World Scientific has established the Nikolaos Bourbakis Award for Outstanding Contributions in Artificial Intelligence Tools to honor his innovative leadership and inventive research contributions as the Founder and EIC of IJAIT, with a BAIF cash prize of US$500 given annually to the author(s) of the best paper published in the previous volume year. The recipient(s) of the award will be selected by EICs and AEB of IJAIT and will be announced in an issue of the next year.
Dr. Nikolaos Bourbakis (IEEE Life Fellow, AAIAFellow) currently is a Distinguished Professor ofInformation & Technology and the Director ofthe Center of Assistive Research Technologies(CART) at WSU. He is the Founder and is/was the EIC of three International Journals (IJAIT,IJMSTR, T-BEBI), and the Founder and the Steering Committee Chair of International IEEE Computer Society Conferences (like TAI, BIBE,IISA). He has also served as an Associate Editor in a dozen of International Journals and as a Keynote Speaker in dozens of IEEE International Conferences. He pursues research in Assistive Technologies, Applied Artificial Intelligence, Bioengineering, Information Security, and Distributed Processing funded (US$18M) by USA and European governmentand industry. He has extensively published around 500 publications in IEEE and International Journals, Conferences and Books, and he has supervised several dozens of PhD students. His research work has been internationally recognizedand won numerous high prestigious awards in IEEE, Universities and Societies.