This study revolves around the jihad ideas of 'Abd Allāh 'Azzām — an iconic figure in the study of militant jihad in the 20th century, history of Afghan jihad against the Soviet Union, Al-Qaeda and current threat of terrorism.
This study has several objectives:
- to render an in-depth description of his ideas by way of a review of his writing, hitherto little referenced in the literature;
- to identify how these ideas have inspired so many to participate in militant jihad in the Soviet-Afghan war, and indeed elsewhere;
- to highlight the internal contradictions and inconsistencies in 'Azzām's ideas, and to juxtapose these ideas with contemporary jihadism;
- to identify specific aspects of 'Azzām's ideas in order to extract key lessons for counter-ideology work within the framework of counter-terrorism.
The study concludes and makes three key arguments/observations on 'Azzām's jihad ideas;
- 'Azzām's success in mobilising Muslims for jihad in Afghanistan was not due to his jihad ideas alone, although they mattered to him and were important tools for mobilisation. The study identifies two other non-ideational structural factors that were critical in effecting his mobilisation;
- some aspects of 'Azzām's jihad ideas have serious implications on national security;
some of 'Azzām's jihad ideas diverge from dominant ideas held by current jihadist groups like Al-Qaeda and these could potentially be used to counter contemporary jihad ideas and practices of jihadists.
Sample Chapter(s)
Chapter 1: Jihad Ideas of 'Abd Allāh 'Azzām: Making the Case for a Case Study (244 KB)
- Jihad Ideas of 'Abd Allāh 'Azzām: Making the Case for a Case Study
- Shades of Jihad Ideas and Trail of Militant Viewpoint
- 'Abd Allāh 'Azzām's Jihad Ideas
- Framing Jihad for Mobilisation
- The Implication of 'Azzām's Ideas for National Security
- 'Azzām & Beyond: Insights for Current Counter-Jihadism Work
Readership: Academicians, policymakers, intelligence and counter-terrorism professionals, security specialists.
Dr Muhammad Haniff Bin Hassan is a Fellow at the S Rajaratnam School of International Studies (RSIS). He holds a PhD in Strategic Studies from RSIS (formerly known as the Institute of Defence and Strategic Studies), Nanyang Technological University (NTU). Dr Hassan received his early education at Aljunied Islamic School. He then pursued higher education at the Faculty of Islamic Studies, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, and graduated with honours in Syar'iah and Civil Law.
Dr Hassan is also active in volunteer works on the following capacities
- Religious counsellor for BeritaHarian (local newspaper)
- Member, the Syariah Appeal Board under Islamic Religious Council of Singapore
- Member, the Islamic Advisory Board for HSBC Insurance (Singapore)
- Member, the Association of Islamic Scholars and Religious Teachers Singapore (PERGAS)
- Member, Board of Governance of Madrasah Al-Irsyad Al-Islamiyah
- Member, Resource Panel for the Government Parliamentary Committee (Defence and Foreign Affairs)
- Member, Political Film Advisory Committee under the Media Development Authority of Singapore
He has contributed a variety of articles in local newspaper — Berita Harian and The Straits Times.
To date, he has published books and small pamphlets entitled:
- Islam's General View on Health (Malay) (2001)
- Message for Activists (Malay) (2002)
- Muslim … Moderate … Singaporean (Malay and English) (2003)
- Da'wah in the Quran (Malay) (2004)
- Unlicensed to Kill: Countering Imam Samudra's Justification for the Bali Bombing (English, Malay and Bahasa Indonesia) (2006)
- Questions and Answers on Jihad (English and Malay) (2007)
- Don't Be Extreme in Religion (English and Malay) (2008)
- Fiqh Muslim Minorities: Perspectives from Two Contemporary Scholars (translation to Malay, 2008), and
- Criticism from within against Ideology of Al-Qaeda (translation to Malay and Bahasa Indonesia, 2012)
He has also contributed to the publications of the following two books:
- Deviant Teachings in Singapore (Malay) (2001) for the Islamic Religious Council of Singapore, and
- Moderation in Islam in the Context of Singapore Muslim Community (English and Malay) (2004) for PERGAS
Please refer to his personal blog at
His works can also be found at