Journals ID acc ISSN (Print) ISSN (Online) Open Access Subject (Printed) URL Description Impact Factor CiteScore Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP SCImago Journal Rank (SJR) Submission to first post-review decision Acceptance to online publication Acceptance rate Frequency AA Analysis and Applications 0219-5305 1793-6861 Mathematics Journal-Catalogue-Mathematics "Analysis and Applications publishes high quality mathematical papers that treat those parts of analysis which have direct or potential applications to the physical, biological, computer and data sciences and engineering. Some of the topics from analysis include approximation theory, asymptotic analysis, calculus of variations, deep neural networks, integral equations, integral transforms, machine learning, optimization, ordinary and partial differential equations, perturbation methods, and statistical learning theory. The primary aim of the journal is to encourage the development of new techniques and results in applied analysis." 2.0 3.9 1.44 0.986 8 AC Algebra Colloquium 1005-3867 0219-1733 Mathematics Journal-Catalogue-Mathematics "Algebra Colloquium is an international mathematical journal founded at the beginning of 1994. It is edited by the Academy of Mathematics & Systems Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences, jointly with Suzhou University, and published quarterly in English in every March, June, September and December. Algebra Colloquium carries original research articles of high level in the field of pure and applied algebra. Papers from related areas which have applications to algebra are also considered for publication. This journal aims to reflect the latest developments in algebra and promote international academic exchanges." 0.4 0.6 0.509 0.339 4 ACRJ Asian Case Research Journal 0218-9275 1793-6772 "Economics, Finance and Management" Journal-Catalogue-Economics.Finance.Management "The Asian Case Research Journal's principal objective is to provide case instructors, whether academics, consultants, or company in-house trainers, a selection of high-quality cases on Asian companies and MNCs operating in Asia-Pacific. These cases, not having been previously published, provide a fresh and topical pool of cases for teaching purposes.

The cases are either decisional - that is, requiring some business decision from the reader - or illustrative in nature, such as reasons for a firm's success. The cases come from various business disciplines including strategic management, marketing, organizational behavior/human resources, operations management, and MIS. " 0.1 0.1 0.127 0.101 4 ACS Advances in Complex Systems 0219-5259 1793-6802 Nonlinear Science "Journal-Catalogue-Nonlinear.Science, Journal-Catalogue-Mathematics" "Advances in Complex Systems aims to provide a unique medium of communication for multidisciplinary approaches, either empirical or theoretical, to the study of complex systems. The latter are seen as systems comprised of multiple interacting components, or agents. Nonlinear feedback processes, stochastic influences, specific conditions for the supply of energy, matter, or information may lead to the emergence of new system qualities on the macroscopic scale that cannot be reduced to the dynamics of the agents. Quantitative approaches to the dynamics of complex systems have to consider a broad range of concepts, from analytical tools, statistical methods and computer simulations to distributed problem solving, learning and adaptation. " 0.7 1.4 0.511 0.224 66 43 17% 8 ADR Asian Development Review 0116-1105 1996-7241 Y "Economics, Finance and Management" "Journal-Catalogue-Economics.Finance.Management, Journal-Catalogue-Open.Access" "The Asian Development Review (ADR) is a professional journal that publishes research on development issues relevant to the countries of the Asia and Pacific region, specifically members of the Asian Development Bank. The ADR aims to disseminate the best research, with contributions from scholars in all fields, with the objective of providing the knowledge necessary for designing, implementing, and sustaining effective development policies. Its intended audience comprises a worldwide readership of economists and other social scientists." 1.0 2.3 1.001 0.525 2 ADSAA Advances in Data Science and Adaptive Analysis 2424-922X 2424-9238 Computer Science Journal-Catalogue-Computer.Science "Advances in Data Science and Adaptive Analysis (ADSAA) is an interdisciplinary journal dedicated to report original research results on data analysis methodology developments and their applications, with a special emphasis on the adaptive approaches. The mission of the journal is to elevate data analysis from the routine data processing by traditional tools to a new scientific level, which encourages innovative methods development for data science and its scientific research and engineering applications." 0.5 4 AEJM Asian-European Journal of Mathematics 1793-5571 1793-7183 Mathematics Journal-Catalogue-Mathematics "Asian-European Journal of Mathematics is an international journal which is devoted to original research in the field of pure and applied mathematics. The aim of the journal is to provide a medium by which new ideas can be discussed among researchers from diverse fields in mathematics. It publishes high quality research papers in the fields of contemporary pure and applied mathematics with a broad range of topics including algebra, analysis, topology, geometry, functional analysis, number theory, differential equations, operational research, combinatorics, theoretical statistics and probability, theoretical computer science and logic." 0.5 1.3 0.704 0.304 12 AFE Annals of Financial Economics 2010-4952 2010-4960 "Economics, Finance and Management" Journal-Catalogue-Economics.Finance.Management "This journal offers a specialized forum for applied research on investments in various financial markets, market microstructures, asset pricing and regulation of financial markets. Papers employing econometric or empirical methods in the research design and focusing on empirical testing of both financial theories and applications in financial economics are encouraged. This journal is not suitable for papers devoted solely to pure theory or survey articles with inadequate econometric analysis." 6.6 0.995 0.58 4 AJCM The American Journal of Chinese Medicine 0192-415X 1793-6853 Medical and Life Sciences Journal-Catalogue-Medical.Life.Sciences "The American Journal of Chinese Medicine, which is defined in its broadest sense possible, publishes original articles and essays relating to traditional or ethnomedicine of all cultures. Areas of particular interest include Basic scientific and clinical research in indigenous medical techniques, therapeutic procedures, medicinal plants, and traditional medical theories and concepts; Multidisciplinary study of medical practice and health care, especially from historical, cultural, public health, and socioeconomic perspectives; International policy implications of comparative studies of medicine in all cultures, including such issues as health in developing countries, affordability and transferability of health-care techniques and concepts; Translating scholarly ancient texts or modern publications on ethnomedicine." 4.8 9.9 1.159 1.025 8 APJOR Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research 0217-5959 1793-7019 "Economics, Finance and Management" "Journal-Catalogue-Economics.Finance.Management, Journal-Catalogue-Mathematics, Journal-Catalogue-Engineering, Journal-Catalogue-Computer.Science" "The Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research (APJOR) provides a forum for practitioners, academics and researchers in Operational Research and related fields, within and beyond the Asia-Pacific region. APJOR will place submissions in one of the following categories: General, Theoretical, OR Practice, Reviewer Survey, OR Education, and Communications (including short articles and letters). Theoretical papers should carry significant methodological developments. Emphasis is on originality, quality and importance, with particular emphasis given to the practical significance of the results. Practical papers, illustrating the application of Operation Research, are of special interest." 1.1 2 0.504 0.348 30 38% 6 BME "Biomedical Engineering : Applications, Basis and Communications" 1016-2372 1793-7132 Medical and Life Sciences "Journal-Catalogue-Medical.Life.Sciences, Journal-Catalogue-Engineering" "Biomedical Engineering: Applications, Basis and Communications is an international, interdisciplinary journal aiming at publishing up-to-date contributions on original clinical and basic research in the biomedical engineering. Research of biomedical engineering has grown tremendously in the past few decades. Meanwhile, several outstanding journals in the field have emerged, with different emphases and objectives." 0.6 1.5 0.384 0.195 6 BMS Bulletin of Mathematical Sciences 1664-3607 1664-3615 Y Mathematics "Journal-Catalogue-Mathematics, Journal-Catalogue-Open.Access" "The Bulletin of Mathematical Sciences, a peer-reviewed, open access journal, will publish original research work of highest quality and of broad interest in all branches of mathematical sciences. The Bulletin will publish well-written expository articles (40-50 pages) of exceptional value giving the latest state of the art on a specific topic, and short articles (up to 15 pages) containing significant results of wider interest. Most of the expository articles will be invited." 1.1 2.1 1.014 0.564 22 3 BRL Biophysical Reviews and Letters 1793-0480 1793-7035 Medical and Life Sciences "Journal-Catalogue-Medical.Life.Sciences, Journal-Catalogue-Physics.Astronomy" "The journal publishes original research papers, review articles, brief communications and educational reviews in the field of experimental and theoretical Biophysics. It covers the whole area of Bionanosciences - including Biomolecules, Biocolloids (membranes, filaments, and minerals), Bioenergetics (molecular motors, growing filaments), Biofunctional, Bioinspired and Biomimetic Materials - as well as physical aspects of Structural and Molecular Cell Biology, Computational Biophysics, Bioinformatics, fundamental issues related to the Life Sciences, and more." 4 CCE Climate Change Economics 2010-0078 2010-0086 "Economics, Finance and Management" "Journal-Catalogue-Economics.Finance.Management, Journal-Catalogue-Environmental.Science" "Climate Change Economics (CCE) publishes theoretical and empirical papers devoted to analyses of mitigation, adaptation, impacts, and other issues related to the policy and management of greenhouse gases. CCE is specifically devoted to papers in economics although it is understood that authors may need to rely on other fields for important insights. The journal is interested in papers examining the issue at every scale from local to global and papers from around the world are encouraged." 5.1 0.683 0.991 4 CCM Communications in Contemporary Mathematics 0219-1997 1793-6683 Mathematics Journal-Catalogue-Mathematics "With traditional boundaries between various specialized fields of mathematics becoming less and less visible, Communications in Contemporary Mathematics (CCM) presents the forefront of research in the fields of: Algebra, Analysis, Applied Mathematics, Dynamical Systems, Geometry, Mathematical Physics, Number Theory, Partial Differential Equations and Topology, among others. It provides a forum to stimulate interactions between different areas. Both original research papers and expository articles will be published." 1.2 2.9 1.37 1.264 10 CJIR Chinese Journal of International Review 2630-5313 2630-5321 Y Social Sciences "Journal-Catalogue-Social.Sciences, Journal-Catalogue-Open.Access" "The journal intends to publish works that: (1) analyze contemporary important international affairs, e.g, diplomacy, conflict and trade etc; (2) theorize on major subfields of international relations; (3) review the most recent scholarly papers and books; and (4) facilitate the exchange of ideas between China and the world." 2 CJUES Chinese Journal of Urban and Environmental Studies 2345-7481 2345-752X Y "Economics, Finance and Management" "Journal-Catalogue-Economics.Finance.Management, Journal-Catalogue-Environmental.Science, Journal-Catalogue-Social.Sciences, Journal-Catalogue-Open.Access" Chinese Journal of Urban and Environmental Studies (CJUES) is a peer-reviewed journal that seeks to publish high-quality research papers and book reviews to explore a wide range of academic and policy concerns of urban and environmental studies. 1.6 1.9 0.307 0.338 4 CPRS Counselling & Psychotherapy Review Singapore 2810-9686 2810-9694 Medical and Life Sciences "Journal-Catalogue-Medical.Life.Sciences, Journal-Catalogue-Social.Sciences" "The emphasis of the annal is on advancing professional knowledge and skills that can positively contribute to clients' growth, development, and well-being. Readers can expect to gain new insights on the diverse counselling approaches, interventions and strategies that may be applied to enhance the overall quality of care to clients in a larger community. It focuses on three areas: 1) Practice-based research, 2) Indigenous or adaptation of counselling modalities relevant to local contexts, and 3) Issues concerning special settings or clientele populations in Singapore and other Asian societies." 1 CQISS China Quarterly of International Strategic Studies 2377-7400 2377-7419 Y Social Sciences "Journal-Catalogue-Social.Sciences, Journal-Catalogue-Open.Access" "China Quarterly of International Strategic Studies (CQISS), the flagship journal of Shanghai Institutes for International Studies (SIIS) (, focuses on, though is not confined to, strategic issues related to China's role in global affairs, highlighting the Chinese perspective on strategic issues with policy concerns. An international editorial board and the double-blind review process ensure the incisive and impartial analysis of its papers." 0.5 0.7 0.437 0.147 4 CWSR China and the World 2591-7293 2591-7307 Social Sciences Journal-Catalogue-Social.Sciences "The aim and mission of this journal is to become a platform where the profound implications of China’s one belt one road initiative are to be explored and discussed. Comprehensive analysis of the historical, cultural, social, economic and political impact of the aforementioned initiatives will be provided through expertise and unique insight drawn from global subject experts in various fields." 4 DMAA "Discrete Mathematics, Algorithms and Applications" 1793-8309 1793-8317 Mathematics Journal-Catalogue-Mathematics "The aim of this journal is to advance and promote the theory and applications of discrete mathematics, which is a research area in mathematics with applications in computer science, industrial engineering, bio-informatics, chemistry and communication networks. The journal encourages contributions from the two important parts of discrete mathematics, graph theory and combinatorics. The former includes structural graph theory, extremal graph theory, algebraic graph theory, random graphs and internet graphs. The latter consists of combinatorial design, combinatorial enumeration, coding theory, combinatorial probabilistic method, etc." 0.6 1.5 0.955 0.369 8 EAA East Asian Affairs 2737-5579 2737-5587 Y Social Sciences "Journal-Catalogue-Social.Sciences, Journal-Catalogue-Open.Access" "EAA is a peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary and scholarly journal dealing with important topics on current political and economic affairs as well as public policies within the East Asian region. It will focus on the important topics including dynamics of international politics in East Asia, the relations between the region and the rest of the world, foreign policies, multilateralism, regionalism, security, the political economy of investment and cooperation, etc." 2 EAP East Asian Policy 1793-9305 2251-3175 Social Sciences "Journal-Catalogue-Social.Sciences, Journal-Catalogue-Economics.Finance.Management" "East Asian Policy (EAP) is an international journal published by the East Asian Institute, National University of Singapore in January, April, July and October on a quarterly basis. It examines and evaluates recent political, economic, societal, legal, cultural and foreign-policy trends in East Asia, particularly contemporary China, including Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan. Articles covered are of significant relevance to the academia, policy makers and decision makers in the corporate world. With EAP, the Institute aims to provide them with the latest updates on developments in East Asia as well as offer them a useful platform for the global debate on the rise of East Asia." 1.1 4 FANDR Fertility & Reproduction 2661-3182 2661-3174 Y Medical and Life Sciences "Journal-Catalogue-Medical.Life.Sciences, Journal-Catalogue-Open.Access" "To disseminate research and clinical information in all areas of reproduction, especially in the Asia-Pacific Region." 65 25 60% 4 FML Functional Materials Letters 1793-6047 1793-7213 Materials Science Journal-Catalogue-Materials.Science "Functional Materials Letters is an international peer-reviewed scientific journal for original contributions to research on the synthesis, behavior and characterization of functional materials. The journal seeks to provide a rapid forum for the communication of novel research of high quality and with an interdisciplinary flavor. The journal is an ideal forum for communication amongst materials scientists and engineers, chemists and chemical engineers, and physicists in the dynamic fields associated with functional materials." 1.2 2.4 0.251 0.294 8 FNL Fluctuation and Noise Letters 0219-4775 1793-6780 Nonlinear Science Journal-Catalogue-Nonlinear.Science "Fluctuation and Noise Letters (FNL) is unique. It is the only specialist journal for fluctuations and noise, and it covers that topic throughout the whole of science in a completely interdisciplinary way. High standards of refereeing and editorial judgment are guaranteed by the selection of Editors from among the leading scientists of the field." 1.2 2.9 0.565 0.245 6 FRACTALS Fractals 0218-348X 1793-6543 Nonlinear Science Journal-Catalogue-Nonlinear.Science "The investigation of phenomena involving complex geometry, patterns and scaling has gone through a spectacular development in the past decades. For this relatively short time, geometrical and/or temporal scaling have been shown to represent the common aspects of many processes occurring in an unusually diverse range of fields including physics, mathematics, biology, chemistry, economics, technology and human behavior.

The main challenge of the journal is devoted exclusively to the above kinds of phenomena lies in its interdisciplinary nature; it is our commitment to bring together the most recent developments in these fields so that a fruitful interaction of various approaches and scientific views on complex spatial and temporal behaviors in both nature and society could take place." 3.3 7.4 0.913 0.673 10 GEJ Global Economy Journal 1524-5861 1553-5304 "Economics, Finance and Management" Journal-Catalogue-Economics.Finance.Management "The journal seeks to publish original and innovative research, as well as novel analysis, relating to the global economy. While its main emphasis is economic, GEJ is a multi-disciplinary journal. Its content mirrors the diverse interests and approaches of scholars involved with the international dimensions of business, economics, finance, history, law, marketing, management, political science, and related areas." 1.0 1.6 0.329 0.193 4 GNC "Guidance, Navigation and Control" 2737-4807 2737-4920 Engineering Journal-Catalogue-Engineering "Guidance, Navigation and Control (GNC) will report on advances in the understanding and utilization of guidance, navigation and control theories, technologies and systems. The journal serves as a platform for academic exchange by experts, scholars and researchers in these fields. " 3.3 0.897 0.531 15 4 HKJSW The Hong Kong Journal of Social Work 0219-2462 2424-7731 Social Sciences Journal-Catalogue-Social.Sciences "The Hong Kong Journal of Social Work is a bilingual publication of the Hong Kong Social Workers Association Limited. It is committed to the improvement of practice, extension of knowledge and promotion of communications in very broad fields of social work. While it publishes symposia, original research, theoretical papers, review articles, notes and discussions on social work theory and practice, and new developments in social work, letters to the Chief Editor are welcome, as well as responses to published articles and reviews." 2 HKPJ Hong Kong Physiotherapy Journal 1013-7025 1876-441X Y Medical and Life Sciences "Journal-Catalogue-Medical.Life.Sciences, Journal-Catalogue-Open.Access" "HKPJ publishes papers related to all areas of physiotherapy (education, research, practice, policies) and is committed to facilitating communication among educators, researchers and practitioners in the field with the aim of promoting evidence-based practice. We are particularly interested in publishing randomized controlled trials, systematic reviews and meta-analyses. " 0.9 2.3 0.646 0.337 36 2 IDAQP "Infinite Dimensional Analysis, Quantum Probability and Related Topics" 0219-0257 1793-6306 Mathematics Journal-Catalogue-Mathematics "Infinite dimensional analysis and quantum probability constitutes an essential and central point of reference for the large number of mathematicians, mathematical physicists and other scientists who have been drawn into these areas. Both fields have strong interdisciplinary nature, with deep connection to, for example, classical probability, stochastic analysis, mathematical physics, operator algebras, irreversibility, ergodic theory and dynamical systems, quantum groups, classical and quantum stochastic geometry, quantum chaos, Dirichlet forms, harmonic analysis, quantum measurement, quantum computer, etc. The journal reflects this interdisciplinarity and welcomes high quality papers in all such related fields, particularly those which reveal connections with the main fields of this journal." 0.6 4 IET Innovation and Emerging Technologies 2737-5994 2810-9007 Interdisciplinary "Journal-Catalogue-Interdisciplinary, Journal-Catalogue-Medical.Life.Sciences, Journal-Catalogue-Chemistry, Journal-Catalogue-Engineering, Journal-Catalogue-Environmental.Sciences, Journal-Catalogue-Physics.Astronomy" "The journal will feature the development of cutting-edge new technologies in a broad array of emerging fields of science and engineering. The content will have an applied science and technological slant with a focus on both innovation and application to daily lives. It will cover diverse disciplines such as health and life science, energy and environment, advanced materials, technology-based manufacturing, information science and technology, and marine and transportations technologies." 2.4 40 20 11% Continuous Publishing IGTR International Game Theory Review 0219-1989 1793-6675 "Economics, Finance and Management" "Journal-Catalogue-Economics.Finance.Management, Journal-Catalogue-Mathematics" "IGTR is a refereed quarterly journal published by World Scientific. It emphasizes rigorous analysis, and will offer up-to-date insights and perspectives through original research in game theory and its applications. It welcomes game-oriented papers from all fields of study. IGTR will publish both original articles and state-of-the-art surveys, and will seek to maintain a balanced orientation between game-theoretic modeling and practical implications. Theoretical significance as well as empirical relevance are key criteria for acceptance of an article, and IGTR will be accessible to readers from a wide range of disciplines." 0.4 0.8 0.375 0.2 4 IJAC International Journal of Algebra and Computation 0218-1967 1793-6500 Mathematics Journal-Catalogue-Mathematics "The International Journal of Algebra and Computation publishes high quality original research papers in combinatorial, algorithmic and computational aspects of algebra (including combinatorial and geometric group theory and semigroup theory, algorithmic aspects of universal algebra, computational and algorithmic commutative algebra, probabilistic models related to algebraic structures, random algebraic structures), and gives a preference to papers in the areas of mathematics represented by the editorial board." 0.5 1.2 0.958 0.645 8 IJAIT International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools 0218-2130 1793-6349 Computer Science Journal-Catalogue-Computer.Science "The International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools (IJAIT) provides an interdisciplinary forum in which AI scientists and professionals can share their research results and report new advances on AI tools or tools that use AI. Tools refer to architectures, languages or algorithms, which constitute the means connecting theory with applications. So, IJAIT is a medium for promoting general and/or special purpose tools, which are very important for the evolution of science and manipulation of knowledge. IJAIT can also be used as a test ground for new AI tools." 1.0 2.1 0.456 0.288 30% 8 IJALP International Journal of Asian Language Processing 0219-5968 2424-791X Computer Science Journal-Catalogue-Computer.Science "The aim of the journal is to provide a channel for researchers working on Asian Language Processing to share their high-quality work and to promote research in this field. The scope of the journal will include the automatic processing or study of Asian languages on the following aspects: natural language processing, spoken language processing, linguistic study towards language processing, and processing for language education, among other areas." 4 IJAM International Journal of Applied Mechanics 1758-8251 1758-826X Engineering Journal-Catalogue-Engineering "The journal has as its objective the publication and wide electronic dissemination of innovative and consequential research in applied mechanics. IJAM welcomes high-quality original research papers in all aspects of applied mechanics from contributors throughout the world. The journal aims to promote the international exchange of new knowledge and recent development information in all aspects of applied mechanics. In addition to covering the classical branches of applied mechanics, namely solid mechanics, fluid mechanics, thermodynamics, and material science, the journal also encourages contributions from newly emerging areas such as biomechanics, electromechanics, the mechanical behavior of advanced materials, nanomechanics, and many other inter-disciplinary research areas in which the concepts of applied mechanics are extensively applied and developed." 2.9 5.8 0.891 0.654 12 IJB International Journal of Biomathematics 1793-5245 1793-7159 Mathematics Journal-Catalogue-Mathematics "The goal of this journal is to present the latest achievements in biomathematics, facilitate international academic exchanges and promote the development of biomathematics. Its research fields include mathematical ecology, infectious disease dynamical system, biostatistics and bioinformatics." 2.4 4.7 0.969 0.592 8 IJBC International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 0218-1274 1793-6551 Nonlinear Science Journal-Catalogue-Nonlinear.Science "The International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos is widely regarded as a leading journal in the exciting fields of chaos theory and nonlinear science. Represented by an international editorial board comprising top researchers from a wide variety of disciplines, it is setting high standards in scientific and production quality. The journal has been reputedly acclaimed by the scientific community around the world, and has featured many important papers by leading researchers from various areas of applied sciences and engineering." 1.9 4.1 0.784 0.57 16 IJBDMGW International Journal of Big Data Mining for Global Warming 2630-5348 2630-5356 Environmental Science Journal-Catalogue-Environmental.Science "This inter-disciplinary journal is dedicated to the publication of high-quality research articles, review articles, letters, case studies and book reviews in all aspects of global warming through traditional mining methods (statistical, spectral, numerical, simulating, LCA, 3E, etc.) and non-traditional mining methods (neural networks, deep learning, cloud computing, etc.) of these big datasets." 2 IJCGA International Journal of Computational Geometry and Applications 0218-1959 1793-6357 Computer Science "Journal-Catalogue-Computer.Science, Journal-Catalogue-Mathematics" "The International Journal of Computational Geometry & Applications (IJCGA) is a quarterly journal devoted to the field of computational geometry within the framework of design and analysis of algorithms.

Emphasis is placed on the computational aspects of geometric problems that arise in various fields of science and engineering including computer-aided geometry design (CAGD), computer graphics, constructive solid geometry (CSG), operations research, pattern recognition, robotics, solid modelling, VLSI routing/layout, and others. " 0.0 0.8 0.789 0.163 4 IJCIA International Journal of Computational Intelligence and Applications 1469-0268 1757-5885 Computer Science Journal-Catalogue-Computer.Science "The International Journal of Computational Intelligence and Applications, IJCIA, is a refereed journal dedicated to the theory and applications of computational intelligence (artificial neural networks, fuzzy systems, evolutionary computation and hybrid systems). The main goal of this journal is to provide the scientific community and industry with a vehicle whereby ideas using two or more conventional and computational intelligence based techniques could be discussed." 0.8 2.6 0.353 0.279 4 IJCIS International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems 0218-8430 1793-6365 Computer Science Journal-Catalogue-Computer.Science "The paradigm for the next generation of information systems (ISs) will involve large numbers of ISs distributed over large, complex computer/communication networks. Such ISs will manage or have access to large amounts of information and computing services and will interoperate as required. These support individual or collaborative human work. Communication among component systems will be done using protocols that range from conventional ones to those based on distributed AI. We call such next generation ISs Cooperative Information Systems (CIS). This journal addresses the intricacies of cooperative work in the framework of distributed interoperable information systems." 0.5 2.3 0.248 0.182 4 IJCM International Journal of Computational Methods 0219-8762 1793-6969 Engineering "Journal-Catalogue-Engineering, Journal-Catalogue-Computer.Science" "The purpose of this journal is to provide a unique forum for the fast publication and rapid dissemination of original research results and innovative ideas on the state-of-the-art on computational methods. The methods should be innovative and of high scholarly, academic and practical value. The articles can involve theory, algorithm, programming, coding, numerical simulation and/or novel application of computational techniques to problems in engineering, science, and other disciplines related to computations." 1.4 3.3 0.568 0.376 10 IJCMSE International Journal of Computational Materials Science and Engineering 2047-6841 2047-685X Materials Science "Journal-Catalogue-Materials.Science, Journal-Catalogue-Mathematics, Journal-Catalogue-Physics.Astronomy, Journal-Catalogue-Chemistry, Journal-Catalogue-Engineering" "The objective of the journal is the publication and wide electronic dissemination of innovative and consequential research in all aspects computational materials science and engineering, featuring the most advanced mathematical modeling and numerical methodology developments. It will aim to attract and solicit high-quality original research papers in all aspects of computational materials science and engineering with special emphasis on the most current topics of interest to the associated research communities." 1.4 2.1 0.499 0.214 4 IJDCS The International Journal of Diasporic Chinese Studies 1793-7248 1793-9631 Social Sciences Journal-Catalogue-Social.Sciences 《华人研究国际学报》的宗旨,在于致力提倡华人研究的原创性、多元性、前沿性。研究对象以世界各地华人为主体,探讨华人个体与群体的现象、他们在居留地的遭遇与处境、在区域与国际间的跨界活动、他们与中国的联系网络等课题。无论是采用人文学科、社会科学、甚至科学与工艺等各别研究方法,或是综合多种学科的研析途径,凡是有助于促进有关华人研究理论与实证上的探讨、宏观与微观的剖析,学报将邀请国际学者进行严谨的双向匿名审阅。《华人研究国际学报》面向华文世界的学者与读者,并积极引介非华文世界有关海外华人的重要著作及活动,以促进华人研究领域的广度交流和深度钻研。 2 IJDSMS International Journal of Data Science in the Mathematical Sciences 2810-9392 2810-9406 Mathematics Journal-Catalogue-Mathematics "The aim of this new, highly inter-disciplinary journal is to establish a much-needed platform for experimental mathematicians, both pure and applied, physicists and other experts in theoretical STEM fields, as well as data scientists and computer scientists specializing in machine-learning and artificial intelligence. This platform will publish and promote discussion in Data in pure mathematics, especially those already freely available online: LMFdB, GrDB, GAP, KnotsDB, etc. and in particular in line with MathSage; and more." 2 IJEE International Journal of Empirical Economics 2810-9430 2810-9449 Y "Economics, Finance and Management" "Journal-Catalogue-Economics.Finance.Management, Journal-Catalogue-Open.Access" The journal is a peer-reviewed general interest economics journal aiming to contribute to empirical research in all fields of economics. It gives special emphasis on empirical research that covers worldwide topics using newly developed datasets. The journal will publish 4 issues annually and will also publish special issues to emphasize new research directions or specific research vital to the Asian region and the global economy. 27 4 IJFCS International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science 0129-0541 1793-6373 Computer Science Journal-Catalogue-Computer.Science "The International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science is an eight-issue journal that publishes articles which contribute new theoretical results in all areas of the foundations of computer science. The theoretical and mathematical aspects covered include: Algebraic theory of computing and formal systems, Algorithm and system implementation issues, Approximation, probabilistic, and randomized algorithms, Automata and formal languages, Automated deduction, Combinatorics and graph theory, Complexity theory, Computational biology and bioinformatics, Cryptography, Database theory and more. " 0.6 1.6 0.769 0.373 8 IJFE International Journal of Financial Engineering 2345-7686 2424-7944 "Economics, Finance and Management" Journal-Catalogue-Economics.Finance.Management "IJFE will feature financial engineering papers which demonstrate multidisciplinary interaction among the fundamental theoretical results of financial mathematics, link to practical issues of the financial industry, comment and encourage the implementation of new technical methods or solutions in the financial industry through the platform of financial engineering." 0.6 4 IJGMMP International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics 0219-8878 1793-6977 Mathematics "Journal-Catalogue-Mathematics, Journal-Catalogue-Physics.Astronomy" "This journal publishes short communications, research and review articles devoted to all applications of geometric methods in all fields of Mathematical and Theoretical Physics, including in particular: Classical Mechanics ; Quantum Mechanics; Hamiltonian Systems of ODE's and PDE's and Integrability; Variational Structures of Physics and Conservation Laws; Thermodynamics of Systems and Continua; General Relativity and other Geometric Theories of Gravitation; geometric models for Particle Physics; Supergravity and Supersymmetric Field Theories; Classical and Quantum Field Theory; Gauge Theories; Topological Field Theories; Strings, Branes and Extended Objects Theory; Holography; Quantum Gravity, Loop Quantum Gravity and Quantum Cosmology; applications of Quantum Groups; Quantum Computation; Control Theory; Geometry of Chaos." 2.1 3.4 0.813 0.467 31 34% 14 IJHR International Journal of Humanoid Robotics 0219-8436 1793-6942 Computer Science "Journal-Catalogue-Computer.Science, Journal-Catalogue-Engineering" "The International Journal of Humanoid Robotics (IJHR) covers all subjects on the mind and body of humanoid robots. It is dedicated to advancing new theories, new techniques, and new implementations contributing to the successful achievement of future robots which not only imitate human beings, but also serve human beings. While IJHR encourages the contribution of original papers which are solidly grounded on proven theories or experimental procedures, the journal also encourages the contribution of innovative papers which venture into the new, frontier areas in robotics. Such papers need not necessarily demonstrate, in the early stages of research and development, the full potential of new findings on a physical or virtual robot." 0.9 3.5 0.514 0.376 6 IJHSES International Journal of High Speed Electronics and Systems 0129-1564 1793-6438 Engineering Journal-Catalogue-Engineering "Launched in 1990, the International Journal of High Speed Electronics and Systems (IJHSES) has served graduate students and those in R&D, managerial and marketing positions by giving state-of-the-art data, and the latest research trends. Its main charter is to promote engineering education by advancing interdisciplinary science between electronics and systems and to explore high speed technology in photonics and electronics. IJHSES, a quarterly journal, continues to feature a broad coverage of topics relating to high speed or high performance devices, circuits and systems. " 0.6 0.517 0.185 4 IJIG International Journal of Image and Graphics 0219-4678 1793-6756 Computer Science Journal-Catalogue-Computer.Science "International Journal of Image and Graphics (IJIG) will emphasize on efficient and effective image and graphics technologies and systems, and provide a central forum for scientists, researchers, engineers and vendors from different disciplines to exchange ideas, identify problems, investigate relevant issues, share common interests, explore new directions, and initiate possible collaborative research and system development. This journal will significantly benefit a large variety of academic and industrial sectors. " 0.8 2.4 0.556 0.247 6 IJIM International Journal of Innovation Management 1363-9196 1757-5877 "Economics, Finance and Management" Journal-Catalogue-Economics.Finance.Management "The International Journal of Innovation Management (IJIM) is the official journal of the International Society of Professional Innovation Management (ISPIM). Both the IJIM and ISPIM adopt a multi-disciplinary approach to addressing the many challenges of managing innovation, rather than a narrow focus on a single aspect such as technology, R&D or new product development. Both are also international, inclusive & practical, and encourage active interaction between academics, managers and consultants." 1.3 3.7 0.519 0.463 10 IJITDM International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making 0219-6220 1793-6845 Computer Science "Journal-Catalogue-Computer.Science, Journal-Catalogue-Engineering" International Journal of Information Technology and Decision Making (IJITDM) provides a global forum for exchanging research findings and case studies which bridge the latest information technology and various decision-making techniques. It promotes how information technology improves decision techniques as well as how the development of decision-making tools affects the information technology era. The journal is peer-reviewed and publishes both high-quality academic (theoretical or empirical) and practical papers in the broad ranges of information technology related topics. 2.5 7.4 1.02 0.723 8 IJITM International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management 0219-8770 1793-6950 "Economics, Finance and Management" "Journal-Catalogue-Economics.Finance.Management, Journal-Catalogue-Computer.Science, Journal-Catalogue-Engineering" "The objectives of the journal are to develop and promote the fields of innovation and technology management by providing a platform for reporting, sharing as well as the exchange of ideas, research findings, industry best practice and trends in the selected fields. In particular, the journal will focus on the managerial issues and challenges (and ways to address them) brought about by the increasing pace of technological advancement globally. This international dimension is emphasized in order to promote greater exchange between researchers of different cultural and national background, thus contributing and enriching our knowledge in the fields of innovation and technology management." 1.6 3.4 0.621 0.395 8 IJM International Journal of Mathematics 0129-167X 1793-6519 Mathematics Journal-Catalogue-Mathematics "The International Journal of Mathematics has been publishing research papers of high quality on a wide range of topics in pure mathematics since March 1990 when we had the founding advisor, S. S. Chern. We are ready to consider original papers on any topics in pure mathematics, but have preference on the ones close to interest of the members of the editorial board such as algebraic geometry, number theory, complex geometry, differential geometry, symplectic geometry, topology, representation theory, complex analysis, operator algebras and probability theory." 0.6 1.2 0.89 0.56 93 43 10% 14 IJMI International Journal of Mathematics for Industry 2661-3352 2661-3344 Y Mathematics "Journal-Catalogue-Mathematics, Journal-Catalogue-Open.Access" "The journal publishes original research articles from authors worldwide that illustrate how, through the utilization of mathematical results, questions about industrial problems including various scientific questions potentially connected to industrial problems are answered to yield new insight for both industry and mathematics. The journal also publishes survey articles that address specific mathematics-for-industry topics from an original perspective." 0.3 0.9 1.11 0.201 1 IJMPA International Journal of Modern Physics A 0217-751X 1793-656X Physics and Astronomy Journal-Catalogue-Physics "Started in 1986, IJMPA has gained international repute as a high-quality scientific journal. It consists of important review articles and original papers covering the latest research developments in Particles and Fields, and selected topics intersecting with Gravitation and Cosmology. The journal also features articles of long-standing value and importance which can be vital to research into new unexplored areas." 1.4 3 0.551 0.505 36 IJMPB International Journal of Modern Physics B 0217-9792 1793-6578 Physics and Astronomy "Journal-Catalogue-Physics.Astronomy, Journal-Catalogue-Materials.Science" "Launched in 1987, the International Journal of Modern Physics B covers the most important aspects and the latest developments in Condensed Matter Physics, Statistical Physics, as well as Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics. A strong emphasis is placed on topics of current interest, such as cold atoms and molecules, new topological materials and phases, and novel low dimensional materials. One unique feature of this journal is its review section which contains articles with permanent research value besides the state-of-the-art research work in the relevant subject areas." 2.6 3.7 0.475 0.298 32 IJMPC International Journal of Modern Physics C 0129-1831 1793-6586 Physics and Astronomy Journal-Catalogue-Physics "The scope of this journal covers Computational Physics, Physical Computation and related subjects. IJMPC aims at publishing both review and research articles on the use of computers to advance knowledge in physical sciences and the use of physical analogies in computation. Topics covered include: algorithms; astrophysics; atomic, molecular and chemical physics; computational biophysics; computational fluid dynamics; computer and information science; condensed matter physics, materials science; data analysis and computation in experimental physics; and more" 1.5 3 0.476 0.293 12 IJMPCS International Journal of Modern Physics Conference Series 2010-1945 Y Physics and Astronomy "Journal-Catalogue-Physics, Journal-Catalogue-Open.Access" "International Journal of Modern Physics: Conference Series (IJMPCS) aims to publish proceedings of workshops, seminars and conferences in the field of physics and related sciences. IJMPCS will be an open access journal, making conference papers available to researchers worldwide, reaching the widest possible readership in academia and industry." IJMPD International Journal of Modern Physics D 0218-2718 1793-6594 Physics and Astronomy Journal-Catalogue-Physics "Gravitation, astrophysics and cosmology are exciting and rapidly advancing fields of research. This journal aims to accommodate and promote this expansion of information and ideas and it features research papers and reviews on theoretical, observational and experimental findings in these fields. Among the topics covered are general relativity, quantum gravity, gravitational experiments, quantum cosmology, observational cosmology, particle cosmology, large scale structure, high energy astrophysics, compact objects, cosmic particles and radiation." 1.8 3.8 0.625 0.614 16 IJMPE International Journal of Modern Physics E 0218-3013 1793-6608 Physics and Astronomy Journal-Catalogue-Physics "This journal covers the topics on experimental and theoretical nuclear physics, and its applications and interface with astrophysics and particle physics. The journal publishes research articles as well as review articles on topics of current interest." 1.0 1.9 0.496 0.323 12 IJMSSC "International Journal of Modeling, Simulation and Scientific Computing" 1793-9623 1793-9615 Engineering Journal-Catalogue-Engineering "The International Journal of Modeling, Simulation, and Scientific Computing (IJMSSC) is a quarterly journal which provides an international forum for researchers, scholars, and engineers in the fields of system modeling, simulation and scientific computing to publish high-quality and refereed papers, and disseminate the latest theoretical results and their practical applications." 0.9 2.5 0.459 0.243 54 6 IJN International Journal of Nanoscience 0219-581X 1793-5350 Nanoscience "Journal-Catalogue-Nanoscience, Journal-Catalogue-Chemistry, Journal-Catalogue-Materials.Science, Journal-Catalogue-Medical.Life.Sciences, Journal-Catalogue-Physics.Astronomy" "This inter-disciplinary, internationally-reviewed research journal covers all aspects of nanometer scale science and technology. Articles in any contemporary topical areas are sought, from basic science of nanoscale physics and chemistry to applications in nanodevices, quantum engineering and quantum computing." 0.9 1.6 0.3 0.188 6 IJNS International Journal of Neural Systems 0129-0657 1793-6462 Computer Science Journal-Catalogue-Computer.Science "The International Journal of Neural Systems is a bimonthly peer-reviewed journal which covers information processing in natural and artificial neural systems. It publishes original contributions on all aspects of this broad subject which involves physics, biology, psychology, computer science and engineering. Contributions include research papers, reviews, short communications and Letters to the Editor. The journal presents a fresh, undogmatic attitude towards this multi-disciplinary field, aiming to be a forum for novel ideas and improved understanding of collective and cooperative phenomena in systems with computational capabilities." 6.6 11.3 1.425 1.672 37 13 IJNT International Journal of Number Theory 1793-0421 1793-7310 Mathematics Journal-Catalogue-Mathematics "This journal publishes original research papers and review articles on all areas of Number Theory, including elementary number theory, analytic number theory, algebraic number theory, arithmetic algebraic geometry, geometry of numbers, diophantine equations, diophantine approximation, transcendental number theory, probabilistic number theory, modular forms, multiplicative number theory, additive number theory, partitions, and computational number theory." 0.5 1.1 0.832 0.549 10 IJOCE International Journal of Ocean and Coastal Engineering 2529-8070 2591-717X Engineering Journal-Catalogue-Engineering "The journal is a peer-reviewed medium for the publication of research achievements and engineering practices on all aspects of ocean and coastal engineering, including but not limited to wave dynamics and wind waves, tides and ocean currents, sea level changes, tsunamis and storm surges, nearshore sediment transport, coastal morphology, beach erosion, shore protection, ocean acoustics, remote sensing of ocean, marine exploration techniques, AUV/ROV, offshore platforms and much more." 4 IJPIXE International Journal of PIXE 0129-0835 1793-6616 Physics and Astronomy Journal-Catalogue-Physics "International Journal of PIXE is a quarterly journal covering the latest developments in the various aspects of particle-induced X-ray emission (PIXE), including the fundamentals of this process, its applications and the techniques employed in different kinds of applications. It seeks to enhance cation between basic and applied scientists by compiling relevant research papers and review which would otherwise be widely dispersed in a number of specialized journals that cover PIXE only as one of the related subjects. " 4 IJPRAI International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence 0218-0014 1793-6381 Computer Science Journal-Catalogue-Computer.Science "The International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence (IJPRAI) publishes eight issues a year. It welcomes both theory-oriented and innovative applications articles on new developments and is of interest to both researchers in academia and industry. The current scope of this journal includes: Pattern Recognition , Machine Learning , Retrieval , Document Analysis , Image Processing , Signal Processing , Computer Vision , Biometrics , Biomedical Image Analysis , Artificial Intelligence." 0.9 2.9 0.454 0.302 16 IJQI International Journal of Quantum Information 0219-7499 1793-6918 Physics and Astronomy Journal-Catalogue-Physics "The International Journal of Quantum Information (IJQI) provides a forum for the interdisciplinary field of Quantum Information Science. In particular, we welcome contributions in these areas of experimental and theoretical research: Quantum Cryptography; Quantum Computation; Quantum Communication; Fundamentals of Quantum Mechanics" 0.7 2.2 0.534 0.25 8 IJRQSE "International Journal of Reliability, Quality and Safety Engineering" 0218-5393 1793-6446 Engineering Journal-Catalogue-Engineering "IJRQSE is a refereed journal focusing on both the theoretical and practical aspects of reliability, quality, and safety in engineering. The journal is intended to cover a broad spectrum of issues in manufacturing, computing, software, aerospace, control, nuclear systems, power systems, communication systems, and electronics. Papers are sought in the theoretical domain as well as in such practical fields as industry and laboratory research. The journal is published quarterly, March, June, September and December. It is intended to bridge the gap between the theoretical experts and practitioners in the academic, scientific, government, and business communities. Review articles and case studies are also welcome in addition to innovative works in all key areas of the journal." 0.9 1.7 0.476 0.266 6 IJSC International Journal of Semantic Computing 1793-351X 1793-7108 Computer Science Journal-Catalogue-Computer.Science "Semantic Computing (SC) is defined as ""Computing with (machine processable) Descriptions of Content and Intentions."" It brings together those disciplines concerned with connecting the (often vaguely formulated) intentions of humans with computational content that includes, but is not limited to, structured and semi-structured data, multimedia data, text, programs, services and, even, network behavior.

International Journal of Semantic Computing (IJSC) addresses the computing technologies (e.g., artificial intelligence, natural language, software engineering, data and knowledge engineering, computer systems, signal processing, etc.), and their interactions, that may be used to extract or process computational content and descriptions." 0.3 1.7 0.563 0.258 4 IJSEKE International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering 0218-1940 1793-6403 Computer Science Journal-Catalogue-Computer.Science "The International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering is intended to serve as a forum for researchers, practitioners, and developers to exchange ideas and results for the advancement of software engineering and knowledge engineering. A central theme of this journal is the interplay between software engineering and knowledge engineering." 0.6 1.9 0.432 0.251 43 12 IJSSD International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics 0219-4554 1793-6764 Engineering Journal-Catalogue-Engineering "he aim of this journal is to provide a unique forum for the publication and rapid dissemination of original research on stability and dynamics of structures. Papers that deal with conventional land-based structures, aerospace structures, marine structures, as well as biostructures and micro- and nano-structures are considered. Papers devoted to all aspects of structural stability and dynamics (both transient and vibration response), ranging from mathematical formulations, novel methods of solutions, to experimental investigations and practical applications in civil, mechanical, aerospace, marine, bio- and nano-engineering will be published." 3.0 5.3 1.212 0.687 35.1 41 30% 24 IJTAF International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance 0219-0249 1793-6322 "Economics, Finance and Management" "Journal-Catalogue-Economics.Finance.Management, Journal-Catalogue-Mathematics" "The disciplines covered by IJTAF include: mathematical finance; financial engineering; applications of modern probability theory and stochastic analysis in finance; models for interest rate, equity, foreign exchange, commodity, credit and inflation-linked products; portfolio theory; quantification of risk; applications of optimisation, control and filtering theory in finance; statistical analysis of financial data; computational and numerical methods in finance; calibration, stress-testing and institutional implementation of financial models; modelling issues arising in regulatory aspects of the financial markets; and modelling issues arising in incomplete and emerging markets, and in new product areas." 0.5 1.1 0.498 0.3 8 IJUFKS "International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems" 0218-4885 1793-6411 Computer Science Journal-Catalogue-Computer.Science "The International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems is a forum for research on various methodologies for the management of imprecise, vague, uncertain or incomplete information. The aim of the journal is to promote theoretical or methodological works dealing with all kinds of methods to represent and manipulate imperfectly described pieces of knowledge, excluding results on pure mathematics or simple applications of existing theoretical results." 1.0 2.7 0.495 0.411 8 IJWMIP "International Journal of Wavelets, Multiresolution and Information Processing" 0219-6913 1793-690X Interdisciplinary "Journal-Catalogue-Interdisciplinary, Journal-Catalogue-Computer.Science, Journal-Catalogue-Engineering, Journal-Catalogue-Mathematics" "International Journal of Wavelets, Multiresolution and Information Processing (IJWMIP) considers the current state-of-the-art theories of wavelet analysis, multiresolution and information processing as well as their applications. This journal aims at publishing papers in both the theories and applications, concentrating on the practical applications of the wavelets, multiresolution and information processing to all areas in science and engineering." 0.9 2.6 0.693 0.275 6 IS Issues and Studies 1013-2511 2529-802X Social Sciences Journal-Catalogue-Social.Sciences "The journal is published quarterly by the Institute of International Relations, National Chengchi University, Taipei. IS is an internationally peer-reviewed journal dedicated to publishing quality social science research on issues – mainly of a political nature – related to the domestic and international affairs of contemporary China, Taiwan, and East Asia, as well as other closely related topics. The editors particularly welcome manuscripts related to China and Taiwan." 0.8 1.3 0.977 0.316 4 JAA Journal of Algebra and Its Applications 0219-4988 1793-6829 Mathematics Journal-Catalogue-Mathematics "The Journal of Algebra and Its Applications will publish papers both on theoretical and on applied aspects of Algebra. There is special interest in papers that point out innovative links between areas of Algebra and fields of application. As the field of Algebra continues to experience tremendous growth and diversification, we intend to provide the mathematical community with a central source for information on both the theoretical and the applied aspects of the discipline. While the journal will be primarily devoted to the publication of original research, extraordinary expository articles that encourage communication between algebraists and experts on areas of application as well as those presenting the state of the art on a given algebraic sub-discipline will be considered." 0.5 1.5 1.158 0.502 14 JAD Journal of Advanced Dielectrics 2010-135X 2010-1368 Y Materials Science "Journal-Catalogue-Materials.Science, Journal-Catalogue-Materials.Science, Journal-Catalogue-Engineering, Journal-Catalogue-Open.Access" The Journal of Advanced Dielectrics is an international peer-reviewed journal for original contributions on the understanding and applications of dielectrics in modern electronic devices and systems. 2.1 3.8 0.639 0.369 28 6 JAI Journal of Astronomical Instrumentation 2251-1717 2251-1725 Physics and Astronomy Journal-Catalogue-Physics "The Journal of Astronomical Instrumentation (JAI) publishes papers describing instruments and components being proposed, developed, under construction and in use. JAI also publishes papers that describe facility operations, lessons learned in design, construction, and operation, algorithms and their implementations, and techniques, including calibration, that are fundamental elements of instrumentation. The journal focuses on astronomical instrumentation topics in all wavebands (Radio to Gamma-Ray) and includes the disciplines of Heliophysics, Space Weather, Lunar and Planetary Science, Exoplanet Exploration, and Astroparticle Observation (cosmic rays, cosmic neutrinos, etc.)." 1.5 2.3 0.761 0.447 4 JAIC Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Consciousness 2705-0785 2705-0793 Computer Science Journal-Catalogue-Computer.Science "The journal will offer a multidisciplinary platform to discuss AI and consciousness in the light of robotics and artificial systems, computational science, psychology, philosophy of mind, ethics, and neuroscience. " 3.3 1.268 N/A 2 JAMS Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Systems 0219-6867 1793-6896 Engineering "Journal-Catalogue-Engineering, Journal-Catalogue-Computer.Science" "Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Systems publishes original papers pertaining to state-of-the-art research and development, product development, process planning, resource planning, applications, and tools in the areas related to advanced manufacturing. The journal addresses: Manufacturing Systems , Collaborative Design , Collaborative Decision Making , Product Simulation , In-Process Modeling , Resource Planning , Resource Simulation , Tooling Design , Planning and Scheduling , Virtual Reality Technologies and Applications , CAD/CAE/CAM Systems , Networking and Distribution , Supply Chain Management" 0.9 2.9 0.581 0.257 4 JBCB Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology 0219-7200 1757-6334 Medical and Life Sciences "Journal-Catalogue-Medical.Life.Sciences, Journal-Catalogue-Computer.Science" "The Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology aims to publish high quality, original research articles, expository tutorial papers and review papers as well as short, critical comments on technical issues associated with the analysis of cellular information. The research papers will be technical presentations of new assertions, discoveries and tools, intended for a narrower specialist community. The tutorials, reviews and critical commentary will be targeted at a broader readership of biologists who are interested in using computers but are not knowledgeable about scientific computing, and equally, computer scientists who have an interest in biology but are not familiar with current thrusts nor the language of biology." 0.9 2.1 0.315 0.27 6 JBEA Journal of Business and Economic Analysis 2737-5668 2618-0324 Y "Economics, Finance and Management" "Journal-Catalogue-Economics.Finance.Management, Journal-Catalogue-Open.Access" "This is an international and interdisciplinary journal dedicated to improve existing knowledge and understanding in the fields of business, management, economics, accounting and finance, with special focus on emerging research areas including: Corporate social responsibility, Cross cultural management, Globalisation, Innovative entrepreneurship, Islamic financial products, Knowledge management, Performance measurement, Environmental economic issues, Monetary and financial reform policies, Sustainable development, FinTech and more. " 2 JBS Journal of Biological Systems 0218-3390 1793-6470 Medical and Life Sciences "Journal-Catalogue-Medical.Life.Sciences, Journal-Catalogue-Mathematics" "The Journal of Biological Systems is published quarterly. The goal of the Journal is to promote interdisciplinary approaches in Biology and in Medicine, and the study of biological situations with a variety of tools, including mathematical and general systems methods. " 1.3 2.8 0.794 0.454 40 27% 4 JCBC Journal of Computational Biophysics and Chemistry 2737-4165 2737-4173 Chemistry "Journal-Catalogue-Chemistry, Journal-Catalogue-Physics.Astronomy" "JCBC publishes regular articles and reviews on new methodology, software, web server and database developments. The applications of existing theoretical and computational methods which produce significant new insights into important problems are also welcomed. Papers reporting joint computational and experimental investigations are encouraged." 2.0 3.6 0.398 0.252 21 30 10 JCRI Journal of Clinical Rheumatology and Immunology 2661-3417 2661-3425 Y Medical and Life Sciences "Journal-Catalogue-Medical.Life.Sciences, Journal-Catalogue-Open.Access" The Journal of Clinical Rheumatology and Immunology (JCRI) is a peer-reviewed bi-yearly publication of The Hong Kong Society of Rheumatology. The journal's subject areas cover a wide range of Rheumatology and Immunological conditions from a clinical perspective. 48 20 88% 2 JCSC "Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers" 0218-1266 1793-6454 Engineering "Journal-Catalogue-Engineering, Journal-Catalogue-Computer.Science" "Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers is published ten times a year, and covers a wide scope, ranging from mathematical foundations to practical engineering design in the general areas of circuits, systems, and computers. Although primary emphasis will be on research papers, survey, expository and tutorial papers are also welcome." 0.9 2.8 0.547 0.298 18 JDE Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship 1084-9467 1793-706X "Economics, Finance and Management" Journal-Catalogue-Economics.Finance.Management "The Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship (JDE) provides a forum for the dissemination of descriptive, empirical, and theoretical research that focuses on issues concerning microenterprise and small business development, especially under conditions of adversity. The intended audiences for JDE are scholars who study issues of developmental entrepreneurship and professionals involved in governmental and non-governmental efforts to facilitate entrepreneurship in economic and community development programs around the world." 1.3 2.1 0.43 0.336 4 JEAPM Journal of Environmental Assessment Policy and Management 1464-3332 1757-5605 Environmental Science "Journal-Catalogue-Environmental.Science, Journal-Catalogue-Economics.Finance.Management, Journal-Catalogue-Engineering" "The Journal of Environmental Assessment Policy and Management is an interdisciplinary, peer reviewed, international journal covering policy and decision-making relating to environmental assessment (EA) in the broadest sense. Uniquely, its specific aim is to explore the horizontal interactions between assessment and aspects of environmental management and decision-making, as well as the vertical interactions within the broad field of impact assessment.

Ultimately, the journal aims at identifying comprehensive approaches to environmental improvement involving both qualitative and quantitative information. As the concepts associated with sustainable development mature, links between environmental assessment and management systems become all the more essential. The focus of the journal is on policy, procedures and law covering project and policy formulation, development and implementation, public participation and the institutional basis for EA." 7 1.092 1.362 5 JEC Journal of Enterprising Culture 0218-4958 1793-6330 "Economics, Finance and Management" Journal-Catalogue-Economics.Finance.Management "The purpose of the Journal of Enterprising Culture is to publish conceptual, research, and/or case based works that can be of practical value to business persons, educators, students and advocates. In addition, the Journal will also be dedicated to developing young researchers and teachers in the entrepreneurship discipline and to provide them with an opportunity to pursue more practical-oriented works. Under these circumstances, there will be a continuing flow of resource persons to serve the need of entrepreneurship research and education." 0.8 4 JEMAR "Journal of Economics, Management and Religion" 2737-436X 2737-4378 "Economics, Finance and Management" Journal-Catalogue-Economics.Finance.Management "This is the first academic journal specifically dedicated to exploring the Economics, Management and Religion nexus using state-of-the-art research methodologies. Original theoretical, empirical, experimental and historical analyses are all welcome, as long as the religion element of the study is substantially integrated with important ideas in Economics or Management. JEMAR also invites reviews of recent books that overlap with the topics of key interest to the journal's readership." 2 JEMDC Journal of Emergency Management and Disaster Communications 2689-9795 2689-9809 Y "Economics, Finance and Management" "Journal-Catalogue-Economics.Finance.Management, Journal-Catalogue-Medical.Life.Sciences, Journal-Catalogue-Open.Access" "The journal addresses issues of disaster medicine and education, disaster reporting, communication and dissemination, disaster risk analysis and prevention, rescue, and other aspects of research. It covers the following six sections: Strategies, policies and management; News, information and communication; New media contexts; Public emotions and behavior; Effects and practical implications; History, culture and beyond." 2 JET Journal of Earthquake and Tsunami 1793-4311 1793-7116 Engineering Journal-Catalogue-Engineering "Journal of Earthquake and Tsunami provides a common forum for scientists and engineers working in the areas of earthquakes and tsunamis to communicate and interact with one another and thereby enhance the opportunities for such cross-fertilization of ideas. The Journal publishes original papers pertaining to state-of-the-art research and development in Geological and Seismological Setting; Ground Motion, Site and Building Response; Tsunami Generation, Propagation, Damage and Mitigation, as well as Education and Risk Management following an earthquake or a tsunami." 2.1 2.6 0.643 0.317 6 JFMMI "Journal of Financial Management, Markets and Institutions" 2591-7684 Y "Economics, Finance and Management" "Journal-Catalogue-Economics.Finance.Management, Journal-Catalogue-Open.Access" "The aim of the Journal is to publish high quality, original and rigorous research papers concerning broad areas of finance. The areas of interest include, but are not limited to Financial Institutions, Financial Markets, Risk Management, Investments and Corporate Finance." 1.3 0.418 0.249 2 JFT The Journal of FinTech 2705-1099 2737-5366 "Economics, Finance and Management" Journal-Catalogue-Economics.Finance.Management "The world of finance is changing dramatically as technology introduces and enables new paradigms. Banking, insurance, investments and credit analysis are all undergoing transformational changes and even the basic concept of money is no longer the same. The three basic components of FinTech are Financial Systems, Technologies and Applications. We will provide a platform for new ideas and developments in which technology based on computers and communication channels is changing the traditional approach" Continuous Publishing JHDE Journal of Hyperbolic Differential Equations 0219-8916 1793-6993 Mathematics Journal-Catalogue-Mathematics "This journal publishes original research papers on nonlinear hyperbolic problems and related topics, of mathematical and/or physical interest. Specifically, it invites papers on the theory and numerical analysis of hyperbolic conservation laws and of hyperbolic partial differential equations arising in mathematical physics." 0.5 1.1 0.742 0.615 4 JHS The Journal of Hand Surgery: Asian-Pacific Volume 2424-8355 2424-8363 Medical and Life Sciences Journal-Catalogue-Medical.Life.Sciences "The Journal of Hand Surgery: Asian-Pacific Volume is an international journal, written in English, devoted to injury and disease of the hand and upper limb and related research. The journal has been established to represent the thoughts and experiences of hand surgeons within the Asia-Pacific region. The journal will publish scientific articles, including case reports, articles on surgical techniques, letters to the Editor, and information regarding meetings and education programmes. The editorial board is drawn from hand surgeons of high standing throughout the world. The journal will accept submissions in English from all countries and will encourage contributions worldwide. It is intended that Hand Surgery reach the high standards attained by the British and European, and American volumes of the Journal of Hand Surgery, and that these three journals complement each other." 0.5 0.9 0.61 0.271 6 JIAS The Journal of Indian and Asian Studies 2717-5413 2717-5766 Y Social Sciences "Journal-Catalogue-Social.Sciences, Journal-Catalogue-Open.Access" "JIAS is a biannual (2 issues per year), peer-reviewed, open-access and international academic journal, published jointly by the Institute of Indian Studies, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies (South Korea) and the World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. It welcomes submissions in social sciences as well as humanities." 38 2 JICEP "Journal of International Commerce, Economics and Policy" 1793-9933 1793-9941 "Economics, Finance and Management" Journal-Catalogue-Economics.Finance.Management "The Journal of International Commerce, Economics and Policy (JICEP) is a peer-reviewed journal that seeks to publish high-quality research papers that explore important dimensions of the global economic system (including trade, finance, investment and labor flows). JICEP is particularly interested in potentially influential research that is analytical or empirical but with heavy emphasis on international dimensions of economics, business and related public policy. Papers must aim to be thought-provoking and combine rigor with readability so as to be of interest to both researchers as well as policymakers." 1.3 1.5 0.279 0.248 3 JIIM Journal of Industrial Integration and Management: Innovation & Entrepreneurship 2424-8622 2424-8630 "Economics, Finance and Management" Journal-Catalogue-Economics.Finance.Management "The Journal of Industrial Integration and Management: Innovation & Entrepreneurship focuses on the technological innovation and entrepreneurship of the current transition towards industrial integration and informatization. This journal aims to provide insights into challenges, issues, and solutions related to industrial integration and industrial informatization through an interdisciplinary forum for researchers, practitioners, and policy makers from perspectives of innovation and entrepreneurship." 3.4 17 1.508 1.136 4 JIKM Journal of Information & Knowledge Management 0219-6492 1793-6926 Computer Science "Journal-Catalogue-Computer.Science, Journal-Catalogue-Economics.Finance.Management" "JIKM is a refereed journal published quarterly by World Scientific and dedicated to the exchange of the latest research and practical information in the field of information processing and knowledge management. The journal publishes original research and case studies by academic, business and government contributors on all aspects of information processing, information management, knowledge management, tools, techniques and technologies, knowledge creation and sharing, best practices, policies and guideline." 0.9 2.4 0.589 0.27 6 JIOHS Journal of Innovative Optical Health Sciences 1793-5458 1793-7205 Y Medical and Life Sciences "Journal-Catalogue-Medical.Life.Sciences, Journal-Catalogue-Physics.Astronomy, Journal-Catalogue-Open.Access" "JIOHS serves as an international forum for the publication of the latest developments in all areas of photonics in biology and medicine. JIOHS will consider for publication original papers in all disciplines of photonics in biology and medicine, including but not limited to:Photonic therapeutics and diagnostics, Optical clinical technologies and systems, Tissue optics, Laser-tissue interaction and tissue engineering, Biomedical spectroscopy, Advanced microscopy and imaging, Nanobiophotonics and optical molecular imaging, Multimodal and hybrid biomedical imaging, Micro/nanofabrication, Medical microsystems, Optical coherence tomography, Photodynamic therapy. " 2.3 4.5 0.621 0.492 34 56 35% 6 JKTR Journal of Knot Theory and Its Ramifications 0218-2165 1793-6527 Mathematics Journal-Catalogue-Mathematics "This Journal is intended as a forum for new developments in knot theory, particularly developments that create connections between knot theory and other aspects of mathematics and natural science. Our stance is interdisciplinary due to the nature of the subject. Knot theory as a core mathematical discipline is subject to many forms of generalization (virtual knots and links, higher-dimensional knots, knots and links in other manifolds, non-spherical knots, recursive systems analogous to knotting). Knots live in a wider mathematical framework (classification of three and higher dimensional manifolds, statistical mechanics and quantum theory, quantum groups, combinatorics of Gauss codes, combinatorics, algorithms and computational complexity, category theory and categorification of topological and algebraic structures, algebraic topology, topological quantum field theories)." 0.3 0.8 0.619 0.418 14 JMEM Journal of Molecular and Engineering Materials 2251-2373 2251-2381 Materials Science "Journal-Catalogue-Materials.Science, Journal-Catalogue-Engineering, Journal-Catalogue-Chemistry, Journal-Catalogue-Physics.Astronomy" "The journal targets at reviews, communications and regular papers in all areas under molecular materials and engineering materials. Molecular materials is an intersecting field of materials and molecular science, whereas engineering materials integrates materials research with the broad engineering field. The journal aims to publish novel, high-quality, and high-impact works in (1) materials design, synthesis and growth; (2) materials analysis and characterization; (3) materials properties and functions; (4) materials fabrication and device manufacturing; and (5) system integration and applications of materials." 2.4 54 53 69% 4 JML Journal of Mathematical Logic 0219-0613 1793-6691 Mathematics Journal-Catalogue-Mathematics The Journal of Mathematical Logic (JML) provides an important forum for the communication of original contributions in all areas of mathematical logic and its applications. It aims at publishing papers at the highest level of mathematical creativity and sophistication. JML intends to represent the most important and innovative developments in the subject. 0.9 1.6 1.436 0.923 3 JMM Journal of Multiscale Modelling 1756-9737 1756-9745 Engineering "Journal-Catalogue-Engineering, Journal-Catalogue-Physics.Astronomy" "Multiscale Modelling provides a common platform for exchange of views and presentation of original papers (theoretical, computational and experimental) with a general emphasis on Multiscale issues in this rapidly developing field. Papers reporting advancement of the theory and applications of single scale problems (i.e. Nano, Micro, etc.) which pave the way for multiscale implementation are also appropriate for the journal." 1.0 4 JMMB Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology 0219-5194 1793-6810 Engineering "Journal-Catalogue-Engineering, Journal-Catalogue-Medical.Life.Sciences" "This journal has as its objective the publication and dissemination of original research (even for ""revolutionary concepts that contrast with existing theories"" & ""hypothesis"") in all fields of engineering-mechanics that includes mechanisms, processes, bio-sensors and bio-devices in medicine, biology and healthcare. The journal publishes original papers in English which contribute to an understanding of biomedical engineering and science at a nano- to macro-scale or an improvement of the methods and techniques of medical, biological and clinical treatment by the application of advanced high technology." 0.8 1.2 0.299 0.189 10 JMMP Journal of Micromechanics and Molecular Physics 2424-9130 2424-9149 Materials Science "Journal-Catalogue-Materials.Science, Journal-Catalogue-Engineering" "The Journal of Micromechanics and Molecular Physics provides an international academic forum to disseminate fundamental researches and developments in nanomechanics and micromechanics of materials. The Journal focuses on theoretical developments, experimental innovations, and computational and simulation methods in the field of nanoscale and nanostructured materials, composite materials, defect mechanics and physics, and discovery of novel advanced materials, with emphasis on mechanics and physics of microstructures, characterization and modeling, and material design and material manufacture processing, and interrelation/coloration between material micro- and nanostructure with macroscale functions." 3.3 0.515 0.365 4 JMR Journal of Musculoskeletal Research 0218-9577 1793-6497 Medical and Life Sciences Journal-Catalogue-Medical.Life.Sciences "Journal of Musculoskeletal Research is an international, interdisciplinary journal aimed at publishing up-to-date contributions on clinical and basic research in the musculoskeletal system. Research into the musculoskeletal system has grown tremendously in the past few decades. Meanwhile, several outstanding journals in the field have appeared, but with a different emphasis and objective. With the growing number of studies in the field, the review process has become increasingly longer." 2.7 0.621 0.25 4 JMRR Journal of Medical Robotics Research 2424-905X 2424-9068 Computer Science "Journal-Catalogue-Computer.Science, Journal-Catalogue-Medical.Life.Sciences, Journal-Catalogue-Engineering" "The Journal of Medical Robotics Research (JMRR) invites fundamental scientific and technological contributions as well as clinical evaluation studies in several areas, including, but not limited to: Robot-assisted Surgery, Image-guided Interventions, Rehabilitation Robotics, Assistive Robotics, Surgical simulation, Image-guided Diagnosis and Therapy, Nano-scale and micro-scale Interventions, Telesurgery, Haptics for Medical Robotics, Smart instrumented tools for surgery, Surgical Navigation, Surgical Workflow and Wearable Rehabilitation System." 2.1 0.311 0.208 41 35 61% 4 JNOPM Journal of Nonlinear Optical Physics & Materials 0218-8635 1793-6624 Physics and Astronomy Journal-Catalogue-Physics "This journal is devoted to the rapidly advancing research and development in the field of nonlinear interactions of light with matter. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, nonlinear optical materials, metamaterials and plasmonics, nano-photonic structures, stimulated scatterings, harmonic generations, wave mixing, real time holography, guided waves and solitons, bistabilities, instabilities and nonlinear dynamics, and their applications in laser and coherent lightwave amplification, guiding, switching, modulation, communication and information processing. " 2.9 3 0.794 0.406 46 59% 8 JOCARP "Journal of Climate Action, Research, and Policy" 2972-3124 Y Environmental Science "Journal-Catalogue-Economics.Finance.Management, Journal-Catalogue-Environmental.Science, Journal-Catalogue-Open.Access" "JOCARP's vision is a pioneering open access journal, with the unique focus of providing solid science-based and action-oriented resources catalyzing the implementation of more urgent, substantial, and pivotal climate action solutions by business of all types, government at all levels, academia, and non-governmental organizations (NGOs)." Continuous Publishing JOEE Journal of Extreme Events 2345-7376 2382-6339 "Economics, Finance and Management" "Journal-Catalogue-Economics.Finance.Management, Journal-Catalogue-Environmental.Science" "The objective of the Journal of Extreme Events is to provide a forum for analysis of the occurrence, impact, and significance of extreme events on natural and human systems. The Journal will provide a range of opportunities for manuscripts including original research papers, review assessments, and science-policy statements. Readership for the journal will come from a range of academic disciplines as well as research-oriented practitioner and stakeholder professions." 4 JOIN Journal of Interconnection Networks 0219-2659 1793-6713 Computer Science Journal-Catalogue-Computer.Science "The Journal of Interconnection Networks (JOIN) is an international scientific journal dedicated to advancing the state-of-the-art of interconnection networks. The journal addresses all aspects of interconnection networks which include structure, function, application and management in a variety of pervasive systems at the biological, cyber, physical and social level. Original research articles, both theoretical and applied, are solicited. Expository papers, which survey a matured or an emerging field, are also welcome. " 0.5 N/A 0.299 N/A 4 JPP Journal of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines 1088-4246 1099-1409 Chemistry Journal-Catalogue-Chemistry "The Journal of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines (JPP) covers research in the chemistry, physics, biology and technology of porphyrins, phthalocyanines and related macrocycles. Research papers, review articles and short communications deal with the synthesis, spectroscopy, processing and applications of these compounds." 0.9 2.1 0.336 0.245 12 JSSS Journal of South Seas Society 0081-2889 Social Sciences Journal-Catalogue-Social.Sciences 《南洋学报》是南洋研究的重要刊物,也是东南亚地区刊龄最长的一份国际性华文期刊。自1940年创刊至今,已经出版了63卷,均为知名中外学者和文教界人士所撰写,其中不乏高水平和具影响力的研究成果。学报的文章包含中英文专论,研究对象以南洋(东南亚)课题为主体,主要概括为:史地考证、考古资料、文献译述、史料钩沉、移民现象、跨国网络、华侨华人、民族研究、人口问题、社会互动、文化掌故、教育专论、报业历史、马华文学、民间宗教、风土民情、佛教艺术、政治经贸等领域的微观剖析和宏观探讨。学报也刊登书评、学术文化活动及出版信息。

本学报一年一期,从第63卷开始以全新的设计与读者见面由南洋学会出版,八方文化创作室制作兼发行。 1 JST Journal of Social Theory 1099-4882 Social Sciences Journal-Catalogue-Social.Sciences 社 会 理 论 学 报 旨 在 提 供 一 个 自 由 讨 论 的 学 术 园 地,促 进 海 内 外 学 者 的 相 互 沟 通,从 而 推 动 中 国 社 会 理 论 的 发 展。凡 社 会 及 政 治 理 论、社 会 科 学 哲学、後 设 理 论 及 有 关 社 会 科 学 中 国 化 的 探 讨 等,均 在 本 学 报 讨 论 范 围 之 内。 2 JTA Journal of Topology and Analysis 1793-5253 1793-7167 Mathematics Journal-Catalogue-Mathematics "This journal is devoted to topology and analysis, broadly defined to include, for instance, differential geometry, geometric topology, geometric analysis, geometric group theory, index theory, noncommutative geometry, and aspects of probability on discrete structures, and geometry of Banach spaces. We welcome all excellent papers that have a geometric and/or analytic flavor that fosters the interactions between these fields." 0.5 1.5 0.7 0.464 6 JTCA Journal of Theoretical and Computational Acoustics 0218-396X 1793-6489 Engineering "Journal-Catalogue-Engineering, Journal-Catalogue-Physics.Astronomy" "Topics covered by this journal include research and tutorial contributions in OCEAN ACOUSTICS (a subject of active research in relation with sonar detection and the design of noiseless ships), SEISMO-ACOUSTICS (of concern to earthquake science and engineering, and also to those doing underground prospection like searching for petroleum), AEROACOUSTICS (which includes the analysis of noise created by aircraft), COMPUTATIONAL METHODS, and SUPERCOMPUTING. In addition to the traditional issues and problems in computational methods, the journal also considers theoretical research acoustics papers which lead to large-scale scientific computations." 1.3 2.9 0.857 0.38 4 JUF Journal of Urban Futures Environmental Science Journal-Catalogue-Environmental.Science "The objectives of the journal are to highlight multi-level research from the neighborhood to the urban and global scale that addresses the future of livable, sustainable and resilient cities. Fundamental to the urban transformation is the decarbonization challenge to fight climate change, which involves the switch to renewable resources and energy efficiency in all urban infrastructure sectors. " 2 JUS Journal of Uncertain Systems 1752-8909 1752-8917 "Economics, Finance and Management" Journal-Catalogue-Economics.Finance.Management "Journal of Uncertain Systems (JUS) aims to publish original research related to uncertain systems with mathematical descriptions and applications in engineering, economics, finance, and management sciences. Some typical topics covered by JUS include but are not limited to the following four topics: Uncertain Systems (related to Statistics, Programming, Logic, Inference and Dynamic Systems), Economic, management, and financial systems involving uncertainty, AI, big data techniques and applications and Decision and control in engineering" 1.4 0.563 0.238 4 M3AS Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences 0218-2025 1793-6314 Mathematics Journal-Catalogue-Mathematics "The purpose of this journal is to provide a medium of exchange for scientists engaged in applied sciences (physics, mathematical physics, natural, and technological sciences) where there exists a non-trivial interplay between mathematics, mathematical modelling of real systems and mathematical and computer methods oriented towards the qualitative and quantitative analysis of real physical systems." 3.6 6.3 1.552 2.167 14 MFJ Molecular Frontiers Journal 2529-7325 2529-7333 Y Interdisciplinary "Journal-Catalogue-Interdisciplinary, Journal-Catalogue-Open.Access" "Recognizing the need to identify and advance the important messages of science, a number of individuals gathered in Sweden to form what became known as the Molecular Frontiers Foundation. Since 2006, this organization operates as a non-profit, hosted by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. Its Scientific Advisory Board, including many Nobel Prize laureates, represents expertise from a wide range of scientific disciplines." 1 MO Mathematics Open 2811-0072 Y Mathematics "Journal-Catalogue-Mathematics, Journal-Catalogue-Open.Access" "Mathematics Open focuses on ensuring that all papers published are of high technical quality but allows the scientific community to determine the impact of published works. The editorial process focuses on the technical validity of the research, from methodological, analytical, and statistical aspects, as well as publication ethics." 40 26% Continuous Publishing MPLA Modern Physics Letters A 0217-7323 1793-6632 Physics and Astronomy Journal-Catalogue-Physics "This letters journal, launched in 1986, consists of research papers covering current research developments in Gravitation, Cosmology, Nuclear Physics, and Particles and Fields. A Brief Review section has also been initiated with the purpose of publishing short reports on the latest experimental findings and urgent new theoretical developments." 1.5 3.1 0.494 0.404 40 MPLB Modern Physics Letters B 0217-9849 1793-6640 Physics and Astronomy "Journal-Catalogue-Physics.Astronomy, Journal-Catalogue-Materials.Science" "MPLB opens a channel for the fast circulation of important and useful research findings in Condensed Matter Physics, Statistical Physics, as well as Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics. A strong emphasis is placed on topics of current interest, such as cold atoms and molecules, new topological materials and phases, and novel low-dimensional materials. The journal also contains a Brief Reviews section with the purpose of publishing short reports on the latest experimental findings and urgent new theoretical developments." 1.8 3.7 0.496 0.334 14 75 20% 36 NANO Nano 1793-2920 1793-7094 Nanoscience "Journal-Catalogue-Nanoscience, Journal-Catalogue-Chemistry, Journal-Catalogue-Engineering, Journal-Catalogue-Physics.Astronomy, Journal-Catalogue-Physics.Astronomy, Journal-Catalogue-Physics.Astronomy" "NANO provides an ideal forum for presenting original reports of theoretical and experimental nanoscience and nanotechnology research. Research areas of interest include: nanomaterials including nano-related biomaterials, new phenomena and newly developed characterization tools, fabrication methods including by self-assembly, device applications, and numerical simulation, modeling, and theory. However, in light of the current stage development of nanoscience, manuscripts on numerical simulation, modeling, and/or theory only without experimental evidences are considered as not pertinent to the scope of NANO." 1.0 2.1 0.228 0.252 14 NL Nano LIFE 1793-9844 1793-9852 Nanoscience "Journal-Catalogue-Nanoscience, Journal-Catalogue-Medical.Life.Sciences, Journal-Catalogue-Physics.Astronomy, Journal-Catalogue-Materials.Science, Journal-Catalogue-Chemistry, Journal-Catalogue-Engineering" "Nano LIFE is a quarterly international journal publishing peer-reviewed research covering all fields in between nano and biomedical sciences. The emphasis of this journal is based on its originality, importance, and interdisciplinary nature between nano and life sciences. Nano LIFE also provides current news and interpretations of critical issues in nanomedicine that caters to scientific communities and the general public." 0.8 0.7 0.139 0.123 17 30 40% 6 NMNC New Mathematics and Natural Computation 1793-0057 1793-7027 Computer Science "Journal-Catalogue-Computer.Science, Journal-Catalogue-Mathematics, Journal-Catalogue-Economics.Finance.Management" "The journal has demonstrated there is room for artificial intelligence & modern control theory in contributing solutions to some selected economic problems. We shall continue to explore other possibilities. A new initiative on cognitive science and economics is a good example. Over the years, this journal has published some papers on pattern recognition, image processing, and natural languages vis-a-vis artificial intelligence. We welcome any proposal on worthy new initiatives." 0.7 1.7 0.945 0.239 3 OSID Open Systems & Information Dynamics 1230-1612 1793-7191 Mathematics Journal-Catalogue-Mathematics "The aim of this journal is to promote interdisciplinary research in mathematics, physics, engineering and life sciences centered around the issues of broadly understood information processing, storage and transmission, in both quantum and classical settings. Our special interest lies in the information-theoretic approach to phenomena dealing with dynamics and thermodynamics, control, communication, filtering, memory and cooperative behaviour, etc., in open complex systems." 1.3 1.4 0.503 0.337 4 PPL Parallel Processing Letters 0129-6264 1793-642X Computer Science Journal-Catalogue-Computer.Science Parallel Processing Letters (PPL) aims to rapidly disseminate results on a worldwide basis in the field of parallel processing in the form of short papers. It fills the need for an information vehicle which can convey recent achievements and further the exchange of scientific information in the field. Letters of high scientific quality containing original results will be published. Experimental results are also welcome for publication if they contain an analysis corresponding to an abstract model of computation. 0.5 0.9 0.274 0.201 4 QJF Quarterly Journal of Finance 2010-1392 2010-1406 "Economics, Finance and Management" Journal-Catalogue-Economics.Finance.Management "The Quarterly Journal of Finance publishes high-quality papers in all areas of finance, including corporate finance, asset pricing, financial econometrics, international finance, macro-finance, behavioral finance, banking and financial intermediation, capital markets, risk management and insurance, derivatives, quantitative finance, corporate governance and compensation, investments and entrepreneurial finance. " 0.9 1.1 0.412 0.532 4 RAPS Reports in Advances of Physical Sciences 2424-9424 2529-752X Y Interdisciplinary "Journal-Catalogue-Interdisciplinary, Journal-Catalogue-Engineering, Journal-Catalogue-Physics.Astronomy, Journal-Catalogue-Open.Access" "Reports in Advances of Physical Sciences is a peer-reviewed, open access interdisciplinary physical science journal. It publishes original research articles as well as review articles in all areas of physical sciences including biomedical and biophysical sciences, pure and applied physics, materials science, nanoscience and chemical sciences, other interdisciplinary physical sciences for example socio-econo physics, geophysics, etc." Continuous Publishing RMP Reviews in Mathematical Physics 0129-055X 1793-6659 Mathematics "Journal-Catalogue-Mathematics, Journal-Catalogue-Physics.Astronomy" "Reviews in Mathematical Physics fills the need for a review journal in the field, but also accepts original research papers of high quality. The review papers - introductory and survey papers - are of relevance not only to mathematical physicists, but also to mathematicians and theoretical physicists interested in interdisciplinary topics. Original research papers are not subject to page limitations provided they are of importance to this readership. It is desirable that such papers have an expository part understandable to a wider readership than experts." 1.4 3 1.02 0.667 10 RMTA Random Matrices: Theory and Application 2010-3263 2010-3271 Mathematics Journal-Catalogue-Mathematics "Random Matrices: Theory and Applications, publishes high quality papers on all aspects regarding random matrices, both theory and applications. These areas will include, but not be limited to, spectral theory, new ensembles (those not generally considered in classical random matrix theory), and applications to a wide variety of areas, including high dimensional data analysis, wireless communications, finance, and economics. Only papers that contain original, innovative and correct results, which deepen our understanding on the theory of random matrices and its applications, will be considered for publications." 0.9 1.9 0.715 0.593 4 RPBFMP Reviews of Pacific Basin Financial Markets and Policies 0219-0915 1793-6705 "Economics, Finance and Management" Journal-Catalogue-Economics.Finance.Management "This journal concentrates on global interdisciplinary research in finance, economics, accounting, and management. It particularly emphasizes the economic, financial, and management relationships among Pacific rim countries. " 0.3 1.3 0.305 0.171 4 SD Stochastic and Dynamics 0219-4937 1793-6799 Mathematics "Journal-Catalogue-Mathematics, Journal-Catalogue-Nonlinear.Science" "This interdisciplinary journal is devoted to publishing high quality papers in modeling, analyzing, quantifying and predicting stochastic phenomena in science and engineering from a dynamical system's point of view. Papers can be about theory, experiments, algorithms, numerical simulation and applications. Papers studying the dynamics of stochastic phenomena by means of random or stochastic ordinary, partial or functional differential equations or random mappings are particularly welcome, and so are studies of stochasticity in deterministic systems." 0.8 1.7 0.756 0.738 8 SER The Singapore Economic Review 0217-5908 1793-6837 "Economics, Finance and Management" Journal-Catalogue-Economics.Finance.Management "The Singapore Economic Review is a general economics quarterly devoted to publishing the best policy and applied economics papers in addition to high-quality theoretical pieces. Widely regarded as a leading journal in the Asia-Pacific, it has a long history of publication on economic issues impinging on Southeast Asia and the broader Asia-Pacific region. Issues analysed are not specific to Singapore but instead highlight rigorous empirical work across diverse economic issues of the contemporary world, including macroeconomic, microeconomic, financial and social aspects, with a special emphasis on economic problems related to Asian countries. The journal also publishes papers of an interdisciplinary nature and welcomes this academic interface. It keeps scholars abreast of developments in the economic literature." 1.5 3.4 0.49 0.332 8 SM Smart Manufacturing 2737-5498 2737-551X Engineering Journal-Catalogue-Engineering "This journal aims to boost the integration of advanced manufacturing systems and digital information for high production efficiency, adaptability, and sustainability, using cutting-edge technologies in digital manufacturing, automated and robotic systems, artificial intelligence, online monitoring, cyber-physical systems, big data, Internet of Things (IoT), cloud computing, sociotechnology, etc" 2 SPIN SPIN 2010-3247 2010-3255 Materials Science "Journal-Catalogue-Materials.Science, Journal-Catalogue-Physics.Astronomy, Journal-Catalogue-Chemistry, Journal-Catalogue-Engineering" "Spin electronics is a rapidly emerging field which is based on taking advantage of the unique properties of the spin of the electron, the nucleus and other fundamental particles, as well as that of the photon. Spin electronics has special importance as conventional electronics reaches its physical limitations.

The scope of the journal includes (but is not necessarily limited to) the following topics: Materials, Semiconductor electronics, Nanodevices, Spin injection, Spin transport, Spin transfer torque, Spin torque oscillators, Electrical control of magnetic properties, Organic spintronics, Optical phenomena and optoelectronic spin manipulation, Applications and devices, Fundamental and interdisciplinary studies " 1.3 2.1 0.48 0.233 6 SRL Surface Review and Letters 0218-625X 1793-6667 Materials Science "Journal-Catalogue-Materials.Science, Journal-Catalogue-Physics.Astronomy" "This international journal is devoted to the elucidation of properties and processes that occur at the boundaries of materials. The scope of the journal covers a broad range of topics in experimental and theoretical studies of surfaces and interfaces. Both the physical and chemical properties are covered. The journal also places emphasis on emerging areas of cross-disciplinary research where new phenomena occur due to the presence of a surface or an interface. Representative areas include surface and interface structures; their electronic, magnetic and optical properties; dynamics and energetics; chemical reactions at surfaces; phase transitions, reconstruction, roughening and melting; defects, nucleation and growth; and new surface and interface characterization techniques." 1.2 2.2 0.402 0.226 12 TIJA The International Journal of Accounting 1094-4060 2213-3933 "Economics, Finance and Management" Journal-Catalogue-Economics.Finance.Management "The aims of The International Journal of Accounting are to advance the academic and professional understanding of accounting theory and practice from an international perspective and viewpoint. The journal recognizes that international accounting is influenced by a variety of forces i.e. governmental, political and economical." 2.0 1.2 0.88 0.491 4 TMMM Traditional Medicine and Modern Medicine 2575-9000 2575-9019 Y Medical and Life Sciences "Journal-Catalogue-Medical.Life.Sciences, Journal-Catalogue-Open.Access" "Traditional Medicine and Modern Medicine is an international journal that aims to give access to better communication and further integration among traditional medicines in China and abroad so as to promote the development of traditional medicines worldwide. Investigations into traditional medicines with the theories and techniques of modern medicines will enhance the integration between them, thus contributing to the advancement of medicine." Continuous Publishing TPE The Physics Educator 2661-3395 2661-3409 Physics and Astronomy Journal-Catalogue-Physics "The aim of the journal is to enhance the teaching of physics in lecture rooms, classrooms and teaching laboratories through new approaches, insights and demonstrations, and to provide a lively forum for discussions on educational and curriculum developments, strategies for teaching and classroom management, pedagogy, equipment and other topics relevant to the teaching of physics." 0.6 0.447 0.22 Continuous Publishing TVJ Taiwan Veterinary Journal 1682-6485 2382-5588 Y Medical and Life Sciences "Journal-Catalogue-Medical.Life.Sciences, Journal-Catalogue-Open.Access" "The aims of the TVJ are (1) to promote the exchange of veterinary sciences information, beyond the Asian Pacific region, to a global level; (2) to enhance the mutual awareness of the progresses that are ongoing in every corner of the global veterinary communities; (3) to promote the international cooperation on the prevention, treatment, control and eradication of animal diseases; (4) to actively engage the concept of one health one medicine for the welfare of both animals and human beings. " 4 US Unmanned Systems 2301-3850 2301-3869 Engineering "Journal-Catalogue-Engineering, Journal-Catalogue-Computer.Science" "Unmanned Systems (US) aims to cover all subjects related to the development of automatic machine systems, which include advanced technologies in unmanned hardware platforms (aerial, ground, underwater and unconventional platforms), unmanned software systems, energy systems, modeling and control, communications systems, computer vision systems, sensing and information processing, navigation and path planning, computing, information fusion, multi-agent systems, mission management, machine intelligence, artificial intelligence, and innovative application case studies." 3.0 8.5 2.081 1.493 6 VJCS Vietnam Journal of Computer Science 2196-8888 2196-8896 Y Computer Science "Journal-Catalogue-Computer.Science, Journal-Catalogue-Open.Access" "VJCS strives to cover all aspects of working out new technologies for knowledge engineering, creating intelligent systems and processing data. Papers also highlight advances in use of knowledge engineering technologies and intelligent systems for solving tasks in management, industry, engineering, administration, and education, and evaluations of existing intelligent systems and tools, emphasising comparative studies and user experiences." 0.6 2.7 0.589 0.285 35 4 WEP Water Economics and Policy 2382-624X 2382-6258 "Economics, Finance and Management" Journal-Catalogue-Economics.Finance.Management "Water Economics and Policy (WEP) will address the economic-policy interaction by publishing highly technical water economics research with clear relevance for policy. WEP will aim to target a wide range of economic questions at local, regional, national and international levels. It will accommodate work that is focused on specific sectors (such as urban, hydropower, irrigation, and environment) as well as work that is inter-sectoral in nature." 1.0 1.9 0.337 0.279 4 WSARAI World Scientific Annual Review of Artificial Intelligence 2811-0323 2811-0331 Computer Science Journal-Catalogue-Computer.Science "To properly document the landmark development in Artificial Intelligence, this Annual Review aims to invite pioneers and experts in the fourth front of AI research to document and keeps audience updated on the story of this remarkable journey from Chess playing program in the 1950s to today underpinning a spectrum breath-taking innovations. " 1 WSARB World Scientific Annual Review of Biomechanics 2810-9589 2810-9597 Medical and Life Sciences Journal-Catalogue-Medical.Life.Sciences "The World Scientific Annual Review covers biomechanics of all levels of biological systems, from cells, tissues, organs to systems, such as cardiovascular and respiratory, neural, muscular and skeletal systems, and from fundamental mechanisms to translational and clinical applications such as biofluids, orthopedics, prosthesis and implants, rehabilitation, prosthetics and orthotics, sports injuries and performance, and medical devices. Theoretical, modeling and experimental methodologies are included." 1 WSARDS World Scientific Annual Review of Data Science Computer Science Journal-Catalogue-Computer.Science "This Annual Review of Data Science brings together expert perspectives and reviews on data science advances and challenges. Diverse subjects are addressed including data management governance, data curation, quality assessment and sharing, data analysis, data communication, data visualization, data literacy and education. " 1 WSARFM World Scientific Annual Review of Functional Materials 2810-9228 2810-9236 Materials Science Journal-Catalogue-Materials.Science The World Scientific Annual Review aims to publish authoritative and state-of-the-art reviews on recent breakthroughs in the current research on functional materials and their technological applications. Invited authors of WS Ann. Rev. Funct. Mater. are experts chosen based on their strong track record in their respective fields. The editorial policy of the publication intends to serve the community by providing a forward-looking overview on topics of interest within the functional materials domain. 1 WSARFT World Scientific Annual Review of FinTech 2811-0048 2811-0056 "Economics, Finance and Management" Journal-Catalogue-Economics.Finance.Management "The World Scientific Annual Review aims to publish theoretical and empirical research of the highest quality across all major fields in fintech and sustainable development including but not limited to entrepreneurship in finance, use of emerging technologies such as AI, IoT and quantum computing in finance and markets, technology powered financial inclusion, economic models in blockchain-based (decentralized) finance, green and sustainable finance, ethics, governance, and regulatory matters related to fintech, other related topics." 1 WSARIF World Scientific Annual Review of Islamic Finance 2811-0234 2811-0226 "Economics, Finance and Management" Journal-Catalogue-Economics.Finance.Management "The World Scientific Annual Review provides a specialized forum for publishing Islamic finance research and gives liberty to researchers to query and answer research questions that are important from the perspective of Islamic finance, without having to generalize their ideas to the broader disciplines of mainstream finance, economics, law and ethics." 1 COMPUTING-OPEN Computing Open 2972-3701 Y Computer Science "Journal-Catalogue-Computer.Science, Journal-Catalogue-Open.Access" "Computing Open is a new fully peer-reviewed, rapid publication, open access, broad scope journal that publishes original research and review articles on all aspects of computer science. The journal is editorially aligned with World Scientific's collection of high-quality and leading computer science journals which are considered essential content by top institutions globally." 33 Continuous Publishing ECONOMICS-OPEN Economics Open Y "Economics, Finance and Management" "Journal-Catalogue-Economics.Finance.Management, Journal-Catalogue-Open.Access" "Economics Open is a new fully peer-reviewed, open access, broad scope journal that publishes original research and review articles on all aspects of economics. The journal is editorially aligned with World Scientific’s collection of high-quality and leading economics journals which are considered essential content by top institutions globally." Continuous Publishing ES Energy Science Engineering "Journal-Catalogue-Physics, Journal-Catalogue-Engineering, Journal-Catalogue-Environmental.Science" "Energy Science provides an international, multi-disciplinary forum for information on innovation, research, development and demonstration in the areas of energy exploration and development. The journal aims to be a leading peer-reviewed platform and an authoritative source of information for analyses, reviews and evaluations related to energy science and promote rapid communication and dialogue among researchers, scientists, and engineers working in the areas of energy science." 4 IJAIRR International Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics Research 2972-3353 2972-3361 Computer Science "Journal-Catalogue-Engineering, Journal-Catalogue-Computer.Science" "Artificial Intelligence and Robotics (Abbreviated as AIR) are playing more and more critical roles in many fields. AIR will not only accelerate fundamental scientific research but also empower many paradigm-shift applications. The advancement of AIR will consistently benefit from close cooperation among various disciplines, including mathematics, physics, biology, psychology, and engineering." 4 IJSOC Interdisciplinary Journal of Sustainable Oceans and Coasts Y Environmental Science "Journal-Catalogue-Environmental.Science, Journal-Catalogue-Open.Access" "The Interdisciplinary Journal of Sustainable Oceans and Coasts will publish original research, reviews and perspective articles that will increase our understanding of the world’s complex oceans and the coastal zones that connect them to related land-based systems. Safeguarding and augmenting the well-being of our oceans and coasts is imperative for our sustainable future." 1 IJSSC International Journal on Smart and Sustainable Cities Environmental Science Journal-Catalogue-Environmental.Science "The International Journal on Smart and Sustainable Cities is a biannual publication which aims to provide a platform for global inter-disciplinary research that is at the nexus of urban science and technology, sustainable development, urban planning and resilience, with a focus on the Asia-Pacific region. It accepts high-quality research papers, review papers, insights, and opinions from practitioners and policy makers" 2 JOCEES Journal of Clean Energy and Energy Storage 2811-034X 2811-0358 Environmental Science Journal-Catalogue-Environmental.Science "Journal of Clean Energy and Energy Storage provides a unique platform for exchanging knowledge, innovative ideas, research, and development in the areas of clean energy conversion and energy storage. The scope of the Journal includes analysis and optimization of clean energy processes, sustainable energy systems, and mitigation of environmental pollutants, with a focus on engineering applications." Continuous Publishing JOWT Journal of Water Technology Environmental Science Journal-Catalogue-Environmental.Science "The Journal of Water Technology is a new addition to World Scientific's Sustainability programme, aimed at supporting UN SGD Goal 6, 'Clean Water and Sanitation'. The journal intends to promote the dissemination of the latest research advances in science and technology of water treatment/purification and desalination, in a bid to further research, development, and adoption of the technologies necessary to increase access to clean water." 4 MATERIALS-OPEN Materials Open 2811-0862 Y Materials Science "Journal-Catalogue-Materials.Science, Journal-Catalogue-Open.Access" "Materials Open is a new fully peer-reviewed, rapid publication, open access, broad scope journal that publishes original research and review articles on all aspects of materials sciences. The Journal is editorially aligned with World Scientific’s collection of high-quality and leading materials journals which are considered essential content by top institutions globally." Continuous Publishing SNS Spacecraft and Satellites Y Physics and Astronomy "Journal-Catalogue-Engineering, Journal-Catalogue-Physics, Journal-Catalogue-Open.Access" "Spacecraft & Satellites is a connected, Open Access peer-reviewed journal for those involved in spacecraft design, development, manufacturing, testing, deployment and decommissioning, including ethics and legal aspects, to publish their results and have a specific audience." Continuous Publishing WSARPP World Scientific Annual Review of Particle Physics 2972-3744 2972-3752 Physics and Astronomy Journal-Catalogue-Physics "The main goal of the Annual Review of Particle Physics issue is to document and keep the audience updated on the story of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN and to prepare for the next steps forward with the high-luminosity phase of the LHC to possible future colliders. Additionally, we will cover the exploration of the intensity frontier, and the neighboring field of astroparticle physics and cosmology to enlarge our model of the Universe at different length scales." 1 WSARVD World Scientific Annual Review of Vaccine Design Medical and Life Sciences Journal-Catalogue-Medical.Life.Sciences "The World Scientific Annual Review of Vaccine Design (WSARVD) aims to publish review articles that will contribute to the knowledge of how to make better vaccines, especially towards improving efficacy, safety, durability, manufacturing, and cost management. The scope of this journal includes topics such as nucleic acid-based vaccines, subunit vaccines, carriers and delivery platforms, adjuvants, immunization protocols, immune response, efficacy studies, preclinical and clinical trials, neutralization and cellular assays, and correlates of protection assessment." 1 WSARCI World Scientific Annual Review of Cancel Immunology Medical and Life Sciences Journal-Catalogue-Medical.Life.Sciences "The World Scientific Annual Review of Cancer Immunology, WSARCI, is a unique journal aimed at clinicians and scientists publishing research across the field of immuno-oncology. The journal will focus on research from South-East Asia and the wider APAC region, serving as a platform to highlight and bring global attention to research from this community." 1 GM Geometric Mechanics 2972-4589 2972-4597 Mathematics Journal-Catalogue-Mathematics "Geometric Mechanics is a field that applies geometric methods in mechanics, dynamics, control, transport, stochastic processes, data science, and learning, using both pure and applied mathematics. This journal focuses on promoting theoretical advancements in these areas, while also accepting submissions that showcase substantial applications and contributions in computational subjects." 4 SGLJ Singapore Labour Journal 2811-0315 2811-0447 Y "Economics, Finance and Management" "Journal-Catalogue-Economics.Finance.Management, Journal-Catalogue-Open.Access" "The Singapore Labour Journal (SGLJ) aims to promote labour research and policy issues in Singapore and the surrounding region. It is a peer-reviewed journal that provides a platform for academics, policymakers, and practitioners to publish and advance research in the field of labour. The journal is multi-disciplinary, encompassing labour-related topics such as labour economics, employment and labour relations, work conditions, social policies, health, and safety. " 1 DDM Data-Driven Modelling 3029-1011 Y Mathematics "Journal-Catalogue-Mathematics, Journal-Catalogue-Computer.Science" "Data-Driven Modelling delves into the cutting-edge ideas, methodologies, and tools for constructing data-driven models. Models are the key to understanding reality and making informed decisions. They transform raw data into information and produce actionable insights. This journal publishes works that explore all diverse forms of data-driven modelling, from foundational mathematical approaches to simulations. We cover the tools that drive discovery and innovation in this ever-evolving field." Continuous Publishing JDDS Journal of Data and Dynamic Systems 3029-2867 Mathematics "Journal-Catalogue-Mathematics, Journal-Catalogue-Computer.Science" "Journal of Data and Dynamic Systems aims at publishing high-quality research papers and review papers broadly related to nonlinear dynamics of data, models, systems and their applications. Papers that analyze dynamical systems based on observational data or utilize tools of dynamical systems theory to analyze data algorithms are particularly welcome." Continuous Publishing NMMR Nano Micro Mechanics Review Nanoscience "Journal-Catalogue-Nanoscience, Journal-Catalogue-Engineering" "NMMR aims to attract, assemble and disseminate highly original innovative research in all areas of mechanics. It accepts timely contributions in fundamental and applied nanomechanics, micromechanics and continuum mechanics." 4 FLATLAND FLATLAND Y Materials Science "Journal-Catalogue-Materials.Science, Journal-Catalogue-Open.Access" "Flatland is a new international, Open Access, peer-reviewed journal publishing frontier research related to 2D materials in the broad fields of nanoscience, physics, chemistry, biology, engineering, and materials science. It focuses on applications of 2D materials in electronics, photonics, one-health and energy areas, aimed at improving our fundamental understanding of 2D materials and their heterostructures, as well as the stacking of hybrid 2D materials and the integration with 3D materials." Continuous Publishing JSMSE Journal of Sustainable Materials Science and Engineering Y Engineering "Journal-Catalogue-Materials.Science, Journal-Catalogue-Open.Access, Journal-Catalogue-Engineering, Journal-Catalogue-Environmental.Science" "JSMSE will publish articles pertaining to research, development, and application of materials (comprising metals, ceramics, semiconductors, polymers, biomaterials, and composites), for sustainable applications, aiming to highlight novel solutions consistent with concepts such as Materials Efficiency and Circular Materials Economy. " Continuous Publishing MIDS Materials Informatics and Data Science 3029-181X Y Materials Science "Journal-Catalogue-Materials.Science, Journal-Catalogue-Open.Access, Journal-Catalogue-Computer.Science" "Materials Informatics and Data Science (MIDS) is an interdisciplinary journal dedicated to publishing cutting-edge research at the confluence of materials science, engineering, and data science. MIDS aims to serve as the premier forum to unite scientists and engineers working across these fields and to facilitate the exchange of ideas, techniques, and technologies." Continuous Publishing