This introduction to the field of organ transplantation provides an excellent overview of the tremendous progress made in recent decades, and gives a clear description of the current status of transplant surgery for students and trainees with an interest in this field. It opens with introductory chapters on the history of transplantation and the basic science of immunobiology, and then examines through an organ-based structure the practice of transplantation in each major system, from skin to intestine.
The editor, Nadey S Hakim, is a consultant transplant and general surgeon at St Mary's Hospital, London, England, and has put together a volume that will serve as an invaluable guide for transplant surgeons as well as trainees.
- History of Transplantation (N S Hakim)
- HLA, The Human Major Histocompatibility Complex (J Dausset & J Colombani)
- Transplantation Immunobiology (M J Dalman)
- Ethical Issues in Transplantation (C J Rudge)
- Living Donor Transplantation (A J Matas)
- Skin Transplantation (J R C Telfer & D M Davis)
- Adult Renal Transplantation (L Goldberg & D Taube)
- Paediatric Renal Transplantation (O N Fernando)
- Liver Transplantation (M West & R W G Gruessner)
- Heart Transplantation (T J Kroshus & V R Kshettry)
- Lung Transplantation (S C Clark & J H Dark)
- Bone Marrow Transplantation (S R McCann)
- Corneal Transplantation (C K Rostron)
- Pancreas Transplantation (V E Papalois & N S Hakim)
- Small Bowel Transplantation (V E Papalois & N S Hakim)
- Maintenance of Physiological Homeostasis in Organ Donors in the ICU (J Jones)
- Prescribing for Transplant Patients (M Kamps)
- New Immunosuppressive Drugs in Organ Transplantation (V E Papalois & N S Hakim)
- Infection in Transplantation (B P Madden)
Readership: Transplant surgeons and trainees.