This book is the first among many books in supply chain management, which provides the readers with insights on how to select the best global supply chain out of inter-firm network, fables system or market firms. This process is clearly expounded in the book through case studies, which include Apple, Toyota, BMW, IKEA and Taiwan TSMC. The main editor, Prof Yasuhiro Monden, is the founding father of Lean Production Management who published Toyota Production System from IIE in 1983, which is called the classic of Lean System.
This book will explain how the global supply chain (GSC) could be organized by considering causal relationships of the stage differences in (1) market needs, (2) product design architecture, and (3) product life-cycle, for the purpose of reducing the total costs of GSC.
Sample Chapter(s)
Chapter 1: Lean Management of Global Supply Chain: Dynamic Combination Model of Market, Product Life-Cycle, Product Design, and Supply Chain (549 KB)
- Lean Management of Global Supply Chain Management:
- Lean Management of Global Supply Chain: Dynamic Combination Model of Market, Product Life-Cycle, Product Design, and Supply Chain (Yasuhiro Monden)
- How to Facilitate Inter-Firm Cooperation in a Fabless Global Supply Chain (Yoshiteru Minagawa)
- Ikea's Almost Fabless Global Supply Chain — A Rightsourcing Strategy for Profit, Planet, and People (Rolf G Larsson)
- Effects of Transfer Pricing Taxation on the Performance Control of Japanese Foreign Subsidiaries (Makoto Tomo and Anson Yoshiharu Matsuoka)
- Innovation of Eco-Cars Based on the Global Inter-Firm Collaboration (Yasuhiro Monden)
- Communization Strategy and Performance Management in the Japanese Automobile Industry (Noriyuki Imai)
- Lean Management and Performance Evaluation in the Business Operations:
- Financial Performance Measures for the Lean Production System (Zhi Wang and Yasuhiro Monden)
- Management Control Systems for Lean Management in Medical Services — A Case Study at Lund and Kameda (Rolf G Larsson, Yoshinobu Shima, and Chiyuki Kurisu)
- Management Control for Horizontal Network Organizations of SMEs — In the View Point of Profit Allocation Mechanism of Joint Manufacturing on Order (Yoko Ogushi)
- Measuring the Performance of Lean Implementation at a Commercial Printing Company — An Action Research Approach (Khodayar Sadeghi and Mohammad Aghdasi)
- Related Topics in Managerial & Cost Accounting:
- Mechanisms for Lowering Budgetary Slack in Japanese Companies (Ken Lee, Naoki Fukuda, and Satoko Matsugi)
- Influence of Decision-Making Goal and Accurate Product-Costing Goal on the Design of Sophisticated Costing Systems: Proposal of Multi-Goal Coordination Approach (Nikhil Chandra Shil, Mahfuzul Hoque, and Mahmuda Akter)
Readership: For the general public, researchers and students who are interested in understanding the global supply chain.