Chapter 11: Indian Trigonometry: From Ancient Beginnings to Nilakantha
This chapter is based on a preprint authored by Madhukar Mallayya (2009) who carried out a comprehensive survey for a AHRB Research project on Medieval Kerala Mathematics.
The following sections are included:
A Preliminary Note
Basic Indian Trigonometry: Introduction and Terminology
The Work of Aryabhata I (b. 476 CE)
The Suryasiddhanta
The Work of Varahmahira (fl. 500 CE)
Bhaskara I's sine Approximation Formula
The Work of Brahmagupta (b. 598 CE)
The Work of Vatesvara (b. 880 CE)
The Work of Bhaskaracharya (b. 1114 CE)
The Golasara of Nilakantha
A Concluding Note: Spherical Trigonometry in India