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Submission Guidelines

  1. The journal does not accept any submission on applications of methods to deal with uncertainty or methods based on machine learning or optimisation methods, to medicine, agriculture, teaching, cloud computing, wireless sensor, mobile ad hoc networks, image and video processing, and security. It does not either accept submissions on pure fuzzy mathematics, such as fuzzy topology or fuzzy algebra.
  2. All submissions (include pdf and sourcefiles) should be made solely through this website: Camera-ready manuscripts are to be prepared using computer typesetting software (TeX, LaTeX or Microsoft Word). Detailed instructions for preparation of manuscripts are available below.
  3. Submission of a manuscript indicates a tacit understanding that the paper is not actively under consideration for publication with other journals.
  4. All papers will be acknowledged and refereed. They will not be returned. Authors may recommend appropriate persons as referees for their papers although this in no way binds the Editors to follow their suggestions.
  5. Once a paper is accepted, the author is assumed to have transferred the copyright of the paper to World Scientific Publishing Co.
  6. Camera-ready manuscripts are to be prepared according to the instructions provided. Submission of camera-ready manuscripts implies that the manuscripts are in their final form and will not be edited by the publisher or returned to the author for proofreading before publication. Deviations from these instructions may cause a delay in publication of the paper concerned.
  7. The finalized version of the submitted paper should be less than 25 pages.
  8. A pdf version of each published article/paper will be provided to the first-named author/corresponding author free-of-charge in lieu of the offprints. Purchase orders for offprints can be made during submission of manuscripts.
Detailed instructions for preparation of manuscripts are available in:

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