Manuscripts are to be submitted online via Editorial Manager (EM), a fully web-based submission, peer-review, and tracking system. Manuscript submitted by email to will be accepted only when there are problems in the online submission system.
New Authors: If you are submitting via the online system for the first time, you will first be required to register. From the account you create, you will be able to monitor your submission and make subsequent submissions.
Manuscripts are to be prepared according to the instructions provided below. They should preferably be prepared using a TEX style file or MS Word file. Authors are expected to check their proofs before publication. Free TEX program is available at
Figures/illustrations are preferably to be prepared with at least 3.5 inches in width, and the text in the figures should be typeset in at least 9 pt Times Roman. The figures are preferably to be in Encapsulated PostScript (EPS) with a resolution of at least 300 dpi. All figures/illustrations, by default, will be published in black and white on print copies. Contributors have to pay the cost of US$200 for each color page. Please indicate illustrations/figures that are designated for color print (on print copies) during the submission of the accepted manuscript.
Authors are requested to recommend three reviewers for their manuscripts and explain why their manuscripts are to be published in the journal (strong points, etc.).
Once a paper is accepted, authors are assumed to cede copyrights of the paper over to World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd.
All papers will be acknowledged and refereed. They will not be returned.
Submission of a manuscript indicates a tacit understanding that the paper is not actively under consideration for publication with other journals.
There is no page charge for the journal.
The corresponding authors will be provided with the free softcopy of the final paper in pdf.
Detailed instructions for preparation of manuscripts are available in: