The main purpose of this Series is to publish high quality books and monographs from all subareas of Non-Pure and/or Applicable Mathematics and the many real-life applications, as well as connections to other areas of Mathematical Sciences, as long as they are presented in a Concrete way. A sample list of connected mathematical areas with this book series includes and is not restricted to: Applied Analysis, Applied Functional Analysis, Probability Theory, Stochastic Processes, Approximation Theory, ODE, PDE, Wavelet, Neural Networks, Difference Equations, Summability, Fractals, Special Functions, Splines, Asymptotic Analysis, Fractional Analysis, Inequalities, Moment Theory, Numerical Functional Analysis, Tomography, Asymptotic Expansions, Fourier Analysis, Applied Harmonic Analysis, Integral Equations, Signal Analysis, Numerical Analysis, Optimization, Operations Research, Linear Programming, Fuzziness, Mathematical Finance, Stochastic Analysis, Game Theory, Mathematical Physics aspects, Applied Real and Complex Analysis, Computational Number Theory, Graph Theory, and Combinatorics.
In general, any kind of concretely presented mathematics which is applicable fits the scope of this series. Working concretely and in Applicable Mathematics has become a main trend in recent years, so we can understand better and deeper and solve the important problems of our real and scientific world.