You have access to thisebook"The editors make a good point in claiming the time has come to upgrade the Standard Model into the ‘Standard Theory’ of particle physics, and I think this book deserves a place in the bookshelves of a broad community, from the scientists and engineers who contributed to the progress of high-energy physics to younger physicists, eager to learn and enjoy the corresponding inside stories."
Carlos Lourenço
CERN Courier
The book gives a quite complete and up-to-date picture of the Standard Theory with an historical perspective, with a collection of articles written by some of the protagonists of present particle physics. The theoretical developments are described together with the most up-to-date experimental tests, including the discovery of the Higgs Boson and the measurement of its mass as well as the most precise measurements of the top mass, giving the reader a complete description of our present understanding of particle physics.
Sample Chapter(s)
Chapter 1: The Evolution of Quantum Field Theory: From QED to Grand Unification (364 KB)
- The Evolution of Quantum Field Theory: From QED to Grand Unification (Gerard 't Hooft)
- The Making of the Standard Theory (J Iliopoulos)
- Quantum Chromodynamics and Deep Inelstic Scattering (R K Ellis)
- Electroweak Corrections (R Barbieri)
- Lattice Quantum Chromodynamics (C T Sachrajda)
- The Determination of the Strong Coupling Constant (G Dissertori)
- Hadron Contribution to Vacuum Polarisation (M Davier, A Hoecker, B Malaescu and Z Zhang)
- The Number of Neutrinos and the Z Line Shape (A Blondel)
- Asymmetries at the Z Pole: The Quark and Lepton Quantum Numbers (R Tenchini)
- The W Boson Mass Measurement (A V Kotwal)
- Top Quark Mass (M Mulders)
- Global Fits of the Electroweak Standard Theory: Past, Present and Future (M Baak, J Haller and K Mönig)
- Production at Electroweak Bosons at Hadron Colliders: Theoretical Aspects (M L Mangano)
- An Historical Profile of the Higgs Boson (J Ellis, M K Gaillard and D V Nanopoulos)
- The Higgs Boson Search and Discovery (G Bernardi and J Konigsberg)
- Higgs Boson Properties (A David and M Düehrssen)
- Flavour Physics and Implication for New Phenomena (G Isidori)
- Rare Decays Probing Physics Beyond the Standard Theory (F Teubert)
- Neutrino Masses and Flavor Oscillations (Y F Wang & Z Z Xing)
- The Supersymmetric Standard Model (P Fayet)
- Future Direction Beyond the Standard Theory (A Pomarol)
Readership: Graduate students and researchers in particle physics.
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You have access to thisebook"In this very substantial collection of original articles the physics foundation, as well as the impressive experimental evidence, for the Standard Model are presented in a coherent and attractive way. This is a great collection of articles, for advanced students and active researchers, as well as for readers who would like to have a comprehensive documentation about one of the greatest achievements of fundamental physics in the last 60 years, to which CERN has contributed so much."
Peter Jenni
"These original essays celebrate the experimental triumph of the Standard Theory of Particle Physics, made possible by several crucial inputs coming from CERN, the latest from the LHC. The collection provides a broad and balanced perspective, thanks to the contributions of some of the leading actors in building the Standard Theory, in extracting its predictions and in devising and performing its experimental tests. An instructive and inspiring reading, both for young researchers who are entering the field and for experienced ones who have lived through its developments over the last decades."
Professor Fabio Zwirner
University of Padova, Italy
"The editors make a good point in claiming the time has come to upgrade the Standard Model into the ‘Standard Theory’ of particle physics, and I think this book deserves a place in the bookshelves of a broad community, from the scientists and engineers who contributed to the progress of high-energy physics to younger physicists, eager to learn and enjoy the corresponding inside stories."
Carlos Lourenço
CERN Courier
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Luciano Maiani is Emeritus Professor of Theoretical Physics at the Sapienza University of Rome. Together with S Glashow and J Iliopoulos, he predicted a new family of particles, those with "charm", which form an essential part of the unified theory of the Weak and Electromagnetic forces. Maiani has been the president of the Italian Institute for Nuclear Physics (INFN), the Director-General of CERN and the president of the Italian National Council for Research (CNR). He is also a member of the Italian Lincean Academy and a Fellow of the American Physical Society.
Luigi Rolandi is a senior research staff at CERN and Professor of Experimental High Energy Physics at Scuola Normale Superiore in Pisa. He was spokesperson of the ALEPH collaboration that operated a detector at the LEP accelerator. Rolandi was responsible for the construction of the largest silicon tracker ever built and was the physics analysis coordinator during the start-up phase of the CMS in 2010-2011 which prepared for the Higgs Boson discovery. He is a member of the editorial boards of the Physics Letters B and the Journal of High Energy Physics, a scientific adviser to the director of JHEP, and a member of the Accademia Pontaniana.