The following sections are included:
Definitions: Nanoclusters are Distinct from Nanoparticles
Bimetallic nanoclusters and bimetallic nanoparticles are not alloys
The Merits of Studying Bimetallic Nanocluster Catalysts
Why Focus on Bimetallic Catalysts Based on Platinum Group Metals (PGMs)?
Specific Examples of High-performance Bimetallic Nanocluster Catalysts for Selective Hydrogenations under Benign Conditions
Bimetallic nanocluster catalysts for ammoxidation
Bimetallic nanocluster catalysts for the (sustainable) synthesis of adipic acid
Bimetallic and Trimetallic Nanocluster Catalysts Containing Tin: The Experimental Facts
Quantum Computational Insights
The computational method
Assessing the structure and electronic properties of Ru5PtSn in the gas phase and when supported on silica (cristobalite)
Quantum insights into the structure and densities of states of RunSnn (n = 3 to 6) clusters in the gas phase
Comparisons with Nanocluster Catalysts Involving Gold, Platinum, Palladium and Iridium
Nanocluster catalysts of palladium and iridium
The role of the catalyst support