Never Lose Your Nerve! chronicles the ups and downs of a Nobel Laureate's life. Professor Alan J Heeger was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2000 together with Professor Alan G MacDiarmid and Professor Hideki Shirakawa. Filled with humor, this book tells Professor Heeger's story — his love for his family, especially how his wife's love has always been his guiding light, his progress from a young student to an eminent scientist, his passion for the theatre and its impact on his science, his adventures as a successful entrepreneur, and his personal losses. Many think of scientists as risk-adverse individuals but Professor Heeger shows the absolute necessity of risk in research and that scientists are, in fact, risk-addicted, as taking the first, risky step into unfamiliar territory is a step in the right direction towards creativity and great discoveries. Never lose your nerve and you will be rewarded. Life is an exciting adventure and this book clearly demonstrates it, and is for those who are looking to impact others.
"Perhaps the greatest pleasure of being a scientist is to have an abstract idea, then to do an experiment (more often a series of experiments is required) that demonstrates the idea was correct; that is, Nature actually behaves as conceived in the mind of the scientist. This process is the essence of creativity in science. I have been fortunate to have experienced this intense pleasure many times in my life."
Alan J Heeger
Sample Chapter(s)
Chapter 1: Perfect Days — and Some Not so Perfect (136 KB)
- Perfect Days — and Some Not so Perfect
- The First Indication of Creativity
- Miracles Actually Happen!
- Coming to Acceptance of My Mortality
- The Wart and the Penny: The Importance of Uncorrelated Events
- "Whither Thou Goest, I Will Go"
- Passion for a Career as a Physicist
- From Novice to Professor
- The Pathway to Great Science
- "Fire and Rain"
- Risk, Creativity and Discovery — Again
- The Nobel Prize in Chemistry
- The Creativity Continues: High Mobility Polymer Thin Film Transistors
- Decision to Go West — Was it the KGB?
- Life and Science in Santa Barbara
- The California Entrepreneur: UNIAX Corporation
- The Impact of Theatre in our Lives
- Low Cost "Plastic" Solar Cells — A Dream Becoming Reality
- The Serial Entrepreneur
- The Delicacy of the Creative Mind
- The Joy of Life
Readership: General public; historians; scientists; educators; undergraduates and graduates; biographers.
"A wonderful tale of a brilliant man's journey from a small town in northwest Iowa to Stockholm and the King of Sweden. This book is also a love story covering with great joy and humor Alan and Ruth's multifaceted life together. Never Lose Your Nerve! tells us how to appreciate good fortune and handle adversity. A must read for its insights into a scientific mind and a world view reflecting the power of intellect and optimism. This man of grace with a sense of the ridiculous teaches us how scientific genius soars and how love keeps it grounded"
Ambassador Shirin Tahir-Kheli
"A deeply insightful book by and about the man who created the field of conducting polymers and who won a Nobel Prize for it. But more than that it captures his way of life, his uncanny willingness to take thoughtful risks, his exquisite taste in choosing problems, his artist's bent and his deep desire to have impact on the world. I wholeheartedly recommend this inspiring book to a wide set of readers, scientists and non-scientists alike."
John Seely Brown
Former Chief Scientist, Xerox Corp and
former director of Xerox Palo Alto Research Center (PARC)
"'Never Lose Your Nerve!' tells the story of an unusual man's journey from 'Nebraska-to-Nobel'. Alan is unusual amongst Nobel Laureates — he is amongst the few who drove their idea from scientific discovery to products.
Idea to Nobel Prize to products — how hard could it be? It is hard enough that most reasonable people would view the process as an impossible struggle fraught with risk at every turn. But Alan sees it differently. He is a bold man who leads his life with courage and conviction. Fortune favors him. Through his book, Alan inspires readers to understand and embrace risk. He also reveals the price of risk, the emotional and personal toll it takes on the risk-taker. By telling his story with candor, grace and humor, Alan coaxes the reader to appreciate and realize how a risk-taker's life might unfold were she or he to do things 'one at a time'."
Anshuman Roy
Founder & CEO, Rhombus Power Inc.
Alan J Heeger won the 2000 Nobel Prize in chemistry with two other scientists for the discovery and development of electrically conducting polymers, and he continues his laboratory research at UCSB. He believes that the key to future progress in the sciences is in interdisciplinary collaborations. Heeger is also chief scientist for UNIAX, a company he founded that was acquired by Dupont. It focuses on the uses of plastic electronics commercial products. In 1977 Heeger and his colleagues discovered conducting polymers, a novel class of materials with electrical and optical properties like metals and semiconductors coupled with the mechanical and processing advantages of polymers. Applications of work by Heeger and his associates include conducting polymer blends for electromagnetic shielding and for antistatic packaging, and semiconducting polymers for use in the emerging field of plastic electronic devices, which already include diodes.
Widely known for his pioneering research in and the co-founding of the field of semiconducting and metallic polymers, Professor Heeger is also the recipient of numerous awards, including the Nobel Prize in Chemistry (2000), the Oliver E. Buckley Prize for Condensed Matter Physics, the Balzan Prize for the Science of New Materials, the President's Medal for Distinguished Achievement from the University of Pennsylvania, the Chancellor's Medal from the University of California, Santa Barbara, and honorary doctorates from universities in the United States, Europe and Asia. He is a member of the National Academy of Science (USA), the National Academy of Engineering (USA), the Korean Academy of Science and the Chinese Academy of Science.
Prof Heeger has more than 900 publications in scientific journals and more than 50 patents. He founded UNIAX Corporation in 1990. UNIAX was acquired by DuPont in 2000. He is Co-founder and Chairman of CBrite Inc. in Santa Barbara. He is Co-founder and Vice-Chairman of Cynvenio (micro fluidics for cell sorting and related areas) and Cytomx Therapeutics (novel technology for targeted drug delivery).