This book deals with how companies can involve customers or users in order to learn with them in the field of service-based business development. It presents a variety of customer-involvement approaches, methods for learning with customers, and the results of case studies conducted in both service and manufacturing companies focusing on value-creation through services.
Based on research carried out by several research groups around the world, as well as on illustrative cases, the book creates new actionable knowledge regarding customer-involvement which will be useful for both practitioners and scholars.
Benefits for readers include: an understanding of the business potential of learning with customers and other users; an overview of the fields of new service development and customer-involvement with regard to concepts, theoretical frameworks, and models, in addition to strategies and techniques for involving users in fruitful ways during the innovation process; an illustration of the cases based on the results of empirical studies; and managerial implications and guidelines regarding how to manage customer-involvement during the different phases of the new service and business development process.
Sample Chapter(s)
Chapter 1: Introduction (614 KB)
- Process of Customer Interaction in New Service Development (I Alam)
- The Role of the Customer in the Development Process (B Sandén et al.)
- Customers as Co-Innovators: An Initial Exploration of Its Strategic Importance (U Mannervik & R Ramirez)
- Customer-to-Customer Interaction in Service Development: A Many-to-Many Approach (E Gummesson)
- New Service Development: Learning from and with Customers (B Sandén et al.)
- Managing Ideas that are Unthinkable in Advance: A Matter of How and Where You Ask (P Kristensson)
- Learning from Experiments Involving Users in Service Innovation (P R Magnusson)
- Customer Involvement — Lessons Learned: A Study of Three Customer Involvement Projects at Volvo Cars (F Dahlsten)
- Service Encounter Analysis Based on Customer Retrospection (P Echeverri)
- How to Better Learn from Users (H Björkman)
- Video-Based Methodology: Capturing Real-Time Perceptions of Customer Processes (P Echeverri)
- Customer-Oriented Service Engineering as a Success Factor — Findings of Case Studies of Customer Integration in the Service Development Process (R Nägele)
- Service Innovation, User Involvement and Intellectual Property Management (C Hipp & C Herstatt)
- Customer and Supplier Involvement in New Service Development (F Hull et al.)
Readership: Researchers and professionals in the fields of marketing, business development, strategy as well as service and product development. Suitable as a textbook for postgraduate courses like quality management, marketing, service management, operations management, and product management.