Modern design of berm breakwaters began about thirty years ago. However, to date, there has been a lack of a well-established, formal design methodology on berm breakwaters. The authors Dr Jentsje van der Meer and Sigurdur Sigurdarson combine over 40 years of collective experience working with breakwaters to put forward a design framework in Design and Construction of Berm Breakwaters; covering the science and design practices of berm breakwater structures. The original design consisted of mass armoured berms that reshaped into statically stable S-shaped slopes. The design was adopted in Iceland and eventually led to a development with more stable structures by using available rock sizes, large rock, and more rock gradings than just "small rock (core)" and "large rock (berm)". This more stable and only partly reshaping structure is called the Icelandic-type berm breakwater.
Written for researchers and practitioners, the volume consists of chapters on geometrical designs of the berm breakwater cross-section, including berm reshaping and wave overtopping, quarry and project management, as well as blasting and sorting techniques, designs for various wave conditions and available rock classes, and case studies of already constructed berm breakwaters.
Sample Chapter(s)
Chapter 1: History of Modern Berm Breakwaters (632 KB)
- History of Modern Berm Breakwaters
- Classification and Types of Berm Breakwaters
- Predicting Stability and Reshaping
- Functional Behaviour: Wave Overtopping, Reflection and Transmission
- Geometrical Design of the Cross-section
- Armourstone and Quarrying
- Construction
- Geometrical Design into Practice, Examples
- Constructed Examples
- Appendices:
- Relationships to Compose a Damage Profile for a Straight Rock Slope
- Detailed Analysis of Berm Recession
- Detailed Analysis of Wave Overtopping
- Calculations of Examples for Geometrical Design in Chapter 8
Readership: Professionals: designers, owners and contractors; Graduate students and researchers in coastal engineering.
Dr Jentsje van der Meer is a well-known expert in appraisal, design, and testing of breakwaters and coastal structures; including levees, dikes, embankments, seawalls, breakwaters, groynes, revetments, shingle beaches and river dikes. His work on rubble mound structures has been included in all manuals all over the world. He has worked at Delft Hydraulics, now Deltares, a well-known institute on specialised consulting and research of water related issues, for 16 years. For ten years he had a position at Infram International, a private consultant for infrastructure appraisal and management, where he exploited his experience in specialized consultancy and research. In 2007 he started his own company, Van der Meer Consulting BV, on Coastal Engineering Consultancy & Research. In 2014, he became a part time professor of Coastal Structures and Ports at UNESCO-IHE, Delft, The Netherlands, with also a 0-fte position at Delft University of Technology.
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Sigurdur Sigurdarson has over 30 years of experience as a coastal and harbour engineer, both in Iceland, as well as internationally, working on breakwater projects in four continents. His main emphasis has been on coastal structures, including breakwaters, revetments and groynes. He has been involved in all aspects from planning of structures, establishment of environmental load and design criteria, design, model testing and armourstone quarry evaluation, through to tendering, construction management, supervision of construction and quarrying, as well as performance monitoring. Through a number of breakwater projects, he has developed and introduced the Icelandic-type berm breakwater. Sigurdarson established the IceBreak Consulting Engineers, which specialises in breakwaters and armourstone quarrying, in 2010.
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