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String Theory in Curved Space Times cover

The main goal and impact of modern string theory is to provide a consistent quantum theory of gravity. This book provides an updated collection of original new developments and fundamental research in string theory in connection with gravity and physics at the Planck energy scale.

Topics treated in this volume by pioneering researchers in the field include: classical and quantum string dynamics in strong gravitational fields, space-time singularities, black holes and cosmological backgrounds; particle and string scattering at the Planck energy scale; string cosmology and its observational consequences; the new features of multistrings and of quantum particle transmutation for strings in curved spacetimes.

The book deals with (i) the several new methods developed to solve the highly nonlinear string dynamics in curved spactimes: approximative perturbative methods, asymptotic expansions, exact local expansions and exact global (over the whole world sheet) string solitonic solutions, (ii) the string energy momentum tensor and the equation of state for the string matter, the stretching of the string size in spacetimes with event horizons and near spacetime singularities, (iii) the canonical and semiclassical quantization of strings in curved spacetimes and the physical effects found for: the mass spectrum, structure of levels, scattering amplitudes, number operator and particle transmutation.

  • String Theory in Cosmological Spacetimes (H J de Vega & N Sánchez)
  • Evolution of a String Network in Backgrounds with Rolling Horizons (M Gasperini, M Giovannini, K A Meissner & G Veneziano)
  • Particle Transmutation and Fermion Number Violation from the Scattering of Strings and Superstrings in Curved Spacetimes (H J de Vega, M Ramón Medrano & N Sánchez)
  • Particle and String Scattering at the Planck Scale (C O Lousto & N Sánchez)
  • Strings in Curved Spacetimes: The Null String Approach (H J de Vega & A Nicolaidis)
  • Strings and Multi-Strings in Black Hole and Cosmological Spacetimes (A L Larsen & N Sánchez)
  • Integrable Field Theories (C Destri & H J de Vega)
  • Von Neumann and Shannon-Wehrl Entropy for Squeezed States and Cosmological Particle Production (M Gasperini & M Giovannini)
  • Preheating and Reheating in Inflationary Cosmology: A Pedagogical Review (D Boyanovsky, H J de Vega, R Holman & J F J Salgado)
  • Circular Strings and Multi-Strings in de Sitter and Anti de Sitter Spacetimes (H J de Vega, A L Larsen & N Sánchez)
  • The Two-Dimensional Stringy Black Hole: A New Approach and a New Effect (H J de Vega, J Ramírez Mittelbrun, M Ramón Medrano & N Sánchez)
  • Relic Gravitons from the Pre-Big Bang: What We Know and What We Do Not Know (M Gasperini)
  • Classical Splitting of Fundamental Strings (H J de Vega, J Ramírez Mittelbrun, M Ramón Medrano & N Sánchez)
  • Cosmic Strings and Black Holes (A L Larsen)
  • Strings Next To and Inside Black Holes (H J de Vega & I L Egusquiza)
  • String Dynamics in Cosmological and Black Hole Backgrounds: The Null String Expansion (C O Lousto & N Sánchez)
  • The Black Hole: Scatterer, Absorber and Emitter of Particles (N Sánchez)
  • Une Approche du Temps et des Fréquences. Vers le Mètre et la Seconde (S Débarbat & M Granveaud)

Readership: Researchers in string theory, cosmology and particle physics.