This book introduces the reader to an area of elementary particle physics which has been the subject of intensive research in the past two decades. It provides graduate students with the basic theoretical background on quantum gauge field theories formulated on a space-time lattice, and with the computational tools for carrying out research in this field. The book is a substantially extended version of the first edition which appeared in 1992. Much effort has been invested to present the material in a transparent way, and in exemplifying subtle points in simple models. The material covered should enable the reader to follow the vast literature on the subject without too much difficulties. Hopefully the book will motivate young physicists to carry out research in this area of elementary particle physics.
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- The Path Integral Approach to Quantization
- The Free Scalar Field on the Lattice
- Fermions on the Lattice
- Abelian Gauge Fields on the Lattice and Compact QED
- Non-Abelian Gauge Fields on the Lattice. Compact QCD
- The Wilson Loop and the Static Quark–Antiquark Potential
- The Q1 Potential in Some Simple Models
- The Continuum Limit of Lattice QCD
- Lattice Sum Rules
- The Strong Coupling Expansion
- The Hopping Parameter Expansion
- Weak Coupling Expansion (I) — The Φ3-Theory
- Weak Coupling Expansion (II) — Lattice QED
- Weak Coupling Expansion (III) — Lattice QCD
- Monte Carlo Methods
- Some Results of Monte Carlo Calculations
- Path-Integral Representation of the Thermodynamical Partition Function for Some Solvable Bosonic and Fermionic Systems
- Finite Temperature Perturbation Theory off and on the Lattice
- Non-Perturbative QCD at Finite Temperature
Readership: Physicists.
“… it will be a readable and useful source for students planning to embark on research in the subject.”
Mathematical Reviews