This book is meant as an introduction to graphene plasmonics and aims at the advanced undergraduate and graduate students entering the field of plasmonics in graphene. In it different theoretical methods are introduced, starting with an elementary description of graphene plasmonics and evolving towards more advanced topics. This book is essentially self-contained and brings together a number of different topics about the field that are scattered in the vast literature. The text is composed of eleven chapters and of a set of detailed appendices. It can be read in two different ways: Reading only the chapters to get acquainted with the field of plasmonics in graphene or reading the chapters and studying the appendices to get a working knowledge of the topic. The study of the material in this book will bring the students to the forefront of the research in this field.
Errata (159 KB)
Sample Chapter(s)
Foreword (158 KB)
Chapter 1: Introduction (460 KB)
- Introduction
- Electromagnetic Properties of Solids in a Nutshell
- Surface Plasmon–Polaritons at Dielectric–Metal Interfaces
- Graphene Surface Plasmons
- Excitation of Graphene Surface Plasmons
- Launching Plasmons Using a Metallic Antenna
- Plasmonics in Periodic Arrays of Graphene Ribbons
- Plasmons in Graphene Nanostructures and in One-dimensional Channels
- Excitation of Surface Plasmon–Polaritons Using Dielectric Gratings
- Excitation of Plasmons by an Emitting Dipole
- Concluding Remarks
Readership: Advanced undergraduate and graduate students entering the field of graphene plasmonics.
"The authors have aimed to make their book as self-contained as possible, so they discuss all of the relevant aspects of the topic. The book is intended both for students of and newcomers to the field, but it could also be a reference for researchers already working on graphene plasmonics."
CERN Courier
"It serves as a useful compendium of the optical probe methods and with so many references all contained within a single volume, along with a very readable narrative it will be useful. It could be a useful companion volume for a course that introduces the physics and chemistry principles."
Contemporary Physics
"The book is well written. Additionally, various calculations can easily be understood by undergraduates. The computations accompany beautiful colour figures, which help to make the book attractive. The book is recommended for all who want to understand the booming area of plasmonics and graphene optoelectonics."
The Optical Society