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Advanced Techniques in Applied Mathematics cover
Also available at Amazon and Kobo

This book is a guide to advanced techniques used widely in applied mathematical sciences research. Chapter by chapter, readers will be led from a foundation level understanding to advanced level understanding. This is the perfect text for graduate or PhD mathematical-science students looking for support in techniques such as practical analytical methods, finite elements and symmetry methods for differential equations.

Advanced Techniques in Applied Mathematics is the first volume of the LTCC Advanced Mathematics Series. This series is the first to provide advanced introductions to mathematical science topics to advanced students of mathematics. Edited by the three joint heads of the London Taught Course Centre for PhD Students in the Mathematical Sciences (LTCC), each book supports readers in broadening their mathematical knowledge outside of their immediate research disciplines while also covering specialized key areas.

Sample Chapter(s)
Chapter 1: Practical Analytical Methods for Partial Differential Equations (314 KB)

  • Practical Analytical Methods for Partial Differential Equations (Helen J Wilson)
  • Resonances in Wave Scattering (Dmitry V Savin)
  • Modelling — What is it Good For? (Oliver S Kerr)
  • Finite Elements (Matthias Maischak)
  • Introduction to Random Matrix Theory (Igor E Smolyarenko)
  • Symmetry Methods for Differential Equations (Peter A Clarkson)

Readership: Researchers, graduate or PhD mathematical-science students who require a reference book that covers advanced techniques used in applied mathematics research.