Dynamical rearrangement of symmetry and macroscopic manifestations of QFT
The following sections are included:
Dynamical rearrangement of symmetry
SU(2) symmetry
Global U(1) symmetry
Local U(1) symmetry and the emergence of classical Maxwell equations
The boson transformation theorem and the nonhomogeneous boson condensation
Topological singularities, gapless modes and macroscopic observables
Defect formation in the process of symmetry breaking phase transitions
Group contraction and spontaneous symmetry breaking
The infrared effect
Group contraction, boson condensation and macroscopic quantum systems
The collective behavior of quantum components and group contraction
Quantum fluctuations and macroscopic stability
Quantum mechanical decoherence and stability of macroscopic quantum systems
Appendix K Group contraction and Virasoro algebra
Appendix L Phase locking in the N atom system