This volume brings together updated fundamental knowledge of the schistosomes, their biology and epidemiology, the mechanism of disease and a full description of the pathological sequelae and clinical syndromes in humans. It concludes with chapters on diagnosis and treatment prospects of vaccine development and the most significant controversies regarding immunology and epidemiology.
- Schistosomiasis: Setting the Stage (A AF Mahmoud)
- The Schistosomes and Their Intermediate Hosts (R F Sturrock)
- The Structure and Expression of the Schistosome Genome (G R Franco & A JG Simpson)
- Epidemiology of Schistosomiasis: Determinants of Transmission of Infection (C H King)
- Resistance to Infection in Humans and Animal Models (D Dunne & A Mountford)
- Initiation and Regulation of Disease in Schistosomiasis (C L King)
- Disease in Schistosomiasis Haematobia (C H King)
- Disease in Schistosomiasis Mansoni in Brazil (A Prata)
- Disease in Schistosomiasis Mansoni in Africa (J Ouma et al.)
- Disease in Schistosomiasis Japonica (R M Olveda)
- Disease Due to Schistosoma mekongi, S intercalatum and Other Schistosome Species (C H King)
- Strategies for Control of Infection and Disease: Current Practice and Future Potential (R Bergquist)
- Progress in Vaccine Development (S L James & D G Colley)
- Immunology of Schistosomiasis: Towards a Consensus Viewpoint (A Sher & A AF Mahmoud)
Readership: Undergraduates and researchers in immunology, clinical methods/lab medicine, and tropical medicine and hygiene.