Chaos control has become a fast-developing interdisciplinary research field in recent years. This book is for engineers and applied scientists who want to have a broad understanding of the emerging field of chaos control. It describes fundamental concepts, outlines representative techniques, provides case studies, and highlights recent developments, putting the reader at the forefront of current research.
Important topics presented in the book include:
- Fundamentals of nonlinear dynamical systems, essential for understanding and developing chaos control methods.
- Parametric variation and parameter tuning techniques.
- External forcing and entrainment — migration controls.
- Various engineering feedback approaches: Lyapunov-type of controls, optimal control, adaptive control, robust control, sliding-mode control, intelligent controls (using neural networks and fuzzy logic), digital control, stochastic control, filtering, entropy reduction, etc.
- Frequency-domain approaches.
- Local or decentralized controls for spatiotemporal chaos.
- Chaos synchronization through system decomposition, feedback, and inverse system approach; various methods of synchronization including generalized and phase synchronization, autosynchronization; communication based on chaos synchronization.
- Bifurcation control, anticontrol of chaos, pattern formation, and disorder-enhanced chaos control.
- Nonlinear Dynamical Systems
- Parameter-Dependent Approaches to Chaos Control
- Open-Loop Strategies for Chaos Control
- Engineering Feedback Control (I) – (III)
- Adaptive Control of Chaos
- Intelligent Control of Chaos
- Chaos Control in Distributed Systems
- Chaos Synchronization
- More on Chaos Control
Readership: Researchers in chaos, dynamical systems & nonlinear science and engineers.
“As a comprehensive representation of the state of the field of chaotic control this book will be hard to beat … any lab considering the attempt to control nonlinear systems should have a copy of this outstanding volume on their shelves.”
UK Nonlinear News