This book brings together the joint work of Drew Fudenberg and David Levine (through 2008) on the closely connected topics of repeated games and reputation effects, along with related papers on more general issues in game theory and dynamic games. The unified presentation highlights the recurring themes of their work.
Sample Chapter(s)
Introduction (784 KB)
Chapter 1: Subgame-Perfect Equilibria of Finite- and Infinite-Horizon Games (656 KB)
- Limits, Continuity and Robustness:
- Subgame-Perfect Equilibria of Finite- and Infinite-Horizon Games (D Fudenberg & D K Levine)
- Limit Games and Limit Equilibria (D Fudenberg & D K Levine)
- Open-Loop and Closed-Loop Equilibria in Dynamic Games with Many Players (D Fudenberg & D K Levine)
- Finite Player Approximations to a Continuum of Players (D Fudenberg & D K Levine)
- On the Robustness of Equilibrium Refinements (D Fudenberg et al.)
- When are Nonanonymous Players Negligible? (D Fudenberg et al.)
- Reputation Effects:
- Reputation and Equilibrium Selection in Games with a Patient Player (D Fudenberg & D K Levine)
- Maintaining a Reputation When Strategies are Imperfectly Observed (D Fudenberg & D K Levine)
- Maintaining a Reputation Against a Long-Lived Opponent (M Celentani et al.)
- When is Reputation Bad? (J Ely et al.)
- Repeated Games:
- The Folk Theorem in Repeated Games with Discounting or with Incomplete Information (D Fudenberg & E Maskin)
- The Folk Theorem with Imperfect Public Information (D Fudenberg et al.)
- Efficiency and Observability with Long-Run and Short-Run Players (D Fudenberg & D K Levine)
- An Approximate Folk Theorem with Imperfect Private Information (D Fudenberg & D K Levine)
- The Nash-Threats Folk Theorem with Communication and Approximate Common Knowledge in Two Player Games (D Fudenberg & D K Levine)
- Perfect Public Equilibria When Players are Patient (D Fudenberg et al.)
- Continuous Time Limits of Repeated Games with Imperfect Public Monitoring (D Fudenberg & D K Levine)
Readership: Graduate students and researchers in game theory.
Drew Fudenberg began his career at UC Berkeley, where he was tenured at the age of 28; he then taught at MIT, and moved to Harvard in 1993, where he is currently the Frederick E Abbe Professor of Economics. Fudenberg is a Fellow of the Econometric Society, and a past member of its Council; he is also a member of the American Academy of Arts and Science. Fudenberg was the editor of Econometrica from 1986 to 2000 and has served as associate editor for Games and Economic Behavior, the Journal of Economic Theory, the Quarterly Journal of Economics, and Theoretical Economics. He is the co-author of Dynamic Models of Oligopoly (with Jean Tirole), Game Theory (with Jean Tirole) and The Theory of Learning in Games (with David K Levine). In addition to the work collected here, Fudenberg helped pioneer the use of modern game theoretic analysis in industrial organization, and the study of non-equilibrium learning. His current research interests include bounded rationality, contract theory, evolutionary game theory, nonequilibrium learning, and repeated games.
David K Levine is Professor of Economics at Washington University in St. Louis. He is co-editor of Econometrica, co-editor of NAJ Economics, President of the Society for Economic Dyamics, fellow of the Econometric Society, research associate of the NBER, member of the American Economic Association Honors and Awards Committee, and member of the Sloan Research Fellowship Program Committee. He has published extensively in professional journals, including The American Economic Review, Econometrica, The Review of Economic Studies, The Journal of Political Economy, The Journal of Economic Theory, The Quarterly Journal of Economics, and The American Political Science Review. He is the author of (list books here). Prof. Levine's ongoing research in general equilibrium theory focuses on growth theory, innovation, and intellectual property. His other main area of research interest is dynamic games. Currently, Prof. Levine is studying the endogenous formation of preferences and social norms. He was among the first to use quantitative theory to study experimental data, using a model of signalling of intentions to explain altruism and spite in games such as ultimatum bargaining and centipede.