This invaluable book provides an elementary description of supersymmetric quantum mechanics which complements the traditional coverage found in the existing quantum mechanics textbooks. It gives physicists a fresh outlook and new ways of handling quantum-mechanical problems, and also leads to improved approximation techniques for dealing with potentials of interest in all branches of physics. The algebraic approach to obtaining eigenstates is elegant and important, and all physicists should become familiar with this.
The book has been written in such a way that it can be easily appreciated by students in advanced undergraduate quantum mechanics courses. Problems have been given at the end of each chapter, along with complete solutions to all the problems. The text also includes material of interest in current research not usually discussed in traditional courses on quantum mechanics, such as the connection between exact solutions to classical soliton problems and isospectral quantum Hamiltonians, and the relation to the inverse scattering problem.
- The Schrödinger Equation in One Dimension
- Factorization of a General Hamiltonian
- Shape Invariance and Solvable Potentials
- Charged Particles in External Fields and Supersymmetry
- Isospectral Hamiltonians
- New Periodic Potentials from Supersymmetry
- Supersymmetric WKB Approximation
- Perturbative Methods for Calculating Energy Spectra and Wave Functions
- Appendices:
- Path Integrals and SUSY
- Operator Transforms — New Solvable Potentials from Old
- Logarithmic Perturbation Theory
- Solutions to Problems
Readership: Graduate and advanced undergraduate students and researchers in quantum, mathematical, theoretical and high energy physics.
“The many figures and exercises with answers make this book particularly suitable for students in advanced undergraduate and beginning graduate quantum-mechanical courses.”
Mathematics Abstracts
“… this eminently readable book is a welcome introductory treatise on supersymmetric methods in quantum mechanics … the elementary mathematical language employed throughout the book makes it accessible to anybody who has gone through an introductory quantum mechanics course.”
Mathematical Reviews
“It provides a solid basic background to some important and deep ideas in quantum mechanics which also have applications in quantum field theory. The authors have kept the discussion simple and clear, but have nevertheless managed to capture much of the beauty and richness of the subject. I think most readers will come to the end of the book having learned many things, and being eager to know more about the subject of supersymmetry. In this sense the book is a success — it whets the appetite and conveys a taste of the magic of supersymmetry.”
Contemporary Physics
“The authors of this monograph have made significance contributions to this field, especially those related to systematics of shape invariant potentials, new exact models of band structure and WKB approximation. They have produced a delightful monograph on the subject. The usefulness of this monograph is further enhanced by a set of exercises given with each chapter.”
Current Science
“After a semester of undergraduate quantum mechanics, a student could read the first three chapters and have no difficulty grasping the meaning of supersymmetry. Depending on interest, an instructor could select special topics in this book for unusual twists on quantum mechanics problems … someone studying supersymmetric field theory is likely to find this book helpful to illustrate complex ideas through simpler examples.”
American Journal of Physics