Frontiers in Applied Mechanics is a compilation of cutting-edge research in applied mechanics by 65 of the world's leading researchers and academics. It comprises current new research directions and topics in the field, as well as developments in the classical branches of applied mechanics; namely solid mechanics, fluid mechanics, thermodynamics, and materials science. Frontiers in Applied Mechanics also includes contributions from new emerging areas such as nanomechanics, biomechanics, electromechanics, the mechanical behavior of advanced materials, mechanics of soft materials, and many other inter-disciplinary research areas in which the concepts of applied mechanics are extensively applied and developed. The mathematical modeling and methodology for applied mechanics are also included, with applications to many interesting mechanics aspects. All articles were carefully selected following a thorough review process by peers.
The aim of this collection is to contribute to knowledge in all aspects of applied mechanics; to improve the reader's understanding of the topics and aid their corresponding advances in the field. Readers may also use the contents as a guide for future research directions.
Sample Chapter(s)
Introduction (159 KB)
Active Aeroelastic Control Law Design Method (200 KB)
- Active Aeroelastic Control Law Design (Gang CHEN)
- Dynamic Bearing Characteristics of Elastic Ring Squeeze Film Damper: Pressure Distribution, Ring Deformation and Contacts (Qian DING)
- Dynamic Behavior and Energy Absorption of Metallic Lattice Materials (Daining FANG)
- Mechanical-Electric Behaviors of Multi-Stage Twisted Superconducting Wires and Cables (Yuanwen GAO)
- Crashworthiness Optimization of Vehicles and Components Under Impact Loadings (Xu HAN)
- On the Mechanical Behaviors of Cell Mechanosensing at Different Scales (Baohua JI)
- Ratchetting of Engineering Materials: Experimental Observations and Constitutive Models (Guozheng KANG)
- Research at the Interface of Mechanics and Medicine — Otolaryngology and Head Injury Studies (Heow Pueh LEE)
- Modelling of Discontinuous Medium with Discrete Fracture Networks (Guowei MA)
- Thermal Characterization of Silica Aerogels and 2D Materials via Molecular Dynamics Simulation (Teng Yong NG)
- Mechanical Properties and Fracture Behavior of Graphene and Other 2D Materials (Qing-Xiang PEI)
- Cellular Dynamics in Response to Mechanical Stimuli (Jin QIAN)
- Improved Mechanical Properties of Metallic Glasses (Zhendong SHA)
- Numerical Simulation for Materials with Irregular Meso Structures (Liqun TANG)
- Manipulating Electronic Properties of Functional Materials by Mechanical Loading (Biao WANG)
- Research Advances of Eigenelement Method for Periodical Composite Structures (Y F XING)
- Bio-Inspired Mechanics and Materials (Haimin YAO)
- Computational Modeling of Bone Fracture Healing by Using the Theory of Porous Media (Lihai ZHANG)
- and other papers
Readership: Academic; graduate and post graduate students reading Applied Mechanics (and its affiliated fields), and Researchers active in the fields of Solid Mechanics, Fluid Mechanics, Thermodynamics, Materials Science, Nanomechanics, Biomechanics, Electromechanics, etc.