Continuous-flow photochemistry is an expanding field within chemistry. It unites the mass transfer enhancement of flow chemistry with the high energy field density of microscale geometries. Moreover, it provides means to scale photochemical reactions efficiently.
This book gives an overview of both technological and chemical aspects associated with photochemical processes in microreactors. It provides analysis, the first of its kind, of these new technologies developed within the field of photochemical processes, with a description and case studies of practical implementation. It specifically looks at:
- Design considerations of continuous-flow photoreactors;
- Detailed descriptions of photon and mass-transfer phenomena;
- Modeling approaches for photochemical transformations;
- Scale up strategies for photochemical transformations;
- Examples of continuous-flow photochemistry in organic synthetic chemistry and material science;
- Industrial examples of photochemical transformations.
By providing a deeper understanding of underlying concepts, coupled with numerous examples, this book is an essential reference for chemistry students, researchers and professionals working on photochemistry, photoredox catalysis, flow chemistry, process chemistry and reactor engineering.
- Design Considerations of Continuous-Flow Photoreactors (Stefano Protti, Davide Ravelli and Maurizio Fagnoni)
- A General Introduction to Transport Phenomena in Continuous-Flow Microreactors for Photochemical Transformations (Yuanhai Su)
- Modeling of Photochemical Processes in Continuous-Flow Reactors (Anca Roibu and Simon Kuhn)
- Photon Transport Phenomena: Radiation Absorption and Scattering Effects on Photoreactors (Orlando Mario Alfano, María Lucila Satuf and Agustina Manassero)
- Efficiency Versus Productivity in Photoreactors, A Case Study (M Enis Leblebici, Bart Van Den Bogaert, Georgios D Stefanidis and Tom Van Gerven)
- Homogeneous Photoreactions in Continuous-Flow (Yuchao Deng and Xiao Wang)
- Heterogeneous Photoreactions in Continuous-Flow (Timothy Noël)
- Photoflow Material Synthesis (Benjamin Wenn and Thomas Junkers)
- Industrial Photochemistry: From Laboratory Scale to Industrial Scale (Timothy Noël, Marc Escriba Gelonch and Kevin Huvaere)
Readership: Students, researchers and professionals working on photochemistry, photoredox catalysis, flow chemistry, process chemistry and reactor engineering.
Timothy Noël, born 1982 in Aalst (Belgium), received in 2004 his MSc degree (Industrial Chemical Engineering) from the KaHo Sint–Lieven in Ghent. He then moved to Ghent University to obtain a PhD at the Laboratory for Organic and Bioorganic Synthesis under the supervision of Professor Johan Van der Eycken (2005–2009). Following this, he went on to attend the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) as a Fulbright Postdoctoral Fellow with Professor Stephen L Buchwald. In 2011, he accepted a position as an assistant professor at Eindhoven University of Technology. His research interest are flow chemistry, homogeneous catalysis and organic synthesis.
He received in 2011 the Incentive Award for Young Researchers from the Comité de Gestion du Bulletin des Sociétés Chimiques Belges, in 2012 a VENI award from NWO and he was also finalist of the European Young Chemist Award 2012. Since 2015, he has coordinated the Marie Skłodowska–Curie ETN program "Photo4Future" on the development of photoredox catalysis in photomicroreactors. In 2015, he obtained a prestigious VIDI award from NWO. He also serves as an associate editor for Journal of Flow Chemistry.