Basal Factors Recognize Promoters and Assemble the Pre-Initiation Transcription Complexes
The following sections are included:
σ Factors Recruit Bacterial RNA Polymerases to Different Promoters and Assist Transcript Initiation
Simple Beginnings: The Archaeal TATA-Binding Protein (TBP)-TFB-RNAP Initiation Complex
Eukaryotic RNAPII Promoters: TATA-Boxes, Initiator Elements and TBP/TBP-Associated Factors Responsible for Sequence-Specific Recognition
Recruitment of RNAPII/TFIIF
Promoter Melting, Transcript Initiation and the Role of TFIIE and TFIIH
Re-initiation and Recycling of Basal Factors
Basal Factors Reorganize Promoter Topology
The RNAPII Holoenzyme