Solar neutrino responses for 71Ga and double beta decay isotopes
Solar neutrino nuclear responses (square of nuclear matrix elements NMEs) for 71Ga and double beta decay (DBD) isotopes are discussed. Subjects discussed include i) neutrino nuclear responses and reduction (renormalization) of axial vector coupling, ii) high energy-resolution charge exchange reactions (CERs) and muon CERs to study neutrino nuclear responses, iii) neutrino nuclear responses for low-lying states in 71Ga and the Ga anomaly, iv) solar neutrino interactions with DBD isotopes and their contributions to backgrounds at ROI of neutrino-less DBD, and v) CNO neutrino studies by using the CC interactions with 71Ga and 136Xe.
- Solar neutrinos
- neutrino nuclear responses for 71Ga
- Ga anomaly
- double beta decays
- CNO neutrinos
- neutrino nuclear response
- axial vector coupling gA