Worms and Microorganisms Can Cause Lymphatic Disease in Residents of Filariasis-endemic Areas
The following sections are included:
Worms and Microorganisms Can Each Independently Cause Episodic Adenolymphangitis
AFL is Triggered by the Death of Adult Filarial Worms
Pyogenic Organisms Cause Episodic ADLA
Episodes of ADLA and AFL Can Occur and Recur in the Same Individual
Lymphatic Dysfunction Predisposes to Episodic Attacks of Bacterial Adenolymphangitis
The Pathogenesis of “Chronic Filariasis” is Multifactorial
Bacterial Infections are the Most Common Cause of Elephantiasis in Native Residents of Filariasis-Endemic Areas
Filarial Worms per se are the Most Common Cause of Hydrocoeles in Residents of Filariasis-Endemic Areas
Prevention and Treatment