15 DECEMBER 2023: Unmanned Systems Annual Best Paper Awards for 2022 and 2023 were jointly presented by co-founding editors-in-chief of Unmanned Systems, at the 62nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2023) banquet on 15 December 2023, at Marina Bay Sands, Singapore. Representing the four winning papers were Professor in Autonomous Vehicles in the Department of Aeronautical and Automotive Engineering at Loughborough University, UK, Wen-Hua Chen; Misaki Hanafusa from Tokyo Denki University, Japan; Research Assistant Professor at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Tianqi Wang; and Associate Professor and Associate Head of Pillar of the Engineering Product Development (EPD) at the Singapore University of Technology and Design, Singapore, Shaohui Foong.
The 2023 Award Winners were selected from papers published in Unmanned Systems from 2020 to 2021, while the 2022 Award Winners were selected from papers published between 2019 and 2020.
Winners of Unmanned Systems Best Paper Award (2020–2021)
Winners of Unmanned Systems Best Paper Award (2019–2020)
Congratulations, winners!
About the Award
The Unmanned Systems Best Paper Award recognizes outstanding papers published in the Unmanned Systems and consists of a cash prize up to US$3,000 in total each year, as well as one plaque per paper and a certificate for each author. This year's award was sponsored by Beijing Institute of Technology, China. Authors of papers published in Unmanned Systems during the two calendar years preceding the year of the award are eligible for the award. Nominated work will be judged by an award committee based on its originality, relevance of the application, clarity of exposition, and demonstrated impact on unmanned systems technology.
Nomination Procedure: All nominations are to be sent to the editors-in-chief of Unmanned Systems by June 30. Nominations must be submitted electronically and should include: a letter from the nominator describing the outstanding features of the paper; and up to two additional supporting letters from individuals who are familiar with the paper. The names and contact information of the individuals who have been asked to provide additional supporting letters must be included in the nomination package.