Thermodynamics of Reactions
The following sections are included:
Standard Free Energies of Formation
Predominance Area Diagram for the Fe–H2O System, 298.15 K
Reactions Involving Dissolved Species and Solids, Nonredox
Reactions Involving Oxidation and Reduction
The Hydrogen Scale
The pe Scale
Equilibria between Solids
Equilibria between Ions and Solids
Equilibria between Ions
Representation of Equilibria
Discussion of the Diagram, Fig. 3.1
The Sulphur–Water System, 298.15 K
Data Used
Acid Dissociation Constants
Redox Equilibria
Discussion of the Diagram, Fig. 3.2
The Copper–Sulphur–Water System, 298.15 K
Data Used
Discussion of the Diagram, Fig. 3.3
Thermodynamics of Electrolyte Solutions at Elevated Temperatures
Construction of Predominance Area Diagrams for Elevated Temperatures
The S–H2O System, 423 K
The Cu–S–H2O System, 423 K
The Fe–S–H2O System, 423 K
Estimation of Entropies and Heat Capacities of Ionic Species
Precipitation of Metals from Solution by Reduction
Deposition of Metals by Electrolysis
Precipitation of Metals by Hydrogen Gas
Precipitation of Compounds from Solution
The Second Dissociation Constant of H2S(aq)
Precipitation of Sparingly Soluble Metal Sulphides
Nucleation and Crystal Growth
Precipitation of Arsenates
Precipitation of Iron as Oxides
pH at Elevated Temperatures
Precipitation of Solids at Elevated Temperatures
True Solubility and Temperature
Hydrolysis and Temperature
Speciation Diagrams
Speciation in Multicomponent Solutions
Precipitation of Trace Metals in Estuarine Water
Adsorption and Coprecipitation of Metals from Solutions