quantum physics. Contributions to this book are prepared in a self-contained manner so that readers with a modest background may understand the subjects.
Sample Chapter(s)
My Life as a Quantum Physicist (145 KB)
- My Life as a Quantum Physicist (M Nakahara)
- A Review on Operator Quantum Error Correction — Dedicated to Professor Mikio Nakahara on the Occasion of His 60th Birthday (C-K Li, Y-T Poon and N-S Sze)
- Implementing Measurement Operators in Linear Optical and Solid-State Qubits (Y Ota, S Ashhab and F Nori)
- Fast and Accurate Simulation of Quantum Computing by Multi-Precision MPS: Recent Development (A Saitoh)
- Entanglement Properties of a Quantum Lattice-Gas Model on Square and Triangular Ladders (S Tanaka, R Tamura and H Katsura)
- On Signal Amplification from Weak-Value Amplification (Y Shikano)
- Topological Protection of Quantum Information (K Fujii)
- Quantum Annealing with Antiferromagnetic Fluctuations for Mean-Field Models (Y Seki and H Nishimori)
- A Method to Change Phase Transition Nature — Toward Annealing Methods (R Tamura and S Tanaka)
- Computational Analysis of the First Stage of the Photosynthetic System, the Light-Dependent Reaction, by Quantum Chemical Simulation Method (M Tada-Umezaki)
- Two-Qubit Gate Operation on Selected Nearest Neighboring Qubits in a Neutral Atom Quantum Computer (E Hosseini Lapasar, K Kasamatsu, S Nic Chormaic, T Takui, Y Kondo, M Nakahara and T Ohmi)
- A Simple Operator Quantum Error Correction Scheme Avoiding Fully Correlated Errors (C Bagnasco, Y Kondo and M Nakahara)
- Black Hole Predictability, Classical and Quantum (A Ishibashi)
- Classical Field Simulation of Finite-Temperature Bose Gases (T Sato)
- Atomic Quantum Simulations of Lattice Gauge Theory: Effect of Gauge Symmetry Breaking (K Kasamatsu, I Ichinose and T Matsui)
- Recursive Construction of Noiseless Subsystem for Qudits (U Güngördü, C-K Li, M Nakahara, Y-T Poon and N-S Sze)
- Composite Quantum Gates for Precise Quantum Control (M Bando, T Ichikawa, Y Kondo and M Nakahara)
- New Formulation of Statistical Mechanics Using Thermal Pure Quantum States (S Sugiura and A Shimizu)
- Thermodynamics in Unitary Time Evolution (T N Ikeda)
- Second Law of Thermodynamics with QC-Mutual Information (T Sagawa)
Readership: Graduate students and researchers in physics, mathematics, informatics and computer science. Accessible to advanced undergraduate students.